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Why I need a break from Poker


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Very rarely moan about poker, hate bad beat stories, but December has been a very frustrating Month.

It’s not the bad beats but just the cards going wrong for you so many times. Ie 2 over cards and not hitting, then having the pair then they hit the one over card.

OK apart from this weekend, $350 won on cash tables. Then Sunday night won the Virgin V-points free roll.

Monday Bombed out of tournies, and lost $80 on Cash tables.

Tuesday 30 mins on Cash tables and lost $50.

Wednesday at the casino £25 freezout. Sitting about 8th overall and was Dealt K9 clubs, Stealing blinds I went all in and was called by the Muppet not in the blinds. The muppet had been playing anything all nite and turned over 9 5 off, he hit hi low straight. Out 13th.

Decided to play a bit of cash games. So Sat down with £50, which quickly turned into £90, then hit pocket 6s. A preflop raise meant there the was £35 in the pot. The flop is j 8 6, the original raiser is out but there are 2 other raisers, raising it £10. turn is 3 (rainbow). I raise £30, after some deliberation 1 caller. The river is an 8:wall:wall, Now this made my Full house, but I knew this was a bad card for me. He put me all in £40. for a pot of £250. He turns over j 8.

Thursday. Champs league my all in 10s ran into kings, no complaints.

Safety net. Got rivered 3 times in a row, from 2 to out $1.87

Blogger freeroll. Cant remember what happened there but was starting to tilt, had a bad beat and it all went wrong from there.

Cardplayer Freeroll. Now played well in this but was hitting numerous bad beats, although managed to stay in top ten throughout. Sitting top hit pocket queens, a raise I went all in he called with AK. Hits an a on the River. Down to 9000, j 10 all in. 10 on the flop an ace on the River knocks me out in 7th.

50 up all in with top pair on hand 3 and was out kicked. The question is do I take a break, or just play lower stakes for a while?

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Re: Why I need a break from Poker Have a few days rest and do you Christmas shopping. If you're starting to tilt, you don't want it to become a habit. I've been bubbling ALOT recently in STT, MTT and satelites. Feel like going allin first hand with 52o. Maybe i'll take a break too. At least you can't lose any money...

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Re: Why I need a break from Poker bad run I guess :\ it wasn`t my day yesterday either... i lost 2 buy-ins going all-in preflop with AA against K4 ... opponent hit 2 pairs :@ and with KK against T8s ... opponent hit straight :@ i`m glad when i see muppets going all-in with trash hands, but when i`m in the pot, they win the pot anyway :sad :) things could only get better :hope GL, H.

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Guest gazza271

Re: Why I need a break from Poker Maybe a break ? Personally over the last few weeks I have cut down drastically on the amount of poker I am playing. I used to have several MTT's on the go at the same time,cash tables etc. The last couple of weeks I have only really been playing the one MTT with maybe an STT on the laptop to save me getting bored and my play has improved and I'm happier :ok I'm not playing all night either and most importantly I havn't felt like playing all night Bad beats will never go away and besides you shouldn't want them to, it means the muppets are still calling with shite and for every bad beat you know you will come out on top on the long run :ok Take a break, cut down, do whatever feels right and you know you will be back soon to winning ways :ok

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Re: Why I need a break from Poker Currently exactly the same for me Rosco. STT my previous worst Out of the Money streak in last 2 months was 3 ... currently stands at 6, first 3 lost to Runner-Runner each time next 3 just something in my head meant I wasn't in right frame of mind. Not played one now for last 3 days - and I've been on Holiday all week. Will play again when I feel the time is right. MTT's last 2 mega bad luck - Spodds/Paradise I correctly work out that GaF is chancing his arm re-raising All-In over my Button raise, and the 'muppet' ;) shows A7 vs my AJ - course he hits the 7 on the flop. Yesterday same story - hit 2 pair on a rag flop, put in big raise - (after being the Initial preflop raiser) - Phillossify goes all-in, I of course call(BTW Phil's All-In was completely reasonably, as he showed 99 as overpair to borad) - I could have coped with Phil hitting another 9, but the bored made a staright 4-8 and I got knocked out with Phil having the 9 giving him a higher strait !! But must say my cash games have improved, playing minimum stakes and Pot Limit (which reduces the preflop All-In), I still get the muppet callers but in the cash games they lose far more often than they win, so in the long run I'm the winner So I take solace in the facts that 1. I'm winning more from the muppets in the cash games than I do in STT's 2. I'm playing exceptionally well in MTT's, but luck beats skill every time and that my turn for the luck will come in bigger and better competitions. 3. That its not just me that these things happen too, and that bad fotrune can visit us all in turn My suggestions would be - after a day or two off,drop down a level, play low stakes PL cash games and watch the muppets call with trash. :D Stick to freerolls as much as possible on the MTT's until you get your bank back up. Apologies for such a long post but sharing our misfortunes in this way is like therapy in itself :nana

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Re: Why I need a break from Poker With Christmas coming, it going to be harder to stop playing. Now is the chance to have few days break. If you lose cash , it hurts, but if you lose in freerolls its easier to forget. Stay away from cash tables for few days, play freerolls. Theres enough of them over weekend.

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Re: Why I need a break from Poker

The question is do I take a break, or just play lower stakes for a while?
I would suggest that if you play at all then you follow Hen's advice. It isn't your play that's bad, it's your temperament, as your results in the first post suggest. However sometimes the slightest thing can sometimes send you on tilt, whilst at other times you can be extremely philosophical about worse bad beats than those mentioned which is why I think you should take this into account when you play at the moment. Keep away from the cash games and play freerolls. Maybe even play less. or do something else instead.
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Re: Why I need a break from Poker Decided to play safety net as stated. get pocket aces in bb. 25 blinds somone raised to 75 2 called. I raise to 500 1 call flop qqj All in 550. called he turns 10 k turn is 10 (extra outs) river a 9 You gotta laugh:rollin:rollin:rollin

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Re: Why I need a break from Poker

Have you looked at your game ? Perhaps try playing some more conservative poker for a while, limit yourself to Slansky groups 1 to 3, win a few pots, let the confidence return then extending yourself a bit more, whne you feel like a winner again
U been watching me play?:loon No seriously good advice and will try it. :ok
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