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Help... high cards


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Hi guys, i play mostly NL cash games and i noticed, that i often don`t know how to play two high overcards, like AJ, KQ,... (not pairs) when i miss the flop. I wonder, what is the right play for this, when you miss the flop and... a) you are first to act? b) everyone check and you are last to act? Another similar situation is, when i have high pair (TT, JJ,...), and there is one overcard on the flop. Again, what to do when... a) you are first to act? b) everyone check and you are last to act? c) someone bets something like 1/2 the pot and you are last to act? Thanks for your answers :ok GL, H.

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Re: Help... high cards

some more information would be nice' date=' such as blinds you play and whether you play short handed or full table.[/quote'] of course... i play mostly $0,05/0,10 short-handed, and "testing" $0,10/0,20
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Re: Help... high cards It's also very dependent on the number of players still in and how they play ..... it's very difficult to generalise..... It also depends on what you did pre flop .... did you (or someone else) raise? How big are your opponents stacks? Easiest to say is, if you raised pre flop and have an absolute maximum of 2 opponents, and they check to you, and you are last to act, then a "continuation bet" of about 50% of the pot is probably a good idea..... Beyond that, the best bet is probably to post some hand histories as you come to hands that you are unsure of......

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Re: Help... high cards OK, here we go, two common situations at the table... Game is SH, 6 players, all approx. equal stacks 1) I'm SB a) i have JJ... UTG limps, i bet 4BB, BB calls, UTG calls flop is A,9,8 rainbow... i'm first to act... what now? b) i have AQs... UTG limps, i bet 4BB, BB calls, UTG calls flop is J,9,6 rainbow... i'm first to act... what now? 2) I'm on the Button a) i have JJ... UTG bets 4BB, MP calls, i call flop is A,9,8 rainbow... i'm last to act... what if someone bets 1/2 the pot / both check? b) i have AQs... UTG bets 4BB, MP calls, i call flop is J,9,6 rainbow... i'm last to act... what if someone bets 1/2 the pot / both check?

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Re: Help... high cards 1 a) I will often put a continuation bet in of 50% of the pot. The Ace is a scare card .... but it's as scary to your opponents if they haven't got one. Any resistence and I fold b) Again, I'll probably try a continuation bet, but fold in the face of resistance. 2 a) If someone bets half the pot, then I'm folding (assuming the player betting hasnt shown himself to be a maniac) If it's checked to me, I probably bet half the pot. b) I probably fold to a half bet pot. I probably check if it's checked to me and see a card... Assuming the stacks are deep and there is no pressure.....

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Re: Help... high cards :nana First of all Hi! First post n all that :clap I can relate to your situation Hajlender, I think thats where my game falls apart, well that and my lack of experience. Have been working on the continuation betting and getting reasonable results, just trying to find the balance and knowing when to get out.

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Re: Help... high cards very tricky depends on player reads, whether you are playing lots of hands or just a few etc whatever you do try to keep it fairly consistent that way folks can't get a read on you to know whether you hit or not (not the same every time, so sometimes 3BB raise, sometimes 6 etc - and maybe a 1/2 pot bet, sometimes a 3/4. and if folks are really loose then make it a pot bet when you hit! :ok The one thing i have been doing a lot lately is the delayed continuation bet - so i check the flop (if first to act) and then 1/2 pot the turn - am hoping that folks think i am checking a monster to chk raise the flop and when I get no action i then 'must' bet the turn Damo

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