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When you know it is not your day....


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Playing two tournaments tonight, the PL league on paradise and a $5 on Titan. On Titan, close to the bubble, I go all in with KK, called by KJ. I am a happy hornet:nana . The flop is 46Q....only A10 or JJ can save him......the turn is a 10, you know the rest. :@ :@ On paradise, i played awful but short stacked felt i had to go all-in with J10, despite a raise in front of me(twas my best hand for an age:cry ) and end up J10 vs KQ. Behind here, but by the turn a J and a 10 had hit. they have 8 outs, i know, but I am still 83% favourite. Of course, the straight was made. I am off to bed to console myself. (This is the part when a few months ago I would have steamed onto a cash table and lost more!!) I begrudge no-one their victory, but twice in 15 minutes is too much to take!!:wall :wall :wall Take care, and be lucky.:ok

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