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Personal Information Requests OK??


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I set up a real cash account with PartyGammon and was then asked to provide a copy of my passport ID and the front and back of my Credit Card for 'Priveledged Membership'. In these days of identity theft and credit card fraud I am not prepared to make that information available. Why do they need such detail and should they really be asking for this information? :\ Maybe I am just being paranoid. :unsure It is not the first time I have been asked (Mansion wanted the passport ID)

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Re: Personal Information Requests OK?? It is a good idea to blank out the the details but I don't want to give out the security number because that can't be imprinted. They claim to have super secure sites but its rich pickingsfor a hacker and details do get leaked. I emailled them asking for reasons but they declined to use email and would only discuss it further by phone!

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