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Pocket AAs


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Into the second hour in a tourny blinds at 600 300 there are a lot of all ins with either one high card or high pairs. I do play cautious with high pairs, slow play to see the flop etc, but with blinds being high and not wanting anybody to hit a better hand an "all in" is not bad play. I was first to bet AA and went all in only for two other players to call one had A6 suited the other K5 o . K5 hit trip 5s and A6 hit the flush:wall Is this bad play on my part or just poker?

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Re: Pocket AAs Not much you can do about people calling with K5 and A6, thats just appallingly bad luck. Question must be asked what tourney were you playing in for people to be into the 2nd hour then call all-ins with those hands? As for going all-in pre-flop, don't usually do that with aces, if you raise rather than go all-in i think thats more of a sign of strenght whereas all-in could be seen as reacting to someone else's all-in in a previous hand. Anyhow for AA to be beaten by not just one of those hands but both is extremely bad luck.

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Re: Pocket AAs You're more than happy pre flop to go all in with 2 callers holding AA v A6s and K5o, though are only about 75% to win (i.e. you will lose 1 time in 4, but are getting odds of 2-1, assuming you are covered - fantastic :ok) If you hadn't gone all in, would you have folded post flop to an all in bet? Almost certainly not, so you were losing all your chips however you played that......

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Re: Pocket AAs just poker Damo

Into the second hour in a tourny blinds at 600 300 there are a lot of all ins with either one high card or high pairs. I do play cautious with high pairs, slow play to see the flop etc, but with blinds being high and not wanting anybody to hit a better hand an "all in" is not bad play. I was first to bet AA and went all in only for two other players to call one had A6 suited the other K5 o . K5 hit trip 5s and A6 hit the flush:wall Is this bad play on my part or just poker?
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Re: Pocket AAs As GAF said, if you simply flat called and the K5 and A6 limped, the only way you could get away from it was if the flop had the potential for a set or a flush. If only one 5 was out and one player had four to the flush, you'd never lay Aces down. Plus, if you limped and A6 pushed, you'd call in a heartbeat. No use beating yourself up over this one. I'm sure we've all done it/seen it and it does happen from time to time.

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Re: Pocket AAs

Cheers gaf I take what you say you can't legislate for a play like that' date=' I guess that it is just poker.[/quote'] Legislate for it? You don't need to - YOU WANT them to call your all in with A6s and K5o - if YOU could choose their action for them, you would choose that they call (unless stacks are very short) - you get the money in with the best of it and then you take your chance with how the cards come out - you will win some (about 75%), you will lose some (about 25%), but you're getting 2-1 - you're happy......you have positive ev - you win (even though in this instance you lost, you actually won!!)
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