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Derek Kelly Found Guilty


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Re: Derek Kelly Found Guilty I fail to see how this is a guilty verdict, poker clearly is a game of skill. There is luck involved in almost any game or sport, professional or otherwise. Poker is at least as skillful as a quiz machine! If they are saying guilty then they need to rework this Gaming Act to include any game at all where money is involved or something like this. Incidentally does anyone know if its difficult to obtain a license and if they are expensive? If the answer is 'easily' and 'not really' then this is hardly going to cause a problem in the poker world is it.

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Re: Derek Kelly Found Guilty This verdict is crazy. What they are actually saying is that there is no skill in the game of poker and that it is purely a game of chance. This is patently absurd. How a judge and jury could arrive at this conclusion is beyond me. From the Sky article the verdict appears to rest on the fact that poker is a game of chance and a fee (either on winnings or on entry) was charged to play. This is, of course, easy to get around but whether poker clubs can 'get away' with charging players by surreptitious means has probably yet to be tested.

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Re: Derek Kelly Found Guilty What was he accused of? Taking a rake? Very confused with this as I thought this was allowed as all sites and clubs do this... what did he do differently? I'm obviously naive as everything I have read has suggested the UK could be the new Poker capital if the US don't get back on-line soon! This story suggests otherwise... but I could be missing the point! :\

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Re: Derek Kelly Found Guilty Hey ho look at this, Big Slick (the poker club where I work) has just put this up on their website....

Surely, everyone in the poker community received the news of the guilty verdict in the Derek Kelly prosecution with shock and disbelief. Nonetheless, the courts have made their decision and of course the law must be abided by. We at Big Slick have always endeavoured to run the club’s affairs within the law and we certainly wish to remain on the right side of the law, whilst continuing to promote the great game in a manner that brings pleasure and satisfaction to its members. In this regard, and since the court’s ruling has made it clear that certain practises are to be proscribed, we are introducing changes in the way the club runs its games, ensuring that all aspects of the club’s activities are carried out perfectly legally. When you next come to the club, these changes will be explained to you in detail. I am sure that we all hope that the club will continue to grow and improve in the way it has since its inception last April.
Im working tonight so I will find out what this about tonight and post up here what these changes are. Presumably whatever these changes are will have to be the case for all other poker clubs too. I just hope it doesnt have anything to do with my wages :(
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Re: Derek Kelly Found Guilty It doesnt take a rocket scientist to work out why. Now that "our honest government" has rubberstamped the bill to allow supercasinos in Brittain (by the way John Prescot did you enjoy your holls in the states at Phill Anschuts ranch....no bribery or corruption there then :eek ) they want people in them so they can collect the taxes pure and simple. They cant tax private games because they dont know how much money is changing hands,so they call poker a game of chance(mine usualy is :lol ) and force you to hold a gaming licence which of course they wont allow you to hold because there will be a supercasino near you and they will say only one licence per specific area. ( that is unless u own a ranch or the like where some one might like a freebie holiday :ok ) Phill Brear from the gambling commission

Poker is a "great game", said Mr Brear, but it should only be played in licensed casinos or card rooms, with properly-trained dealers and supervisors, CCTV and other safeguards.
What next from Tony and his crew american style crackdown on poker on the internet , I wouldnt be too surprised Tony says "you know it makes sense" its all for your protection
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