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Hand to discuss Part 1


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Found that the entry for $125,000 guranteed for the weekend was only 14 players in it . Thought it would be nice to try and qualify for the tourney . Played very tight and this hand virtually ruined it . Did i played well for this hand ? ** Game ID 1022067296 starting - 2006-11-06 13:07:56 ** $125,000 Qualifier[641174]:Table 2 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (100.00|200.00 No Limit - MTT)[ignore this , blinds were 50/100] Real Money - BORNWINNER1 sitting in seat 1 with $2940.00 - Big_Pappa sitting in seat 4 with $1300.00 [Dealer] - iamspanish sitting in seat 5 with $2167.50 - jerryg1270 sitting in seat 7 with $3150.00 - Gift sitting in seat 10 with $5157.50 iamspanish posted the small blind - $50.00 jerryg1270 posted the big blind - $100.00 ** Dealing card to BORNWINNER1: Queen of Diamonds, Queen of Spades Gift folded BORNWINNER1 raised - $300.00 Big_Pappa folded iamspanish called - $300.00 jerryg1270 folded [up till this stage of the game , i only made a raise with 45 suited once and this particular guy called . Flop came 4,5,6 . Turn was a 6 and i went all in and he called River was a blank for him . Turns out he had AK for that hand . When he called for this hand, i was pretty sure that if no overcards came , he would be in trouble . ] ** Dealing the flop: Jack of Diamonds, 7 of Clubs, 2 of Diamonds [Great Flop for me] iamspanish bet - $300.00 BORNWINNER1 called - $300.00 [i really hope he has AJ here though , was trying to trap him though . My reasoning of not to raise here is because he remembered the 45s raise i think . I think he may have called again if i go all in . Rebuy period still on at that stage though] ** Dealing the turn: King of Diamonds iamspanish went all-in - $1617.50 BORNWINNER1 called - $1617.50 [i called his all in here . I don't believe he has a flush , i had a flush draw with a high card . Even if he has AK , i still have decent outs to win him . Mistake on my part here perhaps ? ] iamspanish shows: King of Clubs, Ace of Spades ** Dealing the river: 7 of Spades iamspanish wins $4535.00 from the main pot End of game 1022067296 Comments please ? The standard of play for qualifying was extremely high and i thought i made a not so good play for this hand and another one which i'm going to put in right after this .

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Re: Hand to discuss Part 1 First you let Villain see the turn card cheap and then you you pay him him off with all-in when he hits, that is bad in my opinion. Usually I think you should bet 2/3 to an entire pot to protect against draws, the problem here is if you do that you will be very close to potcommited. So I think you can do 2 things either bet 900 on the flop, and then push no matter what on the turn if Villain calls. Or check and hope than Villain bet so you can checkraise him, or if that doesn´t happen that the turn is a safe card. But a min bet on the flop is the worst option in my opinion.

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Re: Hand to discuss Part 1 hmmm , this is the hand which i was talking about . ** Game ID 1022063011 starting - 2006-11-06 12:57:24 ** $125,000 Qualifier[641174]:Table 2 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (50.00|100.00 No Limit - MTT)[iGNORE THIS Blinds were 25/50] Real Money - BORNWINNER1 sitting in seat 1 with $1420.00 - jstacks02 sitting in seat 2 with $2295.00 [Dealer] - Big_Pappa sitting in seat 4 with $972.50 - iamspanish sitting in seat 5 with $4662.50 - jerryg1270 sitting in seat 7 with $1075.00 - Gift sitting in seat 10 with $2865.00 Big_Pappa posted the small blind - $25.00 iamspanish posted the big blind - $50.00 ** Dealing card to BORNWINNER1: 4 of Diamonds, 5 of Diamonds [Raised this because up till now , haven made any raise attempt as yet. Only flat called into the pots though in other hands.] jerryg1270 folded Gift folded BORNWINNER1 raised - $150.00 jstacks02 folded Big_Pappa folded iamspanish raised - $250.00 BORNWINNER1 called - $250.00 ** Dealing the flop: 5 of Clubs, 4 of Hearts, 6 of Clubs [Got lucky , so time to make him pay] iamspanish checked BORNWINNER1 bet - $200.00 iamspanish called - $200.00 ** Dealing the turn: 6 of Diamonds [shit , a card which i didn't like to see ] iamspanish checked BORNWINNER1 went all-in - $970.00 iamspanish called - $970.00 [He doesn't believe i have anything . He calls] iamspanish shows: King of Clubs, Ace of Hearts ** Dealing the river: 8 of Hearts BORNWINNER1 wins $2865.00 from the main pot End of game 1022063011 Was pretty concerned about this hand because i had Pocket Queens twice after that and both raised pre-flop 3xBB and he called both of the times . Seems to have created a bad image in his eyes i feel .

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Re: Hand to discuss Part 1 Like the PF raise - just enough flop - if you think he has AJ then RAISE he will call at least and (hopefully) shove! the other reason to raise is the 2 diamonds - why give him a cheap buy to hit his flush? raise raise raise K hits - tricky one what might he shove with? a low flush AK KQ KJ - that is what I would put him one - two pair and a shove to shut our your flush draw! remeber he called you raise PF - if the standard of play is high as you say, you must think he has something?? Damo

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Re: Hand to discuss Part 1 i was actually hesitating to call already , but with q diamond . Looks to be too good to fold , there's still opportunities that i can hit the flush , which is why i called him .

Like the PF raise - just enough flop - if you think he has AJ then RAISE he will call at least and (hopefully) shove! the other reason to raise is the 2 diamonds - why give him a cheap buy to hit his flush? raise raise raise K hits - tricky one what might he shove with? a low flush AK KQ KJ - that is what I would put him one - two pair and a shove to shut our your flush draw! remeber he called you raise PF - if the standard of play is high as you say, you must think he has something?? Damo
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Re: Hand to discuss Part 1 unless of course he has AJ and the ace being a diamond! tricky one as always - best to play (in general) solid poker and not get tricky when the pot is getting big Cheers Damo

i was actually hesitating to call already ' date=' but with q diamond . Looks to be too good to fold , there's still opportunities that i can hit the flush , which is why i called him .[/quote']
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Re: Hand to discuss Part 1

First you let Villain see the turn card cheap and then you you pay him him off with all-in when he hits, that is bad in my opinion. Usually I think you should bet 2/3 to an entire pot to protect against draws, the problem here is if you do that you will be very close to potcommited.
Agree with that.
Even if he has AK , i still have decent outs to win him . Mistake on my part here perhaps ? ]
No you don't. Your only outs as I see them are a third queen, or a final diamond, a quick mental add up of those puts your out as circa 25%, you're giving him a 75% chance of a pot at a even money pay off. You should fold when we pushes when the king appears. Your outs simply aren't anywhere near good enough to justify the call. Your flat call to allow him to see the turn was very poor. As soon as that king hits the board, you allow him to represent strengh. I'm aware i've criticised on both your threads, not having a go, but you've made the same mistake in both hands, waiting till the other player was happy he was ahead, and then calling his all in. I think mentally you'd put both hands in the "won colum", and could walk away when they turned sour. Very poor play both times imho
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Re: Hand to discuss Part 1 Point noted mate :ok

Agree with that. No you don't. Your only outs as I see them are a third queen, or a final diamond, a quick mental add up of those puts your out as circa 25%, you're giving him a 75% chance of a pot at a even money pay off. You should fold when we pushes when the king appears. Your outs simply aren't anywhere near good enough to justify the call. Your flat call to allow him to see the turn was very poor. As soon as that king hits the board, you allow him to represent strengh. I'm aware i've criticised on both your threads, not having a go, but you've made the same mistake in both hands, waiting till the other player was happy he was ahead, and then calling his all in. I think mentally you'd put both hands in the "won colum", and could walk away when they turned sour. Very poor play both times imho
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