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Please analyze this?


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I was playing in a tourney last night, doing okay when this hand occured: I have 4350 chips, about 50th of 80 remaining, blinds are 300/600. On the button I am dealt Ace of spades, Q of hearts. There are two callers before me (from middle positions) who both have me covered. I flat call, and both the blinds play. 3000 in the pot, and the flop comes Q spades, 10spades, 7diamonds. Everyone checks to me, I go all in for 3750. 1 caller from middle position using 60% of his chips. he turns over K5spades on the flush draw, which he naturally makes on the river! a) Should I have gone all in pre-flop? b) Was I a bit rash shoving all in when I did? I'm not sure how i should have played this. Any suggestions would be invaluable.

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Re: Please analyze this? M of just under 5, I'd say you junk or shove, depending how tight you think the players before you are. Unless they were REALLY tight I'd personally have gone all-in, and prayed there wasn't a premium pair or AK out there... That said, the flop all-in looks fine to me. Gotta try and chase away the guys chasing the flush, and it looks big enough to do that on most occasions - obviously not this one, but some people will call anything!

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Re: Please analyze this?

There are two callers before me (from middle positions) who both have me covered.
So, if I get this right there is already 2,100 chips in the middle, and you only flat call? My point to this is there is 50% of your stack in the middle by winning the pot there and then, so why not try adn d so. If you had pushed all in preflop whilst still having a fold equity the chances are the villain with K5 would not have called. Okay I know this outs you in a coinflip situation, but you weren't that much better off having hit your queen imo. Now you've created a pot that really is too tempting for the guy with the flush draw, he calls and hits. I'm not faulting the post flop shove, but with a drawing hand like AK/AQ sometimes it's better to just use it to steal the blinds and get on with the tourney.
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Re: Please analyze this? IMO you had to shove pre flop - especially with 2 limpers - you can win 2150 there and then without seeing a flop - almost doubling up with no risk!!! However, having not shoved pre flop - hitting top pair top kicker, with a flush draw on the board - you had to shove - if he's drawing you at least have to make him pay something!!!! You were right to shove, and he was right to call - it played itself out.....

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Re: Please analyze this? yes shove PF yes shove the flop (if you limp) both fine - but I would have chosen to shove PF - there is 2100 in the middle by the time it gets to you - thats 50% of your stack - by calling and missing the flop, you are throwing away 14% of your stack - so calling is not a good idea with AQ - the strength of AQ lies in either getting the pot already, or getting HU - not against 5 players so don't muck about with the blinds that big - get your chips in now and make the K5s limper fold, before he gets a sniff of a hand Damo

I was playing in a tourney last night, doing okay when this hand occured: I have 4350 chips, about 50th of 80 remaining, blinds are 300/600. On the button I am dealt Ace of spades, Q of hearts. There are two callers before me (from middle positions) who both have me covered. I flat call, and both the blinds play. 3000 in the pot, and the flop comes Q spades, 10spades, 7diamonds. Everyone checks to me, I go all in for 3750. 1 caller from middle position using 60% of his chips. he turns over K5spades on the flush draw, which he naturally makes on the river! a) Should I have gone all in pre-flop? b) Was I a bit rash shoving all in when I did? I'm not sure how i should have played this. Any suggestions would be invaluable.
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Re: Please analyze this? Shove PF, but nothing wrong with the shove on the Flop either. you were well ahead when the money went in, you got outdrawn. It happens. Your M was very low, better to make a stand now, when your push has some value, than when it becomes a value prop for the rest of the table. Related to this, is AQ the worst hand of all time, I read somewhere recently, that more money is lost on AQ than any other starting hand

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