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When banter turns into abuse.


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Cannot believe what happened tonight whilst playing on paradise. I joined the tourney late and was short stacked compared to most of the others at my table so I tried to bluff the blinds and a small raise out of the pot holding j8s when the one that raised, called my all in with ako. I won the hand with a pair of 8s and duly apologised for doing so. What happened next shocked me and I am seriously considering informing the the police. 6 people, 3 of which werent even playing at my table began giving me abuse.I duly obliged and gave it back but then the vile racist comments that they spouted and laughed at came pouring out. I can not repeat what they said as it is beyond the realms of decency. I just couldnt believe what i was seeing and contacted paradise support who have said that they will investigate!!! Has anything like this happened to anyone else?Its fcking disgraceful and these people should be banned from the poker room as well being charged by the police.Sorry for the rant. Stu

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Re: When banter turns into abuse. I've seen it many a time and though its not nice it will go on with the morons you seem to get online. The worst case I witnessed was a german player being extremely right wing shall we say against a player from Israel. I reported that but heard nothing back. I tend to turn all chat off now unless it is a PL game

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Re: When banter turns into abuse. All sport is emotional, and when a decision goes against you, rightly or wrongly, human emotion takes over, and the language may not be Oxford English! However, there is no excuse for anything pertaining to racism. If we, as poker players, want to clean up poker and make it the established game it deserves, then the idiotic racist/sexist bigot needs to be removed.

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Re: When banter turns into abuse. The worst (MASS generalisation!!!) do seem to be the Americans ...... if you beat them then you are either "gay" or a "nigger" .... I don't know whether this is more acceptable in the American language than in English, but it's certainly more widespread!!!

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Re: When banter turns into abuse. Thanks guys. Unfortunately I think I will be turning the chat off from now on.I was just totally shocked and really couldnt beleive it. One of them was a female (of some sort). I am currently in the tourney and a few are still in trying to justify there remarks. I just hope none are members of this forum.Thanks again Stu

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Re: When banter turns into abuse. This is a reply that I had from Paradise poker regarding my complaint. It seems money over rides there morals on the subject of racism.Hello Stuart,Thank you for your e-mail. I can completely understand the offence that this has caused you however we cannot close the accounts of the players involved. This may seem mercenary, but it is our desire to try to keep as open an environment as possible at Paradise. We only censor players when they are causing offence to other players. Beyond that we are a business that cannot make value judgments about our player's opinions. We do not support racism on our site and regularly remove chat from player's accounts as a result of their using racist chat.Regards, SamuelParadise Poker Supportwww.ParadisePoker.comParadise you are a disgrace.

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Re: When banter turns into abuse. Sounds a total disgrace mate. As for

This may seem mercenary' date=' but it is our desire to try to keep as open an environment as possible at Paradise. We only censor players when they are causing offence to other players.[/quote'] why would you have written to them if you offence wasn't caused!! Seems like they're taking the easy way out and doing nothing about ur complaint. Si
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Re: When banter turns into abuse. That is more than a disgrace its totally outrageous. I'm pretty sure Joe Legge and spodds would like to distance themselves from this. I haven't played paradise yet but it sounds like a place I do not want to visit if this is their ethos!!!

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Re: When banter turns into abuse.

That is more than a disgrace its totally outrageous. I'm pretty sure Joe Legge and spodds would like to distance themselves from this. I haven't played paradise yet but it sounds like a place I do not want to visit if this is their ethos!!!
Totally disgraceful indeed... AND bad business for them!! They won't shut down the abusive players accounts, because they want to get every penny they can... but all the rest of us will leave poker rooms like that... maybe one from their staff can do the math... or maybe not :\
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Re: When banter turns into abuse. I have been at a table in the past with racist abuse against a player. Totally unacceptable. I contacted support and got the same 'nothing we can do' (or rather want to do) reply. As it happened I had taken a screen shot of the chat so I replied again warning them that I would supply the info to the police along with the transcript of their reply saying they would do nothing. Funnily enough they did some further investigation and booted one of the players and banned chat for two others. Funny the effect a little threat will have. On a different note has anyone tried the Gadwin Print Screen software? Once you set it up it will automatically save a .jpg of either the screen or active window to a chosen folder with a single push of print screen. No more Alt+PrtSc and opening paint. Dead easy.

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Re: When banter turns into abuse. When it comes to abuse (of any sort) then I tend to ignore it though I have occasionally responded with passive putdown. Although in this case with multiple people joining in, especially people who aren't playing in the game, it sounds like a coordinated group who have decided that multiple voices can possibbly put someone on tilt. Think you were totally right to complain to Paradise and try and get some action and Paradise ought to have been much more proactive with their response. Its bad if it gets to the point that you think of switching your own chat facilities off, it stops all the good banter with your mates. It just goes to show the difference in attitude that PLrs take, We do supportive and humorous chat and I don't think I've seen more than a couple of out of place remarks by PLrs (and any PLr who has been out of order usually gets put right by the rest of the forum). Hope that the poker gods supported you and gave the perpetrators lousy cards :ok . Did it look like the group were all from the same sort of geographical location? - if then it definitely sounds coordinated.

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Re: When banter turns into abuse.

As it happened I had taken a screen shot of the chat so I replied again warning them that I would supply the info to the police along with the transcript of their reply saying they would do nothing. Funnily enough they did some further investigation and booted one of the players and banned chat for two others.
Sounds like a good idea Spanner. :ok
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