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JJ Poker mentor hand 1


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I will post PF play and flop play first - let folks discuss and then edit the original post with further play if it took place I habitually call on my SB at early levels if there is no raise and did so here Thoughts on the flop? JJ advice at the bottom Damo hickibabe is at seat 1 with 1500.00 HERO is at seat 2 with 1485.00 gun22 is at seat 3 with 1470.00 mike66 is at seat 4 with 1500.00 jonny1988 is at seat 5 with 1500.00 <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

gun22 posts the large blind 30.00 HERO posts the small blind 15.00

HERO: Kh, 7s gun22: --, -- mike66: --, -- jonny1988: --, -- hickibabe: --, --


mike66: Fold jonny1988: Call 30.00 hickibabe: Fold HERO: Call 30.00 gun22: Check

Flop (Board: 8h, 3c, Kc): James says:


James says:

60 isjh

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Re: JJ Poker mentor hand 1 That's a pot sized bet for me in early position. Your kicker is weak and a flush draw is on. I'd want to remove anyone from the hand who has not hit on the flop. If they're holding two clubs then it's an easy call for them (at least you have a good idea of their hand). I would fold to a large re raise.

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