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Poker problems with Tiscali


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I have a thread in the PL tech section logging my problem with Tiscali. Basically at busy times most poker connections are blocked. I know others are having the same problem, but an end to it may be in sight. Tiscali are switching customers from IPStream to Datastream (whatever the hell that means) and that allegedly solves the problem. However you need to post your problem on this page of their service forum before they will do it... http://www.tiscali.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=118833&page=1&pp=15[url=http://www.tiscali.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=118833&page=3] God willing, I'll be able to start playing Poker again on an evening...it's so damned frustrating!

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Re: Poker problems with Tiscali Cheers for that Dodger! Couldn't play on Sunday until 9:30pm :@ ... it wouldn't let me onto any of the sites... except for 3 hands and out on VIRGIN... because of what I suspect was a Broadband issue. Glad you have confirmed it. If they don't sort it soon it's time to change! This is not the first time this has happened and it only happens when I have a nice freeroll to play (i.e. Dream Poker $5K freeroll which I qualified for) it seems... or is it just because they are always on the weekend? Why call it 'Unlimited Broadband' when what they mean is as long as it not too busy???? Grrrrrrrrrrrr:wall :wall :wall

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Poker problems with Tiscali Finally sorted for me. Switched to Datastream yesterday and played my first proper evening poker last night for two months. Going to give it a full week before I accept that it has been properly resolved, then I can fund my Sporting Odds and start on the February leagues. Great relief.

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Re: Poker problems with Tiscali I'm pleased for you Dodger and i hope you have many trouble free hours of poker ahead of you :hope When you keep getting disconnection problems it affects the way that you play and makes you very frustated :wall Since i've being with BT i've had 100% trouble free poker :) I do think Tiscali offer a very good package at a good price...but as for customer care and support!

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Re: Poker problems with Tiscali

Finally sorted for me. Switched to Datastream yesterday and played my first proper evening poker last night for two months. Going to give it a full week before I accept that it has been properly resolved, then I can fund my Sporting Odds and start on the February leagues. Great relief.
Lucky you!! They told me I was on LLU and not IPstream so they weren't going to transfer me! I don't know what LLU is but couldn't play BETFAIR last night because of connection issues... any idea what LLU is anybody??? More importantly for me... who should I move to for Broadband?
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Re: Poker problems with Tiscali

Are you still on dialup Tweety? Blimey I switched from Orange to madasafish and quite frankly they've been great. We took ages to make the move as we know we're tied into a contract so we made sure we were with a good 'un. We used http://www.adslguide.com/ :ok
Not on dial-up mate...broadband! But if feels like dial up at the moment. Nightmare... do you know what LLU is? I had a look and not sure but it does look like it is probably part of the problem! I have been upgraded to 2Mb now but I couldn't get onto BOSS at all last night... could have been a general issue... and it did seem very slow on all sites! May ask to be changed back to 1Mb as it think it was better! Bloomin internet! Any recommendations? BT? PIPEX? AOL?
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Re: Poker problems with Tiscali I've used AOL (first dialup and now broadband) for years and had no problems - however (see below) the provider who takes your money might not be the main fault. On the subject of LLU and what it is then try the link below. Don't think it will help you much. I think they are just trying to blind you with an acronym - typical support trick. What it does suggest to me is that changing providers may not help much as your problem might be as much to do with the other people using the same pieces of wire as you. It could be all those teenagers logging on for their daily porn downloads and msn chat after supper :spank or even a houseful of students who all want to play online war games over the net. 6-9pm is the typical time when the "sharing" aspect of home internet useage peaks unfortunately. Luckily I think I live in an area full of old fogies who don't use the internet much. http://www.ofcom.org.uk/static/archive/oftel/publications/broadband/dsl_facts/LLUbackground.htm

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Re: Poker problems with Tiscali http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0BNG/is_2005_August_4/ai_n14869453

Some ISPs in the UK have revealed that they are considering loosening ties with BT through the Local Loop Unbundling (LLU) process which involves swapping wires in the telephone exchange. Telecomms watchdog Ofcom has previously stated that LLU is the most effective way to provide lower broadband prices, faster speeds and increased choice for consumers. LLU gives control of part of the network connecting customers to their local exchange to BT's rivals and Ofcom estimates that there has been a six-fold increase in unbundled lines since May 2004, though under 1% of UK broadband is currently offered through LLU. Wanadoo, the France Telecom-owned ISP, is trialling LLU in Leeds this summer with 500 customers and may offer the service to around 200 telephone exchanges or 4m homes if it proves successful. BT's announcement in 2004 confirming a 70% price reduction from a move to LLU is said to have sparked interest in the LLU process, though some feel that LLU is not yet ready for the mass market, due partly to customer migration problems. ((Comments on this story may be sent to [email protected]))
Now I think I understand this. What happens is XYZ internet service provider can provide cheap internet access, but what happens is they have a finite amount of internet access they can provide (I don't know how that works btw). ***So, if they have 1,000 subscribers they will expect say 100 to be online and browsing downloading etc. at any one time, and as such these 100 won't experience problems, but if they have 500 online and doing this then it is posssible that people's service will be impacted in some way. Normally they are impacted in the form of slower download speeds but they could also suffer other problems. *** The principal I've quoted is as true as I remember it but I don't claim to be an expert. madasafish, nameco, and pipex are all highly recommended providers as far as I can tell, but I use moneysavingexpert.com to help when researching things like this. :ok
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