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Not going quite to plan


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The plan was to have a break from poker until after xmas but I decided to start playing again. I'm glad to say I have got the "buzz" back :nana but my luck hasn't changed much :( . I only intend to play freerolls for the moment as I lost my bankroll last month and will try to get it going the hard way. See you at the tables :ok

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Re: Not going quite to plan

The plan was to have a break from poker until after xmas but I decided to start playing again. I'm glad to say I have got the "buzz" back :nana but my luck hasn't changed much :( . I only intend to play freerolls for the moment as I lost my bankroll last month and will try to get it going the hard way. See you at the tables :ok
I'm sure you'll find it easy going back to the freerolls - good luck and I'm sure your enthusiasm will be back in no time! :ok TQM
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Re: Not going quite to plan

The plan was to have a break from poker until after xmas but I decided to start playing again. I'm glad to say I have got the "buzz" back :nana but my luck hasn't changed much :( . I only intend to play freerolls for the moment as I lost my bankroll last month and will try to get it going the hard way. See you at the tables :ok
stick at it galronix,i have been going through much the same thing as i`m sure we all have and all of of a sudden i have had 2 days of brill poker made the final table and money and now my confidence is brimming again, when only 2 weeks ago i was gonna stop all together, atb to you mate:ok :ok
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Re: Not going quite to plan Gal - stick in there mate- You are doing the sensible thing by sticking to the freerolls and it is good to see that you have the "appetite" for poker- :nana Go on glut yourself - there are plenty of freerolls to go at. Give a holler if you dont see one to play - I'm sure that someone can point you in the right direction.:ok

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Re: Not going quite to plan Good to see you back on your toes Gal :ok :nana Sending you lots of love and karma from Copenhagen... XXXX I haven't played much myself lately... simply because the buzz isn't there and when it isn't there's no way I can concentrate... but I know it will come back someday :ok

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