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Betfair Grand Prix3 password


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Re: Betfair Grand Prix3 password

He's got no point and we make the rules here and since you've blatantly broken one of the main rules' date=' you now have a 24 hour ban, which is given to [b']anyone who posts passwords. Just ask Swampster, even the World Strip Poker Champion made that error. ;)
Bad Cop...
In the olden days (ie 2004) when these kinds of tournies started to become popular, you could tell by member's responses to these password hunters that they weren't welcome. As the forum grew we had to make a decision. Do we allow password sharing to go on the open forum or not? We felt that to allow it would alienate us from poker rooms and publications, and it would also attract hundreds of one post password hunters. We also realised when we have these great freerolls we didn't want someone who only joined PL cos it was an easy way into a high value freeroll ($1000 and less than 100 players at the time). How could we be indignant about gatecrashers if we encouraged our members to do it themselves. We felt it in PL's best interests to try and act from a position of integrity and, and I know during Poker God, Alun B (Inside Edge editor) thanked us for the stance we took. I know it can be a pain in the arse sometimes but I feel its the right thing to do.
Good Cop :tongue2
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Re: Betfair Grand Prix3 password We absolutely support PL not giving out passwords. The whole point of these freerolls is that they're for PP readers, and that counts for anyone who reads the mag, however much they paid for it. They provide value you're not going to get anywhere else and the whole point is that they're not going to be swamped by thousands of people from everywhere in the world. And btw we're not an affiliate so the only thing we get from big numbers is an indicator that we're doing things right. If a freeroll gets 80 runners then so be it, and the benefit for you is massive. The Betfair Grand Prix normally gets around 500-600 runners which is perfect. And we know that all the names on the leaderboard are readers of our mag that play in every freeroll. Why would we want to dedicate a page in our magazine to random people spread across the world? And I don't think Betfair would appreciate flying the 30 finalists in from the States either. As stated in the League of Gentlemen, they're local freerolls for local people. Thanks PL for being vigilant!

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Re: Betfair Grand Prix3 password

We absolutely support PL not giving out passwords. The whole point of these freerolls is that they're for PP readers, and that counts for anyone who reads the mag, however much they paid for it. They provide value you're not going to get anywhere else and the whole point is that they're not going to be swamped by thousands of people from everywhere in the world. And btw we're not an affiliate so the only thing we get from big numbers is an indicator that we're doing things right. If a freeroll gets 80 runners then so be it, and the benefit for you is massive. The Betfair Grand Prix normally gets around 500-600 runners which is perfect. And we know that all the names on the leaderboard are readers of our mag that play in every freeroll. Why would we want to dedicate a page in our magazine to random people spread across the world? And I don't think Betfair would appreciate flying the 30 finalists in from the States either. As stated in the League of Gentlemen, they're local freerolls for local people. Thanks PL for being vigilant!
any plans for that Alpha Bet tourney any time soon ? Or is Grub organising it ?
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Re: Betfair Grand Prix3 password Got to applaud this. At first i didn't see the harm as its a freeroll - but definately against forum rules so slapped wrist deserved. Totally missed that point that it was password protected so they didn't want just anyone playing (thanks slap) Good to see there's no excessive swearing and flaming because a new member jumped in before seeing the sign "manure factory" and what he was about to land in.

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