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Crazy hand


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Decided to try a little experiment. Trying to build a bit of a crazy table image to try and get callers for my big hands later. I'm in early position and get dealt, 2 5 off suit, table has been tight, so I push all in hoping to steal the blinds, and show the cards afterwards. I was not happy to get three callers :eyes Didn't expect it to turn out like this thought :lol :lol

[Jan 2 01:17:04] : Hand Start.
[Jan 2 01:17:04] : Seat 1 : MBertaine has $6,170
[Jan 2 01:17:04] : Seat 2 : murph007cl has $1,540
[Jan 2 01:17:04] : Seat 3 : falcon48 has $2,140
[Jan 2 01:17:04] : Seat 4 : foolsgold99 has $1,940
[Jan 2 01:17:04] : Seat 5 : medipok has $1,860
[Jan 2 01:17:04] : Seat 7 : McGoohan has $1,720
[Jan 2 01:17:04] : Seat 8 : shyman53 has $1,830
[Jan 2 01:17:04] : Seat 9 : Maxierose has $800
[Jan 2 01:17:04] : MBertaine is the dealer.
[Jan 2 01:17:04] : murph007cl posted small blind.
[Jan 2 01:17:04] : falcon48 posted big blind.
[Jan 2 01:17:04] : Game [17] started with 8 players.
[Jan 2 01:17:04] : Dealing Hole Cards.
[Jan 2 01:17:04] : Seat 4 : foolsgold99 has 2h 5c
[Jan 2 01:17:49] : It's your turn.
[Jan 2 01:17:49] : foolsgold99 has 10 seconds to respond.
[Jan 2 01:17:49] : Stakes: 30/60 Current level: 2 Next level in: 8 min.
[Jan 2 01:17:57] : foolsgold99 called 60 and raised 1,880 and is All-in
[Jan 2 01:18:01] : medipok called 1,860 and is All-in
[Jan 2 01:18:01] : McGoohan folded.
[Jan 2 01:18:02] : shyman53 folded.
[Jan 2 01:17:35] : Maxierose called 800 and is All-in
[Jan 2 01:17:39] : Stakes: 30/60 Current level: 2 Next level in: 7 min.
[Jan 2 01:17:47] : MBertaine called 1,940 and raised 4,230 and is All-in
[Jan 2 01:17:48] : murph007cl folded.
[Jan 2 01:17:48] : falcon48 folded.
[Jan 2 01:17:49] : Showdown!
[Jan 2 01:17:49] : Seat 4 : foolsgold99 has 2h 5c
[Jan 2 01:17:51] : Seat 1 : MBertaine has Js As
[Jan 2 01:17:51] : Seat 4 : foolsgold99 has 2h 5c
[Jan 2 01:17:51] : Seat 5 : medipok has Jd Qd
[Jan 2 01:17:51] : Seat 9 : Maxierose has 7c 7h
[Jan 2 01:17:59] : Stakes: 30/60 Current level: 2 Next level in: 7 min.
[Jan 2 01:18:00] : Board cards [Td 2d 5s 9h 6s]
[Jan 2 01:18:00] : Seat 1 : MBertaine has Js As
[Jan 2 01:18:00] : MBertaine has High Card : Ace
[Jan 2 01:18:00] : Seat 4 : foolsgold99 has 2h 5c
[Jan 2 01:18:00] : foolsgold99 has Two Pair: 5s and 2s
[Jan 2 01:18:00] : foolsgold99 wins 160 with Two Pair: 5s and 2s
[Jan 2 01:18:00] : Seat 1 : MBertaine has Js As
[Jan 2 01:18:00] : MBertaine has High Card : Ace
[Jan 2 01:18:00] : Seat 4 : foolsgold99 has 2h 5c
[Jan 2 01:18:00] : foolsgold99 has Two Pair: 5s and 2s
[Jan 2 01:18:00] : Seat 5 : medipok has Jd Qd
[Jan 2 01:18:00] : medipok has High Card : Queen
[Jan 2 01:18:00] : foolsgold99 wins 3,180 with Two Pair: 5s and 2s
[Jan 2 01:18:00] : Seat 1 : MBertaine has Js As
[Jan 2 01:18:00] : MBertaine has High Card : Ace
[Jan 2 01:18:00] : Seat 4 : foolsgold99 has 2h 5c
[Jan 2 01:18:00] : foolsgold99 has Two Pair: 5s and 2s
[Jan 2 01:18:00] : Seat 5 : medipok has Jd Qd
[Jan 2 01:18:00] : medipok has High Card : Queen
[Jan 2 01:18:00] : Seat 9 : Maxierose has 7c 7h
[Jan 2 01:18:00] : Maxierose has Pair: 7s
[Jan 2 01:18:00] : foolsgold99 wins 3,290 with Two Pair: 5s and 2s
[Jan 2 01:18:44] : Hand is over.
[Jan 2 01:18:44] : Stakes: 30/60 Current level: 2 Next level in: 7 min.
Perhaps I've found a new magic hand :lol :lol :lol
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Re: Crazy hand Just finished the STT as the winner. Heads up, I got dealt 2 5 off again, he'd raised me 4 x BB, I pushed and he folded. I showd him the magic hand again, and made a point of telling him it was the magic hand in chat. He wasn't happy with me, next hand he pushed with KK and ran into my 2 red Aces. Game over :ok

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Re: Crazy hand I often find that creating a crazy table image does help in STT's, tho going all-in with 52 pre-flop could be classes as suicidal. Nice to see that it won tho. I often find that saying weird stuff (often lying about hands etc)in the chat box (not offensive tho) often helps. Also by showing the odd bluff here and there. I only play $5 STT's so often people don't remember any information you may give them by showing the odd bluff here and there. Saying that the craziest bluff like that i did was in a $0.10/$0.20 NL cash game. I raised to $1 with 7 2os, flop came AQ8, and i bet $2 and they all folded so i showed. Put the whole table on tilt.

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