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Poker for a beginner


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I'm about to make an effort to ingratiate myself into the world of online poker? I know sod all about the game, I've got 2 packs of cards and a book on gambling to get me started att he mo. :nana I'm gonna really do the research before I risk my hard earned money, not gonna play for real for at least 3 months. Can anybody give me some advice on getting upto speed? Is it possible to make a consistent monthly profit online? Best site to play at? Tactics? Good books? Etc. Cheers and happy xmas

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Re: Poker for a beginner Nice one mate :ok You can play online on most sites for play money. This is a good place for learning the mechanics of the game (but a terrible place for learning any real strategy). You can also play "Freerolls" - these are games that are totally free to enter, but the payouts are in real dosh!! Check the stickies in the "Poker Tourneys" section - there are some PL exclusive freerolls coming up - there is also a diary which lists daily tournaments. Note that some freerolls have entry requirements - i.e. you are required to have played a certain number of games with your own cash. A significant number have no entry requirements though!!! Subscribing to Poker Player magazine might be a good move too - you can get a 12 month subscription for £5 if you go through the link on www.apat.com. They usually have exclusive freerolls too ;-) PokernightLive is very educational too (Sky channel 843 or Webcast at www.pokerzone.tv) broadcasting between 21:00 and 01:00 GMT every day. (they also have exclusive freerolls from time to time - currently running on Thursdays I think, in association with Cardplayer Norge) A few links for you to try on PL: How To Play Texas No Limit Hold 'Em Poker Novice Questions Stages of Development How To Start Out in Poker Without Risking Your Own Cash Any questions, dont hesitate to ask, a lot of people here are very willing to help :ok

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Re: Poker for a beginner I think Dave's post was clearly tongue in cheek and noone would take it seriously. It was intended humourously/sarcastically and I cant see why anyone (beginners included) wouldn't take it that way..... There are far more regular poker players on PL, who in total seriousness suggest that bad players cannot be beat - they are the ones I feel should know better!! ;)

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Re: Poker for a beginner edit

I think Dave's post was clearly tongue in cheek and noone would take it seriously. It was intended humourously/sarcastically and I cant see why anyone (beginners included) wouldn't take it that way..... There are far more regular poker players on PL, who in total seriousness suggest that bad players cannot be beat - they are the ones I feel should know better!! ;)
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Re: Poker for a beginner Well Ive done a little bit of reading on the web with the links. Still feel a little bit daumted by it all - masses of things to learn! Ive never even played a conventional game with a set of playing cards so I think knowing the combos and how stakes are placed and when will be my first big task. Is their a preferred site to play on? How do I search for freerolls?

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Re: Poker for a beginner edit

Well Ive done a little bit of reading on the web with the links. Still feel a little bit daumted by it all - masses of things to learn! Ive never even played a conventional game with a set of playing cards so I think knowing the combos and how stakes are placed and when will be my first big task. Is their a preferred site to play on? How do I search for freerolls?
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Re: Poker for a beginner The Safety Net might be a good one - played every day - sounds like good value at the moment (Sporting Odds have just moved to another network). http://www.sportingoddsgames.com/c/paradise/tourney-safety-net.html To work out the value of a freeroll divide the prize pool by number of entrants. Greater than $1 is quite good. Less than 50c is quite poor (but may still be worth you playing whilst learning..... Nothing stopping you having a wide range of accounts to play freerolls everywhere (I have over 80 poker rooms on my machine!!!)

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Re: Poker for a beginner Blue Square have a freeroll every night at 7:45. It's pretty easy to get into the money if you play sensibly. Avoid the speed ones though as they are a bit of a lottery and not really a good way of learning. Once you've picked up a few dollars in the freerolls try the low buy in STT's. You get a lot of play for your money for as little as 10 cents. Also try the monster $5000 freeroll on Bet365 at 8:00 on Saturday night. It has 6000 players and the top 300 get paid. Good luck wherever you decide to play.

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Re: Poker for a beginner

no its a terrible post you know its tongue in cheek - but if someone was new and didn't understand the forum nuances and read the posts at face value thenwhat would they think?? its a shocking post from someone with 14.5K posts and does a dis-service to the forum YMMV of course Damo
Jesus mate. Take a back seat and relax a little. It was very much tongue in cheek hence the ;) Anyone who plays the game know it involves a hell of a lot of skill. Might I suggest you don't over react again, I meant no harm FFS.:\
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Re: Poker for a beginner Thanks for all the useful info everyone! :clap ive learnt a lot already. One last question concerning the technical reliability of online poker. By this I mean has anybody ever had a nightmare where they are involved in a game with money at stake and either their computer or the software malfunctions leaving them unable to play the game and thus somebody else wins the pot despite you holding a royal flush:notworthy:crywell a winning hand at least. I don't mean an internet connection being cut off, not really an issue in the days of broadband, but a type of "this computer is not responding" kind of problem etc. I imagine this is a of course a very rare occurance but has anybody been on the receiving end of it? Should I make sure my computer is in tip top condition before embarking on online poker/

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Re: Poker for a beginner Unfortunately - disconnections are a part of online poker - they happen and are really frustrating...... Different sites have different levels of reliability ...... however on the play money tables and the freerolls, where you will be playing for the moment, it doesn't really matter - so just give it a try (bizarely, sites that are reliable for one person may be unreliable for another and vice versia)

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Re: Poker for a beginner edit

Unfortunately - disconnections are a part of online poker - they happen and are really frustrating...... Different sites have different levels of reliability ...... however on the play money tables and the freerolls, where you will be playing for the moment, it doesn't really matter - so just give it a try (bizarely, sites that are reliable for one person may be unreliable for another and vice versia)
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Re: Poker for a beginner Damo, Your replies on this thread are frankly, out of order. Have you never made a tongue in cheek comment? Do you realise what davidmphill has and remains to bring to PL as a whole? I voted for you as best poker newcomer on the PL oscars, because I thought you brought some good discussions to the strategy forum etc...but this thread has disappointed me. The only person that's made the newbie feel uncomfortable, is you, with your reply. Maybe you should think first before posting.

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Re: Poker for a beginner have PM'd you Paul - seems better than clogging the threads Damo

Damo, Your replies on this thread are frankly, out of order. Have you never made a tongue in cheek comment? Do you realise what davidmphill has and remains to bring to PL as a whole? I voted for you as best poker newcomer on the PL oscars, because I thought you brought some good discussions to the strategy forum etc...but this thread has disappointed me. The only person that's made the newbie feel uncomfortable, is you, with your reply. Maybe you should think first before posting.
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  • 1 month later...

Re: Poker for a beginner Hi ive really started getting into the game over the last three weeks. Been playing online on play money tables four time now. Lost a lot first two goes but im now doing well. Went to table with 250 yesterday and left with 253 after an hours play. Today I went to table with 253 and came away with 402 again after an hour! :) One question, why is a pot shared sometimes? I was on partypoker. I had a pair of aces and somebody else had flush ace high. They got $47.50 and i got 44.50 after the river? :( Surely all the money shouldve gone to them?? I'm hardly an expert but my own opinion from the limited time ive been playing is that if you want to win money then you've got to lay down good hands even if you heart says no. ie (Folding on the river with KK and a Q kicker if the cards suggest somebody has got even better!) Cheers for all the good advice, watching it on tv is helping massively.

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Re: Poker for a beginner There's probably others on here who can explain better than me, but I'll have a go. Sounds like the guy who had the flush had fewer chips than you to start with. You can only win as many chips as you can match with someone else - so if you have more chips than someone you are all-in against, you will not be knocked out even if they win the hand, but they will be if they lose. In your hand, either the amount you won was the excess chips you had over your oppo, or someone else (also with more chips) was also in the hand and although both you and he lost to the flush, your aces beat the other guy so you won the extra chips from him. In the latter, there will have been a 'side pot'. And you are quite right about the hands you fold being just as important as the ones you play. You can't get knocked out folding a hand, but can by playing it. But you ought to get an alternative view from some of the more aggressive players on here. ;)

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