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KK early on in rebuy tourney:


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How have I played it so far, and what should I do now? ** Game ID 1103560471 starting - 2006-12-24 08:49:23 ** $1,200 GUARANTEE[687763]:Table 4 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (30.00|60.00 No Limit - MTT) Real Money - Right_Turn sitting in seat 1 with $3615.00 - beud sitting in seat 2 with $3044.62 - hradecak sitting in seat 3 with $3225.38 - ikaros44 sitting in seat 4 with $1915.00 - zocker12345 sitting in seat 5 with $2210.00 - JadedJ sitting in seat 6 with $2515.00 [Dealer] Right_Turn posted the small blind - $15.00 beud posted the big blind - $30.00 ** Dealing card to JadedJ: King of Hearts, King of Spades hradecak called - $30.00 ikaros44 called - $30.00 zocker12345 raised - $120.00 JadedJ raised - $360.00 Right_Turn folded beud folded hradecak called - $360.00 ikaros44 folded zocker12345 called - $360.00 ** Dealing the flop: 4 of Hearts, Queen of Diamonds, 10 of Hearts hradecak bet - $90.00 zocker12345 folded JadedJ raised - $330.00 hradecak called - $330.00 ** Dealing the turn: 3 of Spades hradecak checked JadedJ bet - $250.00 hradecak called - $250.00 ** Dealing the river: 9 of Clubs hradecak bet - $405.89

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Re: KK early on in rebuy tourney: I would call the bet. It is feasible that you are drawing dead, and he has AA or made trips on the flop. Equally, in a rebuy tourney, people have been known to bet out with any old rubbish, and he could well have AK AQ AJ or 72o. With only 8 (i think) hands that can beat you, it's a call for me.

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Re: KK early on in rebuy tourney: The only time he's showed any aggression throughout the whole hand is after the river so you'd have to assume the 9 helped him in some way. My guess would be he's holding KJ and has just made his straight or he's "sensed" weakness in your betting pattern (your raises have got smaller as the hands go on) and is trying to steal the pot. I think it's worth calling here as his bet is small compared to the size of the pot and even if you lose to the straight you've gained some valuable info about whats he's prepared to chase with.

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Re: KK early on in rebuy tourney: I'd have pushed on the flop just to take it down there and then, especially since it's early. If he's got AA or QQ on the flop, rebuy. The action on the turn and river make it likely he's got KJ. I call. You can't lay KK down early in a tournie if it's a rebuy.

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Re: KK early on in rebuy tourney: I like the play preflop for sure but all other bets are extremely weak, you really need to be betting much MUCH harder on the flop. Hes bet a poultry 90 into a pot of 1055 and then you raise to 330. I really dont see the point in that bet at all its not pricing any draw out whatsoever whilst at the same time not making anything that hit already pay. Whats he getting to call there about 6/1? The pots very big already just take it down, id go all in here and hope for a muppet call. If he folds then thats totally fine by me. If hes got you beat with a set or top 2 then nevermind you cant fold this hand in a rebuy period on a flop like that, just bad luck. Same kind of thing applies to the turn as well (as youve played it), the 3 is a total blank and he checks, you really need to go all in now and take it down, your stack is about the same size as the large pot is. Your 250 bet is giving him about 8/1 odds if hes on a flush/straight draw which is tremendous for him. The bet at the end is ominous and I wouldnt rule out that hed actually flopped a set of tens or fours on the flop then filled to a full house at the river tbh. Or the KJ as others have said could be. At the same time though theres about 2.6K in the pot so for 400 more its a call you have to make and just hope its good even though its probably not but its by no means impossible youll win and for those odds its an easy call. It could be a defensive bet after all hoping for a cheap showdown. You can learn from this hand though, to bet your hands harder than this cos this is very weak play. I thought you were supposed to be all aggressive Jaded? Or is this someone else? Im not having a go at all or anything btw just telling it how it is.

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Re: KK early on in rebuy tourney: Ah was the KJ huh. As you can see, your bets actually priced him in with the open ender the whole way and he was correct to call them. Put in the big bet/s and he'll either fold or make the call with the worst of it, either way its good for you. Nice one taking constructive criticism btw, I try and be wary sometimes that I dont come across too harsh like cos I dont mean too (I would never just post up 'Thats bad play' and not say why, cos thats rubbish). Im just always trying to give constructive criticism whenever I post, nothing more :ok It doesnt really matter now but...

The bet at the end is ominous and I wouldnt rule out that hed actually flopped a set of tens or fours on the flop then filled to a full house at the river tbh. Or the KJ as others have said could be.
Ignore the bit about the full house there I thought the board paired for some reason, need some glasses perhaps.
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