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Support Software - How important ??


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Been thinking about this one for ages. I hear a lot of people on here talk about poker tracker and poker office. I don't have either of these applications, just how good are they, and do they help your game ?? I play on Tribeca just now, playing mostly STT's and these apps don't support it. Ring games are fine, but tourneys are a no go. Is it worth moving network to something like stars or partypoker, just to get support for these applications ?? Am I crippling myself here playing without them ? I'd like to be able to run some reports on my game, find out flop fold percentages, winning hands, losing hands etc. Can someone that has one of these come on and post, ane give some feedback about these apps and what they use them for

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Re: Support Software - How important ?? I used poker spy for a while but found it didn't really add to my game, in fact if I'd followed it's advice rather than my intuition I would have put down a lot of hands that I won with. I think it would probably be good for a beginner learning to play ABC poker but once you're past that stage it has little use. Having said that I never really used the stats side but I have a pretty good idea when I'm doing well or not.

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Re: Support Software - How important ?? I have some poker software, pokeroffice and SNG powertools, and testing SNG wizard. For cashgames pokeroffice is good, it is an easy way of keeping tracks of how your opponenets play (how loose they are, how aggresive they are, how often they make continuation bets). Secondly it is a great tool to analyze your own game, I realized a couple of things, I have read about how importen position is in NL, and I played tighter from early position, even before I got pokeroffice, but when I got pokeroffice, I could see that from all the early positions, I just about breaking even, but from the late positions, I made a ton of money, (the difference was so big it was shocking). So now I play even tighter from early position, and looser from late. Now I usualy throw away ATo/AJo and all suited connectors from early position. However if I can see a cheap flop from late position I now play hands like all suited A and K, and all suited connectors, 1 gap suited, and 2 gap suited cards, except from the very smallest cards. Another thing a realized was that it is a lot better to bet an underpair a straifgr draw and even an inside straight draw than a flushdraw. Because people allways put you on the flush draw, if there is 2 suited cards on the flop. For STT and MTT, pokeroffice is not very usefull, there you need the SNG wizard or SNG powertool, I bought the SNG powertool, but have tried the SNG wizard too, I think they are very similar, but the SNG wizard is slighty better. These programs really teach you 2 things about the end game (when you or your opponent have less than 10 BB) first about what you can push with when the blinds go up, and secondly how big the difference has to be between a hand you can push with and the hand you need to have to call a push.

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Re: Support Software - How important ?? Sorry mate - didn't see this first time :$ Always happy to offer a view on Software though :tongue2 Like Viggo, I bought SNG PowerTools, but a waste for me - have never used it :sad You say Tribeca isn't supported - oh yes it is ;) In general, I think PokerOffice is probably better in game, but PokerTracker is better for "slicing and dicing" your data away from the table..... So is it any good? Well for tournaments, it's pretty useless IMO. I do like to have Poker Spy (far simpler, and more limited) running during tournaments for a quick easy way to see old hands and an "at the glance" look at someones last 17 hands. (Did you know that a lot of sites store the cards in a HH file where a player mucks at showdown? If the HH isn't easily available, then this software can be even more useful - and often your opponent wont know that you can see his cards). For cash games it is totally different. The primary benefit is for post game analysis to eliminate the leaks in your game. Requires you to work your database (and I've been poor - but hope to get a new tidier database and work it in 2007 ;-) ), but if you want to improve the way you are playing, this information is invaluable. In cash games you HAVE to play for the longrun - the results of individual hands are totally irrelevant - this will show you your long run results!!! The secondary benefit is in game information on your opponents - this is especially important where you are multitabling and paying little attention to your opponents play, but can also be useful when single tabling, especially if you are often playing the same players - this will give you an immediate idea on how someone is playing immediately they sit down (you can also on some networks, collect data on tables you aren't playing at - so you can collect info on a table before you sit down - then you know your opponents, but they dont know you..... SlickMick - are you talking about Calculatem (where the advice is carp - I think it's aimed at Limit) - I don't think Poker-Spy offers advice :unsure Finally - Poker Office and Poker Tracker have full functional demos (for x thousand hands) - suggest you give them a go :ok There are some good articles out there on how to really get the best out of poker tracker (and an ebook) - will see if I can dig them out later (remind me if I forget) If you play with PokerTracker, download the free Gametime+ add on - that will give you an overlay on the table of your opponents play :ok

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