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AQ - the hand of death


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Having real problems just now with AQ in STT's I just can't seem to find the right way to play it. It's a good hand with potential, but not a great hand. From late postion, I'll limp it. Call one raise perhaps, but I just don't know the right way to play it early / mid. Whenever I raise with it, I either just pick up blinds, or get one or two callers, more often than not miss the flop, even if I pair my Queen on the flop, but there is a King and someone bets hard into it, I feel compelled to lay it down. Have tried pushing with it once or twice, but any sane callers will have you dominated, with either a high pocket pair or AK. I'm losing money on this hand on a reasonably consistant basis, and am tempted to blacklist it, and not play it at all. Advice ??

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Re: AQ - the hand of death if you don't like it, dump it you seem to me that you have already made your own mind up? hands like AQ AJ JJ 1010 are very tricky at early/mid levels of an STT - not enough blinds to push them with and too vulnerable to over cards - limping is certainly a viable option Damo

I'm losing money on this hand on a reasonably consistant basis, and am tempted to blacklist it, and not play it at all. Advice ??
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Re: AQ - the hand of death

if you don't like it, dump it you seem to me that you have already made your own mind up? hands like AQ AJ JJ 1010 are very tricky at early/mid levels of an STT - not enough blinds to push them with and too vulnerable to over cards - limping is certainly a viable option Damo
Not really no, If someone can show me from their poker tracker, that AQ (suited or otherwise) is profitable for them, and give me pointers on how to play it, I'll give it a go. I don't want to restrict my starting hands any further, I'm already a hypertight player. AJ I fold instantly. Right now Aq is my cut off hand, it's the weakest starting hand I'll see a flop with. I just play pairs down to 88 and down to AQ unsuited
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Re: AQ - the hand of death don't think PT will help you much as IIRC it doesn't take into account the changing blinds of a STT? well if AQ is your co hand why not minimise (potential) losses and just limp it and see a cheapish flop? Damo

Not really no, If someone can show me from their poker tracker, that AQ (suited or otherwise) is profitable for them, and give me pointers on how to play it, I'll give it a go. I don't want to restrict my starting hands any further, I'm already a hypertight player. AJ I fold instantly. Right now Aq is my cut off hand, it's the weakest starting hand I'll see a flop with. I just play pairs down to 88 and down to AQ unsuited
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Re: AQ - the hand of death I certainly wouldn't blacklist it mate. You'll probably find that the number of times you've lost with it will soon equal the number of times you're likely to win with it. I remember having a phobia with Aces, I lost with it five times in a row. I certainly didn't drop the hand and glad I didn't becuse I honestly can't remember the last time they were cracked! Admittedly AQ is a different kettle of fish but I'm sure soon you'll pick up some nice pots with it, when you hit top pair with your queen to KQ or QJ etc or with your pair of Aces dominating AJ AT etc or hit the Ace high flush etc Let us know when you next win with it, it'll be sooner than you think!! Danny

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Re: AQ - the hand of death With hands, you also need to think of the "cross subsidisation". i.e. a hand can be a hand that costs you money, BUT it can still be profitable to play. If you get too tight, then when you do play (assuming observant enough opponents) everyone will immediately fold to you. By playing (even with slightly negative ev) AQ, you should find AA more profitable as you are more likely to get action.... obviously the impact of just AQ on just AA is quite small, but I think you should remember the concept - when you add together all of the hands the relationship applies to, it can be quite large.

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Re: AQ - the hand of death

Not really no, If someone can show me from their poker tracker, that AQ (suited or otherwise) is profitable for them, and give me pointers on how to play it, I'll give it a go. I don't want to restrict my starting hands any further, I'm already a hypertight player. AJ I fold instantly. Right now Aq is my cut off hand, it's the weakest starting hand I'll see a flop with. I just play pairs down to 88 and down to AQ unsuited
I normally raise with AQ, especially if it's suited... sometimes I just limp in, but am prepared to fold it after the flop. AJ, have you thought about having more starting hands?? 67 suited, 89 suited and so on?? I really like those hands because they really pay off if you hit. People expect you to have the hands you just mentioned above, and I think you can profit alot from playing different hands than the "normal" player consider "good hands". Just my 2 pence :ok
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Re: AQ - the hand of death

I normally raise with AQ, especially if it's suited... sometimes I just limp in, but am prepared to fold it after the flop. AJ, have you thought about having more starting hands?? 67 suited, 89 suited and so on?? I really like those hands because they really pay off if you hit. People expect you to have the hands you just mentioned above, and I think you can profit alot from playing different hands than the "normal" player consider "good hands". Just my 2 pence :ok
It's good advice, I play those hands at the bubble in STT's. My game is pretty robotic, Slansky 1-3 until 5 players left, then add group 4, group 5 at the bubble. I always raise group 1 hands, group 2 hands from mid/late and group 3 hands I'll only raise from very late position if still unraised. With the occasional blind steal to maintain a chip position. I find the above system, allows me to double up by hand 20 in most STT's, and then drift along looking for another big hand, then into the money. It's dull, but consistantly profitable at the $10+1 STT's
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