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Cracked Aces.........nearly


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Well I am back on the 5 seat STT's on Prima for some light entertainment - where the blinds double every ten hands, so its not pretty and it definitely isn't poker!! :lol What it does mean though is that my tight ass has to loosen up somewhat, but they very soon turn into crapshoots ** Game ID 1029691252 starting - 2006-11-10 22:52:00 ** Malouine [Hold 'em] (320.00|640.00 No Limit - STT) Real Money - JohnLB23 sitting in seat 2 with $680.00 - hawkon sitting in seat 4 with $3310.00 [Dealer] - 2damnhype sitting in seat 5 with $530.00 2damnhype posted the small blind - $160.00 JohnLB23 posted the big blind - $320.00 ** Dealing card to 2damnhype: 9 of Clubs, Jack of Clubs hawkon folded 2damnhype went all-in - $530.00 JohnLB23 called - $690.00 JohnLB23 shows: Ace of Hearts, Ace of Diamonds Whoops!! ** Dealing the flop: Jack of Hearts, Queen of Diamonds, Jack of Spades Woo Hoo ** Dealing the turn: Queen of Hearts Woo Hoo Woo Hoo Woo Hoo ** Dealing the river: Queen of Spades Oh Boo Hoo JohnLB23 wins $1380.00 from the main pot :rollin

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