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WPT Hand - Scotty Nguyen A5s in SB


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6-handed, $2,000 antes, $5,000 SB, $10,000 BB Freddy Deeb $526,000 Chris Bigler $162,000 John Juanda $449,000 John Hennigan $412,000 Scotty Nguyen $417,000 Gus Hansen $928,000 First 3 fold. Hennigan calls. $5,000 to call with $37,000 in the pot for Scotty. He looks down and see Ah 5h - what should he do? Call, raise or fold?

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Re: WPT Hand - Scotty Nguyen A5s in SB SB - call, hope to flop an Ace and CR Button - I would raise to 40-50K BB after SB makes up - just check Scotty? prolly raise to 80K Damo

6-handed, $2,000 antes, $5,000 SB, $10,000 BB Freddy Deeb $526,000 Chris Bigler $162,000 John Juanda $449,000 John Hennigan $412,000 Scotty Nguyen $417,000 Gus Hansen $928,000 First 3 fold. Hennigan calls. $5,000 to call with $37,000 in the pot for Scotty. He looks down and see Ah 5h - what should he do? Call, raise or fold?
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Re: WPT Hand - Scotty Nguyen A5s in SB I dont think there is a correct answer here or a bad play. Depends what has gone on before. You want to be unpredictable, you dont want your oponant to know what you have. If you have folded the last few SB's then yeah throw in a raise or call. If you have been playing loose then a call or a fold would not surprise me either. Just remember to change your play throughout esp playing good players.

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Re: WPT Hand - Scotty Nguyen A5s in SB Just complete that. Im supsicious whenever a good player (as obv Hennigan is) limps on the button when folded to. A bad player no worries there but a good player hmm. I dont wana get caught with my pants down with A5s out of position as I definitely think Hennigan would call a raise. With the flop like that id check call when someone bets which they will most likely do. Theres no flush draw so its ok to check call as you are likely ahead but just incase Hennigans slowplayed an overpair im not getting in deep by just check calling. It also looks very creepy and people might think you have an 8 for later in the hand which is a plus.

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Re: WPT Hand - Scotty Nguyen A5s in SB Sorry Mr M, dont like the check call at all. You're only behind to a pocket pair and an 8 - chances are you're ahead - but ahead or behind, what turn card will you see that you like? An Ace wont feel particularly good, an 8 changes nothing. A 5 and you're still behind to an 8, an overcard to a 5 and the number of cards that beat you are increasing. You CAN'T give away free cards here, you need to find out where you are. Extra cards can help your opponents but not you!! Overall a horrible situation though, and a perfect example of why you shouldn't play Ace rag!!! (especially out of position) Should have probably folded pre flop, despite the great pot odds.

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Re: WPT Hand - Scotty Nguyen A5s in SB I agree with the first part but totally disagree with the last part - this is short handed and you need to be playing cards - in fact any 2 as most of the time the others are playing any 2 you can't wait - they are great cards to flop a monster IMO Damo

Sorry Mr M, dont like the check call at all. You're only behind to a pocket pair and an 8 - chances are you're ahead - but ahead or behind, what turn card will you see that you like? An Ace wont feel particularly good, an 8 changes nothing. A 5 and you're still behind to an 8, an overcard to a 5 and the number of cards that beat you are increasing. You CAN'T give away free cards here, you need to find out where you are. Extra cards can help your opponents but not you!! Overall a horrible situation though, and a perfect example of why you shouldn't play Ace rag!!! (especially out of position) Should have probably folded pre flop, despite the great pot odds.
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Re: WPT Hand - Scotty Nguyen A5s in SB Fold - without other info, you have to assume you're behind, and as I said, I dont believe there are any cards that can come that can make you feel good about the hand......... I don't play a lot of Short Handed Damo (which probably shows!!!) but you wont flop many monsters - 2,3,4 rainbow, AAx or 55x - Maybe being more used to full table, but I like limping with hands that can become the nuts from time to time, A5o just doesn't!!! And is easily dominated by another stronger ace.....

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Re: WPT Hand - Scotty Nguyen A5s in SB Fair enough GAF but im quite comfortable with his situation actually. I think im probably ahead but if not then im WAY behind. I dont like to bet myself cos I dont want to get raised itd be sick. I dont mind giving a card off, as if they have 2 unpaired high cards chances are they wont hit on the turn and ill take it from there based on what comes. I dont want to form a big pot with my hand.

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Re: WPT Hand - Scotty Nguyen A5s in SB I wouldn't worry about ace domination at all, not short handed - you can't worry about such things because in the vast majority of cases it doesn't happen - and lets be honest you have AJ and limp on the button? are you mad? make a raise and get it HU at worst - its a vulnerable hand on the flop if you miss. and remember most flops do miss hands so you could just be ahead on the flop with Ace hi as he limped Q9 etc lead out and see what happens with any flop when I say monster I mean hitting an ace BTW lol not a str/trips etc short handed is completely different to fulltables just as cash games are compeltely different to STT's - I have only learnt this by playing on Betfair, and now I realsie why I was so shite at full tables, because A5 is crap at a full table, but a good hand at a short and I would raise/call raises with crap like A10/KQ/QJ on a full table and get run over despite hitting top pair etc Damo

Fold - without other info, you have to assume you're behind, and as I said, I dont believe there are any cards that can come that can make you feel good about the hand......... I don't play a lot of Short Handed Damo (which probably shows!!!) but you wont flop many monsters - 2,3,4 rainbow, AAx or 55x - Maybe being more used to full table, but I like limping with hands that can become the nuts from time to time, A5o just doesn't!!! And is easily dominated by another stronger ace.....
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Re: WPT Hand - Scotty Nguyen A5s in SB Swampy, he did! Scotty re-raised to 90k, leaving Hennigan needing to put in 50k to call. Hennigan duly did, and the turn brought the Kh. Scotty has picked up a draw to the Ace high flush, with 210k in the pot (I think, I may have screwed up calculating but just checked it and looks okay.) Scotty to go, check or bet?

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