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Too much respect?


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First hand of a $100 STT on SO. In a freeroll or similar, I'd probably have called. I've not played much at this level of buy-in, and thought at least one of them must have trips. Did I show them too much respect?

***** Hand 522755872 ***** 15.00/30.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit) - 30 January 2007 21:02:43 STT $100 NL (Real/Tournament) Seat 1: pleo (2000.00) Seat 2: guercino (2000.00) Seat 3: Bertl2 (2000.00) Seat 4: gernot6xxx (2000.00) Seat 5: evk269 (2000.00) Seat 6: Grabowski1 (2000.00) Seat 7: VNH_TY! (2000.00) Seat 8: slapdash (2000.00) Seat 9: visuall (2000.00) Seat 10: pollovolpe (2000.00) guercino post SB 15.00 Bertl2 post BB 30.00 ** Deal ** pleo [N/A, N/A] guercino [N/A, N/A] Bertl2 [N/A, N/A] gernot6xxx [N/A, N/A] evk269 [N/A, N/A] Grabowski1 [N/A, N/A] VNH_TY! [N/A, N/A] slapdash [Kh, Ks] visuall [N/A, N/A] pollovolpe [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** gernot6xxx Fold evk269 Fold Grabowski1 Call 30.00 VNH_TY! Fold slapdash Raise to 120.00 visuall Fold pollovolpe Call 120.00 pleo Fold guercino Fold Bertl2 Fold Grabowski1 Call 120.00 *** Flop(Board): *** : [9d, 9h, Jd] *** Bet Round 2 *** Grabowski1 Check slapdash Bet 360.00 pollovolpe All-in 1880.00 Grabowski1 All-in 1880.00 slapdash Fold *** Turn(Board): *** : [9d, 9h, Jd, 4c] *** River(Board): *** : [9d, 9h, Jd, 4c, 6c] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 4525.00 Grabowski1 [Jc, As] Two pair jacks and nines Win:4525.00 pollovolpe [4d, Ad] Pair of nines Win:0.00
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Re: Too much respect? I think............ As tight as my game is at times I would have called expecting to lose. When I say that I don't mean it would have been rash to call, but sometimes I feel its right to ignore the evidence in front of you (trip J's making the boat or trip 9's) and just bite the bullet and gamble. That said you are faced with not one all in but two and as such I don't think anyone could blame you for folding on the basis that even if you were ahead on the flop, would you still be at the river against 2 opponents. At least you got the luxury of actually seeing the other players cards. There have been times when I've been driven to distraction when I've made a difficult fold due to unfriendly boards. I've found that the best attitude to take is, "Well I trust my judgement and my judgement said fold. Whether I would have won the hand or not I made the right decision".

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Re: Too much respect? I think you made the correct decision. Maybe they didn't respect your bet size. Later on that game you could easily create a weak bet trap against that guy when you have the nuts , and get his stack by his wrong all-in. If he plays too predictable of course.

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Re: Too much respect? Id folded and would do the same with AA. It would be easy call in $5 or $10 STT, but not in $100 one. You got all the rights to feel trips (or even FH) and in this case flush draw too. Plenty of nutters who will do that after the flop. He could have easily hit that one.

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Re: Too much respect? why is it an easy call at $5 but not at $100? Damo

Id folded and would do the same with AA. It would be easy call in $5 or $10 STT' date=' but not in $100 one. You got all the rights to feel trips (or even FH) and in this case flush draw too. Plenty of nutters who will do that after the flop. He could have easily hit that one.[/quote']
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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Too much respect? Tough hand mate! Probably would have called (never played at $100 game level or anywhere near) as my only real fear would have been 99, JJ and AA or the Axs. If they had either pocket pair would they have bet out on the flop? Maybe, but ,more likely only with the Axs or a J IMO, as if they had hit the house on the flop slow playing it would have been better way of getting your money. All this said with 2 people in, the raise ALL-IN and call it does make it appear scarer. If you had called the turn and river would have been different and you would have been out, or at least that's what I always think when my folded cards hit a FH, straight or flush after I've folded them !

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