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just had my biggest 1 hand loss,opinions on my play etc appreciated Game #4415586954: Hold'em NL ($1/$2) - 2007/02/05 - 19:23:08 (CET) Table "Jeanne" Seat 2 is the button. Seat 1: G0sens ($268.50 in chips) Seat 2: thecrocpl ($191 in chips) Seat 3: qqq_$$$ ($198 in chips) Seat 4: Sjalabais ($200 in chips) Seat 5: jackmoor ($198.25 in chips) Seat 6: _donposki ($246.32 in chips) qqq_$$$: posts small blind $1 Sjalabais: posts big blind $2 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to thecrocpl [5s 5c] jackmoor: folds _donposki: folds G0sens: folds thecrocpl: raises to $8 qqq_$$$: calls $7 Sjalabais: folds ----- FLOP ----- [Qc Ah 6d] qqq_$$$: checks thecrocpl: bets $7 qqq_$$$: calls $7 ----- TURN ----- [Qc Ah 6d][5h] qqq_$$$: checks thecrocpl: bets $15 qqq_$$$: raises to $42 thecrocpl: raises to $176 and is all-in qqq_$$$: calls $134 ----- RIVER ----- [Qc Ah 6d 5h][Kd] ----- SHOW DOWN ----- thecrocpl: shows [5s 5c] (Three of a kind, Fives, Ace high) qqq_$$$: shows [6s 6h] (Three of a kind, Sixes, Ace high) qqq_$$$ collected $381 from Main pot

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Re: opinions I personally don't think you did a lot wrong there. You could not have put him on pocket 6/Q/A, and his play post-flop in just calling your bet didn't suggest a great hand. Post-turn, I think most of us would think we are ahead, and put the money in the middle. You were just very unlucky:sad .

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Re: opinions I dont like the aggression with 55 - BUT that's probably a result of playing more on full tables.... For me a hand like 55 is a drawing hand - I WANT to get in as cheaply as possible, and I WANT as many opponents as possible - If I dont flop trips, I'm outathere - no bet from me, and no call of others bets - I'm only there for the massive implied odds if I flop trips... Once you turn Trips however, with no flush or straight possible, you're not getting away from it......

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Re: opinions I can understand you raise pre flop...although like Gaf i tend to limp in with any low PP. After the flop though he checks and then you raise.I would have checked and taken the free card especially with 3 over cards out there. If he were to bet i would have folded. I sense you thought his check was a sign of weakness? After the turn card its hard to get away from,you were just unlucky to meet pocket 6's I do think that your opponent played the hand really well though...thats not a dig of your play,just an observation. My cash game is rather :$ so i try to stay with the tournaments.

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Re: opinions I rarely play small PP at all in cash unles I am buttn/SB/BB and get in cheap - and I never raise with them simply because you will get called and need to hit trips to be 'sure' of winning with them - i just don't think they are profitable re this hand - just unlucky Damo

just had my biggest 1 hand loss,opinions on my play etc appreciated Game #4415586954: Hold'em NL ($1/$2) - 2007/02/05 - 19:23:08 (CET) Table "Jeanne" Seat 2 is the button. Seat 1: G0sens ($268.50 in chips) Seat 2: thecrocpl ($191 in chips) Seat 3: qqq_$$$ ($198 in chips) Seat 4: Sjalabais ($200 in chips) Seat 5: jackmoor ($198.25 in chips) Seat 6: _donposki ($246.32 in chips) qqq_$$$: posts small blind $1 Sjalabais: posts big blind $2 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to thecrocpl [5s 5c] jackmoor: folds _donposki: folds G0sens: folds thecrocpl: raises to $8 qqq_$$$: calls $7 Sjalabais: folds ----- FLOP ----- [Qc Ah 6d] qqq_$$$: checks thecrocpl: bets $7 qqq_$$$: calls $7 ----- TURN ----- [Qc Ah 6d][5h] qqq_$$$: checks thecrocpl: bets $15 qqq_$$$: raises to $42 thecrocpl: raises to $176 and is all-in qqq_$$$: calls $134 ----- RIVER ----- [Qc Ah 6d 5h][Kd] ----- SHOW DOWN ----- thecrocpl: shows [5s 5c] (Three of a kind, Fives, Ace high) qqq_$$$: shows [6s 6h] (Three of a kind, Sixes, Ace high) qqq_$$$ collected $381 from Main pot
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