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Doyles Room $50+$5 bounty


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Has anyone played in this ? Seems a fairly standard MTT, payout for top ten percent. But with Bonus for knocking out the big name bounty players. Not sure who's in todays, but Doyle Brunson and Pamela Anderson have both played in the past. It starts in an hour, and you can get a full rebate on your first entry, I have a feeling this may encourage a fairly low standard of play, as people will go all in with nothing against the bounty players to try and win the knock out bounty hoping for a lucky flop / turn / river etc. These players will not be able to bluff at all, they will be called down every time. $500 for the first one you knock out, $15,000 for the second and $50,000 for the third.

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Re: Doyles Room $50+$5 bounty just watched Brunson go out, he lost all but 30 chips on previous hand, (AQ with J 10 on the flop vs pocket kings) he couldn't pay the blind. first caller went all in. Entire table bar one person called. Great double up btw Joe

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Re: Doyles Room $50+$5 bounty 32 now Been up and down, Got AQ, went all in preflop, lost to trip threes, after I paired my Ace Very next hand, AQ again. No callers this time, scooped the blinds Next hand, KQs was enough to pick up another set of blinds. Hanging in there

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Re: Doyles Room $50+$5 bounty Out Rivered got one caller KJ. Pair my eight he hit his J on the river Best of luck

[Jan 19 03:00:14] : Hand Start.
[Jan 19 03:00:14] : Seat 1 : Brandon1477 has $12,470
[Jan 19 03:00:14] : Seat 2 : PSURON has $7,440
[Jan 19 03:00:14] : Seat 3 : tryme34 has $1,930
[Jan 19 03:00:14] : Seat 4 : mindsteel has $4,760
[Jan 19 03:00:14] : Seat 5 : tbopbop has $5,510
[Jan 19 03:00:14] : Seat 6 : goldentoes has $4,965
[Jan 19 03:00:14] : Seat 7 : BlizterMN has $10,110
[Jan 19 03:00:14] : Seat 8 : mrzeven7 has $4,825
[Jan 19 03:00:14] : Seat 9 : asjohnstone has $1,520
[Jan 19 03:00:14] : Brandon1477 is the dealer.
[Jan 19 03:00:14] : PSURON posted small blind.
[Jan 19 03:00:14] : tryme34 posted big blind.
[Jan 19 03:00:14] : Game [64] started with 9 players.
[Jan 19 03:00:14] : Dealing Hole Cards.
[Jan 19 03:00:14] : Seat 9 : asjohnstone has As 8h
[Jan 19 03:00:18] : mindsteel folded.
[Jan 19 03:00:32] : Stakes: 150/300 Current level: 5 Level up in: 4 min. Break in: 56 min. Players : 299
[Jan 19 03:00:32] : tbopbop has 10 seconds to respond.
[Jan 19 03:00:48] : tbopbop folded.
[Jan 19 03:00:48] : goldentoes folded.
[Jan 19 03:00:49] : BlizterMN folded.
[Jan 19 03:00:50] : mrzeven7 called 300
[Jan 19 03:00:51] : Stakes: 150/300 Current level: 5 Level up in: 4 min. Break in: 55 min. Players : 299
[Jan 19 03:00:53] : asjohnstone called 300 and raised 1,220 and is All-in
[Jan 19 03:00:54] : Brandon1477 folded.
[Jan 19 03:00:55] : PSURON folded.
[Jan 19 03:00:56] : tryme34 folded.
[Jan 19 03:01:02] : mrzeven7 called 1,220
[Jan 19 03:01:02] : Showdown!
[Jan 19 03:01:02] : Seat 9 : asjohnstone has As 8h
[Jan 19 03:01:04] : Seat 8 : mrzeven7 has Js Ks
[Jan 19 03:01:04] : Seat 9 : asjohnstone has As 8h
[Jan 19 03:01:11] : Stakes: 150/300 Current level: 5 Level up in: 3 min. Break in: 55 min. Players : 298
[Jan 19 03:01:13] : Board cards [5d 8s 5c Qs Jd]
[Jan 19 03:01:13] : Seat 9 : asjohnstone has As 8h
[Jan 19 03:01:14] : asjohnstone has Two Pair: 8s and 5s
[Jan 19 03:01:14] : Seat 8 : mrzeven7 has Js Ks
[Jan 19 03:01:14] : mrzeven7 has Two Pair: Jacks and 5s
[Jan 19 03:01:14] : mrzeven7 wins 3,490 with Two Pair: Jacks and 5s
[Jan 19 03:01:23] : Hand is over.
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