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SO Tikays Tourney


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Just a note to say it's Tikay's Tourney on SO Paradise tonight at 8pm. $1000 added to the pot, $100 bounty on Tikay's head, $10 buy-in, 2500 starting stack + 15 min blinds. For those of you who don't know me I am the SO Poker Manager but apart from a shameless promotion of my tourney it may also be very good value as it's the first time we've done this on Paradise so the number of runners is anyone's guess. No password, registration opens at 6pm. Best of luck, Joe

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Re: SO Tikays Tourney Gonna give this a shot tonight, not played for about a month, but having only just realised how easy the switch of money from my boss to paradise was, might as well give my debut on paradise a PL feel. Good luck all, and nice one joe my 1st impressions of the paradise skin/set up are good! PL Chaaaaaaaaaaaarge

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Re: SO Tikays Tourney

Out 103rd Holding AK - Flop 4 6 K Raised - re-raised all-in so called Cards turned over, he has 4 4 Turn card was A :D Felt good .......:\ until river showed 4 :@ What a ......... (Fill your own answer in the blanks)
Probably a bit anal wall, but you were behind to trips on the flop weren't you? Unlucky anyway mate.
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Re: SO Tikays Tourney Out in 25th. Was going well and in the top 20 with about 60 left when my 10s ran into Qs. I then managed to limp into the money and pushed with my K7 as a short stack. SB also has K7 suited and gets runner, runner clubs to hit his flush. Maybe next month?

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Re: SO Tikays Tourney

Probably a bit anal wall, but you were behind to trips on the flop weren't you? Unlucky anyway mate.
I was on the same table. It was something like 5,6,K on the flop. Wallg was definately ahead. Then the guy said afterwards he didn't think he (wallg) had it. I folded 77 on BB after 2 flat calls (1 from utg ) then WAllg's 4x raise on the button. It was obvious he had something.
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