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Stoke Circus


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Re: Stoke Circus I would just like to say a big thank you to Andy,Sam and Brian for coming along here last night and making the night for me and my mate neil a great one.Just to add i came 13th of 54 in the deepstacks tourney,earlier when at Andys table he gos all in and i look down at AA call and its goodbye him(sorry mate),1 major hand i have to have a rant about i got 15000 chips left and the 2 guys before me both go all in so if i call i,m all in i look down at AK,so i go into the think tank,btw at this table i,ve seen people getting AA very regular so i think 1 of these guys as got AA so i fold,guy as 22 other 1 as QQ,shit i,m thinking especially when A on flop and K on turn arrive and guy with QQ wins,would of won just short of 50000.Oh well thats poker all in later for 8000 with a 10 losing to 10 10. Just like to add this casino is very nice indeed,with dealers included free soft drinks or tea and latte(brian)free car parking,and i hit the jackpot last night we were treat to a chinese buffet it was excellent. cheers guys for a great night got home at 5am :zzz :zzz :zzz :zzz :zzz :zzz :zzz :zzz :zzz :zzz :zzz :zzz :zzz :zzz :zzz :zzz :zzz :zzz :zzz

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Re: Stoke Circus OT: Apparently over at the Grosvenor on Saturday/Sunday, there'll be one or two famous faces coming along including one Tony 'Tikay' Kendall for the 2-day £300+£30 freezeout. Wasn't the greatest of turnouts apparently with 16 taking part last week. This week, there'll be 20+ with a few out-of-towners having a go! The plan by Grosvenor is to have a maximum of 110 entrants...I can't even see it hitting 50 but what do I know!? http://www.ukpokerinfo.co.uk/index.php?news=378 Me? No fooking chance! I don't consider myself that good (absolutely nowhere near) and I'm going back to work on Monday after me two-week holiday. :$ I may be unexpectedly big-headed and full of myself (more than usual!) if my secret bets works out this morning but not enough that I'm going to stump up £300 for a tourney (I've only played five live tourneys before! I haven't cashed in any of 'em! The most I ever paid to enter a tourney was £20! :lol).

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