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STT Talk


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Made a deposit of $22 bucks into bet365 of late and headed straight for the stt tables . Surprisingly finished 1st and got $100 . Played in the afternoon for that one and played another one a few days later . Finished 1st for $100 again in the afternoon . Played one yesterday night and lost . Withdrew the lot and left $27 in the account . Doubled up on nba today and played another STT in the afternoon and finished 1st again for $100 . I know this is only short term variance but is the time which you play in STTs important ? Last night , the one which i played in was very violent , with plenty of raises all around and me catching no cards . Afternoon games seems to be better with me as i seem to be mentally sound to play the game . Comments are much appreciated .

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Re: STT Talk Have you tried using the spreadsheet someone posted on here. Its quality for identifying trends in your play such as going out on the bubble or being hungover on Sunday mornings. If you play enough tourneys at different times you would get a good reflection of wether one time is better than another. I love playing the cash tables on a Friday night. Sooo many drunks chasing their flushes. Gimme, gimme, gimme. Look here: http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=30781

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