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Stoke Circus


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In addition to this excellent cardrooms already commendable schedule, they are now doing a £20 deep stack freezeout with NO FEE every Tuesday throughout February. Got to take your hats off to these guys :clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap . With the recent gutshot shambles and Grosvenor's moving to more and more extortionate fees. I think this is worth a special mention and if you are within striking distance you should support this cardroom. To put this in perspective I have been in a couple Grosvenor's lately where I have paid 40% registration fee and had to deal myself. The stoke (hanley) circus is a far superior cardroom - with dealers - I have never been charged more than 10% and now they are doing it for nothing :drums :clap:clap

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Re: Stoke Circus

Bri wouldnt know the answer to that..But having won a tourny in Vegas (have i mentioned this) yes the do expect a tip but you dont have too...only seen 1 person turn this down. Football Tipper
Nige as you know I was tipping like mad last time we went to vegas ;)
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Re: Stoke Circus

In addition to this excellent cardrooms already commendable schedule' date=' they are now doing a £20 deep stack freezeout with [b']NO FEE every Tuesday throughout February.
Hmmm. I'm tempted to have a go. There are some Billy Big Pajamas who throw their money about in the rebuys but hey, it's a £20 freezeout. NOTE (to self): Don't get distracted by the table games. Handily, I've booked three weeks holiday off work during February so I might pop in. Tournaments usually start at 8pm don't they? It's been a long while since I went in there to play poker (I'm not a fan of rebuy tourneys and have generally stayed away but mostly because of my work hours).
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Re: Stoke Circus

Hmmm. I'm tempted to have a go. There are some Billy Big Pajamas who throw their money about in the rebuys but hey, it's a £20 freezeout. NOTE (to self): Don't get distracted by the table games. Handily, I've booked three weeks holiday off work during February so I might pop in. Tournaments usually start at 8pm don't they? It's been a long while since I went in there to play poker (I'm not a fan of rebuy tourneys and have generally stayed away but mostly because of my work hours).
Stereo they also do a £15 FO on a Saturday night and a £100 double chance FO on a Sunday so plenty of choice, starting times vary so best to check website or give them a call :ok
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Re: Stoke Circus Ok guys was thinking of making the trip for the last tuesday,i think that is the 27th.would be grateful if u could let me know more about this. 1. how many chips do u start with? 2.What time does it start? 3.Are some of u locals gonna come along if i make the trip? 4. can some 1 give me the full address so i can AA it to see how far and how long it will take me to get there? many thanks Karl :ok

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Re: Stoke Circus To answer your questions Karl

Ok guys was thinking of making the trip for the last tuesday,i think that is the 27th.would be grateful if u could let me know more about this. 1. how many chips do u start with? 8000 2.What time does it start? 9pm 3.Are some of u locals gonna come along if i make the trip? Not if you are going ;) 4. can some 1 give me the full address so i can AA it to see how far and how long it will take me to get there? Eturia Rd SOT ST1 5NH many thanks Karl :ok
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Re: Stoke Circus Played the £40 semi freezeout lastnight, obviously I was unlucky a couple of times, otherwise I would have won ;) Was speaking to the lady who runs the cardroom and it could be a very late night on Tuesday, so I will probably wait and see how the first one goes before deciding if I am going to one. BTW it got very heated in the tourney lastnight, 1st time i've seen it in Stoke. A couple of Mr V's mates were threatening to dis-embowel a young guy who was winding everyone up. It was great entertainment for about an hour until he was finally badbeat off the table. I will be back next Sunday they are holding a £100 DC freezeout starting at 5pm should finish by 11pm :ok:ok

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Re: Stoke Circus

Anybody go? Only 42 turned up. I thought there'd be more takers. Me? I finished 11th. Top five paid.
I couldn't because I had to get up early this morning, what time did it finish?? I cant understand why they start so late. The comp on Sunday is better it starts at 5pm
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Re: Stoke Circus No idea but it certainly went on beyond 2am (when I got knocked out I think they took a break! :lol). When I left, the blinds were 800-1600 with a 100 ante. We had a fire alarm go off in-between at around 12:30am! :rollin I may have a go at the Saturday £15 freezeout first because I assume there's gonna be a better turnout and it starts an hour earlier at 8pm. What was the turnout like last Sunday? 100+ having a go?

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Re: Stoke Circus

No idea but it certainly went on beyond 2am (when I got knocked out I think they took a break! :lol). When I left, the blinds were 800-1600 with a 100 ante. We had a fire alarm go off in-between at around 12:30am! :rollin I may have a go at the Saturday £15 freezeout first because I assume there's gonna be a better turnout and it starts an hour earlier at 8pm. What was the turnout like last Sunday? 100+ having a go?
There was 50 there last sunday
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Re: Stoke Circus Not bad for a £100 event then. I suppose the £40 one this Sunday might have a few more brave souls willing to have a go though. I'm putting the relatively low turnout yesterday down to 'because it was a weekday'. Either thy weren't interested or they were too interested in playing their own private cash games (Irish Omaha!? Mahjong? :eek) or SNGs.

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Re: Stoke Circus

Not bad for a £100 event then. I suppose the £40 one this Sunday might have a few more brave souls willing to have a go though. I'm putting the relatively low turnout yesterday down to 'because it was a weekday'. Either thy weren't interested or they were too interested in playing their own private cash games (Irish Omaha!? Mahjong? :eek) or SNGs.
errm I seem to remember similar numbers in the £40 the week before, as most people do the top up it is effectively a £80 freezeout. I shall be there on Sunday :ok (I'll be the one drinking Latte)
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Re: Stoke Circus Eh. I didn't turn up this weekend because I had a couple of sports results go against me and I certainly wasn't in the mood to play poker (The fecking Listener! :@). I'm not making any promises about turning up for next week though. I'm back at work today for the week then I have two weeks off.

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Re: Stoke Circus Well I turned up on Saturday night for the £15 freezeout. I can't say I enjoyed it as I played horrible poker. 12 tables or so, I finished 70th or something when the blinds were 500-1000. I hated the blind structure as they went up in brutal 20 minute levels. Play started at around 8:35pm and I was KOed at around 11:10pm. I'm not playing the Saturday tournament again. The computer system was on the blink so everything had to be done manually. Seat placing was 'random draw' although the first seven of ten seat placings were all at the same table. A minor fraca when one girl on my table placed her chips on her cards and then announced all-in as she pushed both across the line and then some old guy complaining that meant she folded as her cards were across the line and that he was penalised the other night for doing the exact same thing. It was ruled that it was a common mistake and that she did mean to go all-in as the dealer had asked her whether she wanted to go all-in before she placed her cards and chips across the line.

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Re: Stoke Circus Yeah, I might turn up for the 27th but I'm skipping this Tuesday. There might be a few PLers who might be up for an end of the month meet/thing if it doesn't clash with any online poker tourney. 8000 chips, blinds start off at 25/50 and go up every 20 minutes. registration ends at 9pm, tournamnet starts at 9:15pm. No public phones in the casino (and the nearest one's a fair walk away if I remember my bearings). Staff may take pity on you if you sit in the lobby with a sour-face for an hour and they'll allow you to call home so take a mobile phone with you if you're cadging a lift off anybody! :lol They're also touchy about people bringing their own drinks in but hey, I haven't has any complaints when i smuggled mine in! :rollin

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