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I was playing earlier, when one of my opponents (don't remember his name: let's call him X) suffered a bad beat and had a mild rant in the chat box ... not so good, but nothing you haven't seen a hundred times before. A couple of hands later, I had AA and called an all-in from a different player who had QQ and got another Q on the river, knocking me out and probably costing me a few hundred dollars. Ho hum. I typed "ouch", he said "sry", I said "np, nh, gl all". Not his fault: I'd have gone all-in with his hand too, as he was fairly short-stacked, so he didn't really have anything to apologize about. But then: X: "classy" X: "ure showing me up for being Mr Unclassy before" Me: "but now I'm off to bang my head against the wall" X: "lol, and I'm off to pokerjerks anonymous meeting" X: "sorry all"

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