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How could anyone call me here???


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Re: How could anyone call me here??? The standard of play in this last night WAS staggeringly bad - the worst I have seen in an MTT for a while.... was more like a freeroll, but over time that is good for us, as can be seen from what was quite a good PL performance last night :ok

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Re: How could anyone call me here???

NOONE deserves both of them on their table :loon
He did the right thing though and sat out till we went up against one another - we're both far too stubborn to fold - and Paul's something was better than my Nothing..........
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Re: How could anyone call me here???

Sometimes poor mouse control can cause the player to select "call" as opposed to "fold". It could've been an accident.
:lol Understand doing that once(we've done it especially when playing numerous tables at once), but the guys made two piss poor calls, Unless he has some kind of nervous disorder.
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Re: How could anyone call me here??? Its interesting to look at the play of the player with the most chips at the table. He raised out of position with rags, we all do it some times. He called a reraise with the intention of making a move later, we all do it some times, He made a continuation bet after missing the flop , we all do it some times He called the final reraise to gain further in formation and cement his table image as the biggest fish since moby dick, we all do it some times. Is it possible you got outplayed by a player from a higher level? "Early on and I'd being playing quite tight, no loose play, winning a few with strong hands." Dont want to be cheeky but thats so 1990's. Nowadays with the all of poker online the best route to succes is to play like an idiot for the first hour and if you get lucky you have the chips to play poker for the remainder of the tournement. If you dont get lucky you just enter another tourney and try again. It's so much more fun and less time consuming than playing the old tight aggressive style we get drummed into us.

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Re: How could anyone call me here??? If that's the level of play from a "higher level" of player then I'm turning pro ;) Would you honestly consider calling 2 re-raises with Q high and no obvious straight or flush draws? As for the 90's style of play, I do play quite tight early on in MTTs, especially the opening couple of levels. This was still in the opening half hour and I had a well above average chip count. The statement was intended to demonstrate my table image at that time. It may be 90's but, different styles for different players. It works for me with some very good successes in MTTs (all posted on here) I agree with your thoughts on his perspective up until the final call. And, let's be honest, I wouldn't have posted this hand if he called and missed. I'd have thanked him for his chips and moved on. It's just the fact that he hit his 1 in 30 ish(?) possible outs that p1ssed me off. Thanks for the input though :ok

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Re: How could anyone call me here??? The thing is he was the big stack at the table and after knocking you out was the very big stack at the table. The beauty of poker is we dont all play it the same way. Even if he lost that pot he still had a stack he could continue to make moves with and that is the way a lot of people are playing the game now. you hadnt told him you had pkt aces so he might have thought he had a lot more outs against a/k or a smaller pkt pair or he might even have taken you for another loose aggressive pair with a worse hand. and no matter what hand you had he was'nt drawing dead. 33% of his stack to continue setting up a table image, well not for me me but maybe it's not such a bad play. I posted here after winning a STT this morning at paradise and when heads up with a 10 to 1 chip advantage I checked my stats and found I hadnt seen one river card all tourney so basically I could have had 7/2 off all tourney and still won it.

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Re: How could anyone call me here???

It's just the fact that he hit his 1 in 30 ish(?) possible outs
A lot more than that. About 1 in 18. While I'm certainly not saying he played it well, I've seen a lot worse than that final call. Say he thought you'd have bet the way you did with AA, KK or AK (maybe not true, but not a completely barmy assumption). Then he's very close to having pot odds to call.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: How could anyone call me here??? similar comment from the title of this thread. this one hurt!! ***** Hand 468277736 ***** 10.00/20.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 23 November 2006 14:29:41 Table TH 92 (Real /Cash Game ) Seat 1: MACORAN (1564.36) Seat 2: plsdon8 (4261.00) Seat 3: the mole (3370.27) Seat 4: Pokergirl_ (1640.00) Seat 5: RAY_VON (1910.92) MACORAN post SB 10.00 plsdon8 post BB 20.00 ** Deal ** MACORAN [N/A, N/A] plsdon8 [N/A, N/A] the mole [Jc, Kc] Pokergirl_ [N/A, N/A] RAY_VON [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** the mole Call 20.00 Pokergirl_ Fold RAY_VON Raise to 100.00 MACORAN Fold plsdon8 Call 100.00 the mole Call 100.00 *** Flop(Board): *** : [9h, Jd, 3d] *** Bet Round 2 *** plsdon8 Check the mole Bet 180.00 RAY_VON Raise to 540.00 plsdon8 Fold the mole All-in 3270.27 RAY_VON All-in 1810.92 *** Turn(Board): *** : [9h, Jd, 3d, 6h] *** River(Board): *** : [9h, Jd, 3d, 6h, 5s] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 3.00 Total Pot: 3928.84 the mole [Jc, Kc] Pair of jacks Win :0.00 RAY_VON [9c, 6c] Two pair nines and sixes Win :3928.84

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