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Re: APAT US Open i have played every game of this to date and am now convinced that it is fixed so that certain players hit every time,,my pocket kings get busted by pocket 3,he hits quads i get naffed every time by the river and it always favours high stack leaders, this is no one off,it is every time one of these tourneys is on,maybe i am being naive but it is so frustrating to keep losing like this:@ :@

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Re: APAT US Open

i have played every game of this to date and am now convinced that it is fixed so that certain players hit every time
It's a stinker for sure. I've been done by the case Jack appearing on the river, Lou has been rivered by an Ace in a big pot... I'm not sure it's fixed though, just typical flippin poker :wall Had pocket Aces twice so far though ;)
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Re: APAT US Open out in 111th , what a load of old sh*t. had to share the pot with my pocket aces when the river made a straight on the board , flush came on the board when i had pocket tens. hit 2 pair on the flop only to be rivered when the other guy hit a higher 2 pair on the RIVER. then went out with ak suited against a8 off when of course an 8 hit. you just gotta love this game. good luck all stil in im off to spodds :sad

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Re: APAT US Open

out in 111th , what a load of old sh*t. ...you just gotta love this game.
Sod this for a game of soldiers. Effin riverstars strikes again. I take back what I said earlier :lol my JJ was done by an all-in 88 when the 8 came, my QQ was no good against KQ when the inevitable King came... Anyone having a good game on Stars tonite? APAT SchmAPAT :@ Roll on Newcastle - at least if people pull that cr*p on you in real life you can go off on one :D I'm off to the fridge. At least my can of Stella doesn't turn into rat urine in the last few sips (hehehe)
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