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had to share this hand


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sorry for showing off here but i HAVE to share this hand i just won! i have won a number of big hands but this is the biggest by far again apologies if this seems offensive ***** Hand 478237464 ***** 25.00/50.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 06 December 2006 16:47:05 Table TH 546 (Real /Cash Game ) Seat 1: Turmia (0.00) Seat 2: girginha (4658.44) Seat 3: the mole (9479.00) Seat 4: Mr.Aki (5922.00) Seat 5: tamtamXXX (10219.00) tamtamXXX post SB 25.00 girginha post BB 50.00 ** Deal ** girginha [N/A, N/A] the mole [10s, 10h] Mr.Aki [N/A, N/A] tamtamXXX [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** the mole Call 50.00 Mr.Aki Raise to 250.00 tamtamXXX Raise to 750.00 girginha Fold the mole Call 750.00 Mr.Aki Call 750.00 *** Flop(Board): *** : [3s, 6s, 10c] *** Bet Round 2 *** tamtamXXX Bet 1800.00 the mole All-in 8729.00 Mr.Aki Fold tamtamXXX Call 8729.00 *** Turn(Board): *** : [3s, 6s, 10c, 9c] *** River(Board): *** : [3s, 6s, 10c, 9c, 6c] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 3.00 Total Pot: 19755.00 the mole [10s, 10h] Full house Win :19755.00 tamtamXXX [Kc, Kh] Two pair kings and sixes Win :0.00

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Re: had to share this hand

You must have nuts of steel to play those stakes :lol
Don't say that. If you meet him he'll offer to show you..... :puke ;) Pocket 10's again eh Mole? Very nice indeed! Congratulations. :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy
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Re: had to share this hand Fairly straight forward hand. Top set is an obvious push to such a large raise at that flop. You'd clearly put yourself ahead. If you're bank rolled to play at that level, I'd say it's obvious push. He's either on 2 pair, or a high pocket pair, or a lower set that you. I think you discounted the fact he was on an outside straight draw, by his 750 preflop raise. Only thing that is going to possibly hurt you is a lower set making quads, or an over pair (J - A) hitting trips. My very rough estimation of chances, made you a 92% fav when the money went in. He bet out 1800 (pot sized) to find out where he was. Your all-in should have told him he was behind and folded the hand. Appalling play from him to call, there is no way he can put himself ahead with KK. Perhaps he put you on A 10 ?? Fell free not to answer this question, but what size of abkroll are you playing with for these tables. To play at these limits, I'd not feel comfortable with less than $500,000 behind me to allow for short term varriance.

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Re: had to share this hand Its a different game at that level really Fools. Players are capable of going all in like Mole did with nothing but a flush draw there, sick but true. Huge pot mate, buy yourself a car :lol Sick preflop call though for $750, id hate to play 1010 preflop for $750 :lol Still if the guy never lays down big pairs then its the right call, just a sick amount to pay to flop a set. Lucky you were both double stacked or you couldnt have called that.

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Re: had to share this hand yeah, suppose your right. The fella with KK has raised 15 x BB pre flop and got a caller, he must be delighted, if ever so slightly worried. I guess at that stage, he puts you on one of 4 hands (AA. KK. QQ, AK). Still don't like his call of hte all in, depends on player read I guess

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Re: had to share this hand Yeah in lower stakes games I dont like the call tbh. I wouldnt call with KK there with these deep stacks personally. But then at these stakes shorthanded some crazy shit goes on. He still could have folded though, I would have put Mole on a PP since he limped UTG then called a raise (its usually a PP no higher than JJ when someone does that). So a set looks a fair bet. I knew someone at these stakes had a mega deep stacked pot, they each had like 300bb and he had AA. He got re-reraised all in on a 3 to the flush flop with no A of that suit, totally sick and usually youd be thinking a definite set or a flush for the other guy there especially on this deep a hand. But he plays at these levels for a living and felt the guy was on a mere flush draw and playing at him so he called and all the guy had had a Q high flush draw with J kicker so he was right. He hit it too :puke

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Re: had to share this hand It would have been interesting to see the replies if tantam had posted the hand history bit by bit Despite losing I would say that tantam was 100% right to call. He had to put the mole on queens Jacks or maybe even kings. The Mole couldnt have aces or he would surely have tried to take the pot down or at least narrow the field preflop I think 99% of people would have bet the set to get paid were as the all in shove looks like an over pair protection bet or a total bluff The moles bet could be a semi or a total bluff at that level too, bet the raggedy flop theory doesnt work in $0.50/$1.00 fixed limit but $8000 is a different matter. Any way nice one mole. Still not sure I like the all in shove though.

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Re: had to share this hand I wouldnt want to kill a pot I had dominated like this one , if he was on A/k or A/q he would have folded to your all in. If he did he might have tried a continuation bet on the turn if you had just called or he might have hit one of his percieved 6 outs and then you would have had him all in anyway. Even if he had jj or qq he might have folded to your all in by putting you on possible kings. No doubt killing the pot is the right play but you could only really have him on runner outs or 2 cards to make an over set, thankfully his hand was good enough to calll you with and you made the maximum out of it Would you have called with kings in that position?

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Re: had to share this hand

Can i ask why you don't like this move imo it was the only move possible, kill the pot right away
Nothing IMO Different people play in different ways but most in this thread are 'speculating' with cold facts. You maybe had more information through playing hands with these guys and a faint heart never fcuked a fair maiden (as they say in Cheshire)
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Re: had to share this hand

I wouldnt want to kill a pot I had dominated like this one , if he was on A/k or A/q he would have folded to your all in. If he did he might have tried a continuation bet on the turn if you had just called or he might have hit one of his percieved 6 outs and then you would have had him all in anyway. Even if he had jj or qq he might have folded to your all in by putting you on possible kings. No doubt killing the pot is the right play but you could only really have him on runner outs or 2 cards to make an over set, thankfully his hand was good enough to calll you with and you made the maximum out of it Would you have called with kings in that position?
Firstly at the point of going all in there was 4k in the pot so winning it there and then is key. secondly i didnt think at all what he had as i had the nuts at that point, if i let another card out i might not have the nuts anymore and have now lost the power next there were 2 spades on the flop he couldve been drawing so all in was without a doubt the play you actually need to play at this level to understand that its all about power, and you have no idea the pressure on you at all times the pot at this level is worth winning from the off, so really no need to take chances in trying to build it poker at a good level cannot be played from a book!!! cheers mcfc couldn't have said it better masell
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Re: had to share this hand

you actually need to play at this level to understand that its all about power, and you have no idea the pressure on you at all times the pot at this level is worth winning from the off, so really no need to take chances in trying to build it poker at a good level cannot be played from a book!!!
The truth is we can only imagine the stresses you suffer from at times, although having watched you and realised the sum's of money being 'chucked about' at times I have a fairly good idea. I've though about it for a while Mole, and I think it could be just me, but I don't know how you cope because I'm not sure that I could. However I'm on your side when I say that I don't think many people could. As regards the hand I saw nothing at all that I would have done different, except the first flat call (I'd be interested in why you did do that rather than raise?).
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Re: had to share this hand

As regards the hand I saw nothing at all that I would have done different, except the first flat call (I'd be interested in why you did do that rather than raise?).
The reason i did not raise is because Mr AKI raises 99.9% of the time, he was on my left and did so , if tamtam had not re raised i would have. cheers all for the good wishes
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