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Preflop dilema


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Here we go... there are 5 common situations that happen very often and are tricky to play (...at least for me) let's say that there are no maniac or rocks at the table... average players NL Holdem Cash game Blinds: Small stakes, up to 0,25/0,50 6 players, Short-handed edit: all 6 players have approx. equal stacks between 80 and 100 BB Pre-flop: Hero is Button with: ??? UTG limps, UTG+1 folds, CO limps, Hero ???, SB, BB What would you do, if you were dealt: a) 45s b) 88 c) KTs d) KJ e) AJ I would: a) fold b) call c) call or maybe raise 3-4BB d) call f) raise 3-4BB If you have any other "preflop dilema", write it here ;) cheers :ok

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Re: Preflop dilema

What would you do, if you were dealt: a) 45s b) 88 c) KTs d) KJ e) AJ :ok
With One 3*BB Raise before me a - Fold b - Call c - Fold d - Fold e - Call With 2 Limpers before me a - Call b - Call c - Call d - Fold/Call dependent on Player Read e - Call/Raise 3*BB dependent on Player Read First in a - Call b - Call c - Raise 3*BB d - Raise 3*BB e - Raise 2 - 3*BB
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Re: Preflop dilema This is a VERY unusual situation - it's a cash game which is usually deep stacked (average 100 BB or so), but in this situation, if it is 25c/50c the average is only about 13 BB ...... so a lot of your usual implied odds are not there ..... this will have a massive impact on how you play the hands....

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Re: Preflop dilema yes GaF, you are right i made a mistake and wasn't clear enough it would be better if i said, that all 6 players have stacks between 80 and 100 BB btw, it's not for 0,25/0,50 only... i wanted to say that it's for lower limits not for 3/6, where players are much better

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Re: Preflop dilema Quoted : ''btw, it's not for 0,25/0,50 only... i wanted to say that it's for lower limits not for 3/6, where players are much better'' I'm not so sure about this bit...they have more money maybe, but not so sure if this makes them better players.

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Re: Preflop dilema

Quoted : ''btw' date=' it's not for 0,25/0,50 only... i wanted to say that it's for lower limits not for 3/6, [i']where players are much better'' I'm not so sure about this bit...they have more money maybe, but not so sure if this makes them better players.
I think there are some players who just sit down at the tables their bankroll/income supports - for these players the level at which they play is no indication of ability..... There are other players who start at the bottom, and move up the levels as their results allow. Someone who's making a killing at 5c/10c is likely to move up and play at a higher level. Someone starting at 5c/10c and losing money is unlikely to move up .... the "evolution" is therefore for better players to move up the levels..... Overall I have no doubts that the standard of play is higher at higher levels because of the second category of player - the first category ensures that you still have the bad players/dead money, whereever you play
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