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Guest gazza271

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Guest gazza271

Who plays here ? I know there is a couple who keep posting regular wins from this site :clap Whats the standard like ? Is it a "typical" american site like full tilt ? I have been clearing up on the full tilt STT's and have wondered about Pokerstars but not yet ventured over there, have had it downloaded for ages but never deposited. Standard of play ? Value tournies ? Input appreciated :ok

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Re: PokerStars Poker Stars and Poker Room are my only 2 losing sites. (Full Tilt i'm a small profit) Lost most of my dough on $5 STT's - although not been on since August. Standard of Play - well I'm a losing player, so for me the Standard was pretty good. Value tournies - never played that many MTT's as the size of the fields are HUGE so I think 'value' isn't a word i'd use for their tourneys. Although I belive they are good for Sattellites to the large live events. (Not a satellite player myself) Just my experience i'm sure others ahve had better fortune than me.

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Re: PokerStars I like Pokerstars a lot. :ok I think I deposited to play in the O.F.C. series ($50) and I've built it up to $300 playing $3+.40 STT's and $4+.40 MTT sit n goes. If I was less of a site whore then I would probably have all my funds here and play a lot of the different formats, and level's of buy-ins. I can't give a direct comparison to full tilt I'm afraid but PokerStars scores 8/5 out of 10 for me. When I get up to 1000 it can have 10. ;) P.S.

Value tournies - never played that many MTT's as the size of the fields are HUGE so I think 'value' isn't a word i'd use for their tourneys
VoJ, the MTT sit n goes have up to 180 runners and pay top 18... Decent enough games imo.
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Re: PokerStars I like Pokerstars too. Won a Chip for a weekly 2nd Round. But there´re a lot comical players there.It is very popular in TV and Radio so you find a lot fishes there. They have a lot of Freerolls and special Tourneys like "only english","Only german", stud,Ohama, ... The grafics are a bit old but their marketing and promotions are very good. :ok

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Re: PokerStars

P.S.VoJ, the MTT sit n goes have up to 180 runners and pay top 18... Decent enough games imo.
True MrV, but for value I was meaning 'added' or 'guaranteed' - aka Mansion, which I think is exceptionally genorous with the above, although they seem to be edging to the American market more now, with the starting times. The STT's you are only getting back what has been paid in, although I may well use the remanants of my balance and give 'Stars another crack.
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Re: PokerStars Yeah mate I think I cocked things up a bit. Financial 'value' is poor, but what makes up for it and provides a service(?) value is. Extremely stable software All levels of STT's and MTT's catered for Sit N Go MTT's mean not having to wait until 'O Clock to start Enough traffic so that you will always find a game. I will add Joe that I'm miserly with my deposits and wanted to win back any that I put in any site. My balance dropped down to 1 buy in at $3+40 at one point which gave me a kick up the arse and forced me to play better poker. I bought into an STT, cashed in and haven't looked back

The grafics are a bit old but their marketing and promotions are very good.
Chiqo? have you 'skinned the software using PokerStars Beta? I've used the options to change everything about the table and now it's SO comfortable on the eye. :ok
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Re: PokerStars I like the pokerstars software tho didnt do particularly well. Deposited $50 and it went within a month, well down to $2.07, just enough to play a $0.01/$0.02 cash game with all the fish. Do like the various satellites they run. During my brief play on their site i managed to win a $10 double shootout with 81 players to qualify for the sunday million with 6000 other players.

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Guest gazza271

Re: PokerStars Thanks for the replys folks :ok Decided to bung $25 into the account so that would cover me for 4 $5 STT's Before you start GaF ;) on the 9 seat STT's I expect to cash every other table :hope First game was full of unbelieveable yankee trash talk :lol :lol :lol :lol and I think I was the only player there not in possesion of a WSOP bracelet :( , It was also quite loose and I bubbled when my KK met QJ :@ Second game was very very tight and some decent players, played tight myself and managed to win it :cow That leaves me about $11 up and still dont really know how i feel about the site, 2 totally contrasting games :unsure Will play some more STT's tomorrow and update :hope :ok

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Guest gazza271

Re: PokerStars ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhh and you get a fancy email PokerStars Tournament #38150812, No Limit Hold'em Buy-In: $5.00/$0.50 9 players Total Prize Pool: $45.00 Tournament started - 2006/12/15 - 19:09:09 (ET) Dear PLgazza271, You finished the tournament in 1st place. A $22.50 award has been credited to your Real Money account. Congratulations! Thank you for participating :lol :lol :lol

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Re: PokerStars Its my favourite site by a mile gazza, although I do agree with other comments about easier to make money elsewhere. IMO the software is excellent, the varity(sp) of games that can be played without having to wait for too long is very good, plus very reptuable site. Its got a lot of plusses

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Re: PokerStars

First game was full of unbelieveable yankee trash talk :lol :lol :lol :lol and I think I was the only player there not in possesion of a WSOP bracelet :( , It was also quite loose and I bubbled when my KK met QJ :@ Second game was very very tight and some decent players, played tight myself and managed to win it :cow
Just came second in a $5 STT - down to 3 players after 14 hands, and HU after 18 :loon . Never seen anything like it, games are normally very tight.
.... and then there is the variety in the types of games you experience! :lol :lol :lol I was always nervous about playing there as I thought it was too tough a game to beat, and that I'd be a fish in with the sharks, but then I figured if Mike could cash in there anyone could (joke!). I actually found that low level is an easy-ish game to beat, so I don't understand why it is considered to be the toughest site to play at.
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