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Deepstack Tournaments

slick mick

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After the excellent Fenners freeroll last night and Monday's PPGP game I thought I'd have a look for some better structured tournaments. The only regularly scheduled ones I've found so far are on Pokerstars and listed below. Most are quite late but the weekend ones look promising. If anybody knows of any others, regular or occasional, I'd be interested to hear about them. If we get enough perhaps we can have a deep stack sticky. WEDNESDAY Pokerstars 11.15pm $20 + 2 THURSDAY FRIDAY Pokerstars 11.15pm $20 + 2 SATURDAY Pokerstars 5pm $10 +1 Pokerstars 11.15pm $20 + 2 SUNDAY Pokerstars 5pm $10 +1 Pokerstars 11.15pm $20 + 2

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Re: Deepstack Tournaments Full tilt have a few scheduled double stack (3000 chips) Mtt's. They have a $24+2 DS $11,000 GTD at 7 pm every night. And you can win $26 tokens through $6 and $8 SnG's. 8.30pm $30+3 DS direct buy-in only. The rest are bigger buy-ins but there's allsorts of satellites's for them. And there's lots of DS tourney's for the other variants. They also have 90 player DS SnG's, but these take a long time. I played a $5 game and it took 4 hours.:eek It also says they have super stack Mtt's aswell but i've yet to see one.

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Re: Deepstack Tournaments

Do they have scheduled times or are they random?
Don't know the schedule, but laddies do have loads of them ..... for example tonight: 19:45 $4+40c $500 Gtd 5000 Starting Chips, 15 minute blinds And tomorrow 12:00 $5+50c 4000 Starting Chips 10 Minute Blinds 16:30 $3+30c $300 Gtd 4000 Starting Chips 15 minute blinds 18:15 $10+$1 5000 Starting Chips 15 minute blinds 19:45 $4+40c $500 Gtd 5000 Starting Chips, 15 minute blinds It looks like those 4 may all be daily ;)
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Re: Deepstack Tournaments This is a great idea Mick :ok I do love a deepstack tourny, especially with good blind levels. i'll keep my eye out:rollin I suppose the APAT events every other Saturday would be one. But they can be a bit mad for a $22 entry :loon

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Re: Deepstack Tournaments its one thing to quote starting chips and blind intervals but if the blind increases are greater than nomal then you are basicly in the same position after an hour as you are in a lot of mtt's. Its like laddies ludicrous deep stack turbo idea Trust me that the betfair normal tourneys with 2000 starting chips and 15 min blinds meet what you are looking for.

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  • 1 year later...

Re: Deepstack Tournaments Sorry to resurrect a rather old thread, but I'm playing the Pokerstars $10+$1 deep stack tournament that Mick mentioned in the first post, after noticing it in the lobby just before it started. I hadn't realized quite how good (or bad, depending on your point of view :D) the structure is. It's 5000 starting stacks, 30 minute blinds, and standard Pokerstars blind levels (starting at 10/20). It's nice to be able to try playing in something with this kind of structure for a reasonable buy-in. This one started with 1086 players. I'll try to remember to make a note of how long it lasts, though at the moment I'm not looking favourite to be involved in the finish! :cry

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Re: Deepstack Tournaments Its a good tourney. :ok If my memory serves me correctly Mike Saban got to the final table in this (coming 6th?) around two or three years ago. I won't spoil it for you by telling you the time of his post when he'd finished. :lol

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Re: Deepstack Tournaments Hadn't seen this thread before. This is the tourney that I had my first 'big' cash in, (about 18 months ago). If I remember correctly, it started about 2 in the afternoon (looks different to Mick's post though :unsure) and I finally won it at about 11 in the evening, so quite a long haul for an online tourney. It was the $20 + $2 tourney and I think there were about 300 runners or so. I won about 2.3k, so not a bad days work. I quite enjoyed the structure, made a nice change from the allin fests that most online tourneys develop into. GL Slapdah. :hope

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Re: Deepstack Tournaments Down to 3.1k at the first break (don't worry, I won't bore you all with hourly updates!). No particular horrendous bad-beats or blunders (I think): I just never hit the flop and the bastards kept calling/raising my continuation bets. :@ Still, it's nice to go through a bad first hour and still have over 60 big blinds left.

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Re: Deepstack Tournaments

Pene was moaning about this tourney a few weeks back' date=' not appreciating quite how late it would go on .....[/quote'] I played for a solid 9.5 hours - and got very far in the tourney... however the prize structure is crap - won $ 22 NEVER AGAIN deepstack on Pokerstars :ok
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Re: Deepstack Tournaments Looks as though about two-thirds of the prize pool goes to the final table. Maybe it would be better to have a slightly flatter prize structure, but with a $10 buy-in and 1000 players, you're not going to get rich, no matter how slow the structure is (the poker sites don't pay us by the hour! :lol). I fully realize that there are much more profitable games available, but I don't mind: I'm just looking on it as practice for when I win the WSOP main event! :tongue2

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Re: Deepstack Tournaments ul slapdash , i think boss have started a deep and steep tourney only 5 euros if i remember right will need to check :ok 18.30 10+1 euro 21.45 5+0.50 euro 00.30 3+30 euro Ahh only thing is there all speed blinds 5 mins

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Re: Deepstack Tournaments

I fully realize that there are much more profitable games available, but I don't mind: I'm just looking on it as practice for when I win the WSOP main event! :tongue2
I see the tongue in cheek smiley, but serious question ;) We all lack deep stack tournament practice and are therefore probably struggling when (if) we get to a true deep stacked tournament like WSOP. Or are we? Is the deep stack stage of a tournament not just like (deep stack) cash poker until the tournament is no longer deep stacked? Is Cash table poker not the best preparation for WSOP? Would/should you play early stages of WSOP Main Event any different to a cash table? (assuming you wish to maximise your equity and not maximise your experience) :unsure
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Re: Deepstack Tournaments Yes, you may well be right. In fact, as I think I said in a different thread recently, I'm pretty sure the difference between cash and tournament strategy is generally overestimated in most stages of a tournament until it gets close to the bubble. But personally I find it a lot easier to concentrate in tournaments, and I enjoy them more. I think it's because I can't afford to play cash games where the amount of money at stake really matters (I'm not good enough to win at that level). But in a tournament, even if the money isn't significant, I have a well-defined objective, and that makes it easier for me to concentrate. Hell, I've played in tournaments where I've been very short-stacked and seriously weighed up the EV consequences of hanging on to the next prize level for an extra 20c and risking it to build a stack! :lol

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