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Aggression in early tournament play


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Hi all, I have noticed since playing in tournaments with your good selves that my Harrington-esque manner of playing in the 1st hour or so seems to leave me a long way off the lead in most tournaments. I seem to manage to pick my way through the next few levels but almost always needing to put my tournament life on the line. As such I am rarely out early, mostly go out either side of the bubble with very few final tables to my name. This weeks Tikay tournament was a good example. I finished 50-odd, but was never comfortable. Looking on the leaderboard, it was awash with PL-ers. At the first break, many of you had at least doubled up. Without wishing any of you to give your secrets away, How do you play the initial hour or so? You cannot all have been dealt a monster, gone all-in, got a call and won. My TAG style isn't working, I want to try a different style, but am unsure how loose or aggressive is optimal. Any hints (or indeed comments on my play from your perspective) would be most appreciated. Cheers Steve

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Re: Aggression in early tournament play In the early stages I tend to only play big hands but play them hard to clear out the limpers. If I do get a call and get a decent flop then I'm going to play it hard again, if I get a dangerous flop then I'm obviously going to be much more careful. I basically play by the Harrington Book.

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Re: Aggression in early tournament play I think the Harrington approach early is fine :ok Having said that, if I can limp with small to medium pairs (drawing to trips), suited connectors or connectors in late position cheaply, then I will do - If I hit a real monster, then I'll play them beyond the flop, otherwise just let them go without a fight.....what you have early in a tournament, that you dont have later is great implied odds :ok

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Re: Aggression in early tournament play

I Having said that, if I can limp with small to medium pairs (drawing to trips), suited connectors or connectors in late position cheaply, then I will do :ok
Thats how I play in good tournaments. Im willing to sacrifice 200-400 chips (if starting with at least 1.5k) over first 2 levels with that sort of cards. But the likes of Safety Net or even any MTTs on Boss (with buy in $5 to $10) I will play tight from the beginning. Play in those MTTs is awful and people will call you raise or all in with any suited cards or any connectors :eyes.
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Re: Aggression in early tournament play Harrington-esque play is probably a long-term winner (as is evident by Mr Harrington being such a successful tournament player), but I sometimes mix it up in the early stages. But if find myself off the pace if I play like a rock, I've been known to have a Matusow-like meltdown and play some stupid hands for the sake of it, or run ridiculous bluffs that never come off. I think you have to alternate your style of play early on. If there's value in a pot and you're holding a middling starting hand, are you going to muck it because Harrington says it's a hand you don't want to play? I wouldn't. I'd be in that pot as quick as lightning. Mix it up is what I would say.

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Re: Aggression in early tournament play I found this article very good when looking how to play MTT's I had a similar problem to yourself, and i think within about a week of reading this I had my best MTT result, so far. (That was probably coincidence, as I've not had much luck since !! - although I don't play to many MTT's to be fair to myself ) http://www.flopturnriver.com/Multi-Table-Tournament-Strategy.html

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