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How do you play 9s , 10s and jacks?


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Just wondering how people play these hands and in what games? I not sure the most effective way of playing them in cash games to make the most out them. I usually play 10 seater tables. Sometimes I just limp, others I raise 4 times the BB. Any comments?

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Re: How do you play 9s , 10s and jacks? sounds sensible to me depends on position and blinds and chips stacks etc Damo

Just wondering how people play these hands and in what games? I not sure the most effective way of playing them in cash games to make the most out them. I usually play 10 seater tables. Sometimes I just limp, others I raise 4 times the BB. Any comments?
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Re: How do you play 9s , 10s and jacks? as i only play short handed cash tables i always raise with these, without fail, regardless of position. and i will re-raise with TT and JJ but fold(TT)/call(JJ) to a 3-bet most of the time. On the flop if there's nothing higher i'll play for stacks without hesitation unless there was a 3-bet in which case i'll check/call looking to improve on turn or river.

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Re: How do you play 9s , 10s and jacks? What do you mean by a "3 bet"? 3xBB? Can appreciate that it's a stronger hand short handed and needs to be played differently, but not sure I like the comment "i'll check/call looking to improve on turn or river" - I presume there are only 2 cards to improve? Odds of hitting that with one card are about 5% and with 2 cards to come, less than 10% - you almost certainly dont have the right odds (implied or otherwise) to hit ...... calling pre flop trying to hit trips is one thing, but calling post flop, drawing to trips?

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Re: How do you play 9s , 10s and jacks?

Can appreciate that it's a stronger hand short handed and needs to be played differently, but not sure I like the comment "i'll check/call looking to improve on turn or river" - I presume there are only 2 cards to improve? Odds of hitting that with one card are about 5% and with 2 cards to come, less than 10% - you almost certainly dont have the right odds (implied or otherwise) to hit ...... calling pre flop trying to hit trips is one thing, but calling post flop, drawing to trips?
check/call is based on the assumption that if i do hit trips, i'll be ahead, if i dont hit trips i still may be holding the better hand vs a lower pair or overcards. but i wouldnt call anything monstrous at that point, only a few bb per bet and certainly not anything over 1/3 the pot.
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Re: How do you play 9s , 10s and jacks?

I generally prefer to limp and draw to trips, however will sometimes raise with them in late position and noone in the pot before me (or only limps from loose players)
This the correct strategy in full ring low limit internet cash games. I will hardly ever raise preflop with these hands.
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Re: How do you play 9s , 10s and jacks? you will call JJ to bet, raise and reriase? (according to your first post) WOW does this make you money? Damo

no but i'm using limit terminology. a 3-bet is where someone raises(1bet) i re-raise(2bet) and the initial raiser re-raises again(3-bet)
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