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Betway Unhappy Saturday


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Thought I'd try this today. Unlucky or bad play?? Comments please ** Game ID 1065301623 starting - 2006-12-02 11:04:25 ** Happy Saturday $500[668224]:Table 68 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (20.00|40.00 No Limit - MTT) Real Money - SenkenYo sitting in seat 1 with $1060.00 - callmee24 sitting in seat 2 with $990.00 - Herbata1980 sitting in seat 3 with $1020.00 - cean sitting in seat 4 with $950.00 [Dealer] - EmilRocks sitting in seat 5 with $970.00 - Piloot sitting in seat 6 with $980.00 - Galronix sitting in seat 7 with $1000.00 - Cubasa sitting in seat 8 with $1000.00 - xena30 sitting in seat 9 with $1000.00 - catta1 sitting in seat 10 with $1000.00 [sitting out] EmilRocks posted the small blind - $10.00 Piloot posted the big blind - $20.00 ** Dealing card to Galronix: 9 of Clubs, 9 of Spades Galronix raised - $80.00 Cubasa folded xena30 folded catta1 folded SenkenYo folded callmee24 folded Herbata1980 called - $80.00 cean folded EmilRocks folded Piloot folded ** Dealing the flop: Ace of Hearts, 3 of Spades, 9 of Diamonds Galronix checked Herbata1980 bet - $20.00 Galronix raised - $105.00 Herbata1980 raised - $190.00 Galronix went all-in - $815.00 Herbata1980 called - $920.00 Herbata1980 shows: 5 of Spades, Ace of Clubs ** Dealing the turn: Ace of Diamonds ** Dealing the river: 5 of Diamonds Herbata1980 wins $2030.00 from the main pot End of game 1065301623

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Re: Betway Unhappy Saturday Very harsh. You were winning at the flop stage, unless he had pocket aces and his betting pattern indicated he didn't have that hand. You were right to raise him and not let him see a card if he had the str8 draw, and with a rainbow flop you had no worry about the flush. For him to call the hefty raise was strange, you could've had trips (as you did) or the Ace with a better kicker, even A9 or A3, so calling with A5 was a crazy move IMO. Not sure of his odds of hitting the Ace and five, at least 20-1. Terrible luck mate.

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Re: Betway Unhappy Saturday

Very harsh. You were winning at the flop stage, unless he had pocket aces and his betting pattern indicated he didn't have that hand. You were right to raise him and not let him see a card if he had the str8 draw, and with a rainbow flop you had no worry about the flush. For him to call the hefty raise was strange, you could've had trips (as you did) or the Ace with a better kicker, even A9 or A3, so calling with A5 was a crazy move IMO. Not sure of his odds of hitting the Ace and five, at least 20-1. Terrible luck mate.
Thanks Danny When the A came on the turn I thought I was home and dry. I've had a such a bad run lately that I have questioned my play. I know this was only a freeroll and such play is to be expected but my confidence on the tables is at a low ebb at the moment.
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Re: Betway Unhappy Saturday Have you considered avoiding the big freeroll tournaments for a while and focussing on bigger buy ins/less player tournaments? Even a few 10 seater STT's might get your confidence back.

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