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How important are your cards?


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Re: How important are your cards?

Jaded - whatever happened to your elaboration you talked of in post 1? ;)
I hit a bad patch! At the time it was posted, I was preparing to staunchly defend my hyper-aggressive "Sod the cards, shove and run" strategy, but it's let me down recently. (That game on Sunday was bizarre, virtually every hand I played would make Sklansky's top 50!) I think the posts I'd agree with most are yours about cards becoming less important as you go through a tourney, and whoever it was who praised me for the aggression with a big stack. Early on, stick with premium hands. (And yes, I'm fully aware that I don't always follow my own advice there!!) After the blinds start to eat away, if you're losing your stack, loosen up a bit and try stealing sometimes BEFORE your M gets too low. Once your M is at 5 or less, look for high cards and shove when no-one's in. If you get a big stack, THIS is when you can pretty much sod the cards - instead, concentrate on working out whose blinds you can steal, who's likely to put up a fight if they're still in when you play the hand, and how to bluff people. (Used in moderation, Stu Ungar's 4 bluff tactic can REALLY work well, at the risk of looking incredibly stupid if they have something.)
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Re: How important are your cards? Jaded - Hope you dont mind (and if you do, don't answer ;) ) - Do you consider yourself a profitable player on No Limit Holdem MTT's? Have to be honest, I find it difficult to see (for all that I admire about your style)

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Re: How important are your cards? GaF - I am. Very very slightly, but in profit. Bear in mind that when my style works, it works REALLY, REALLY well. Considering I don't play that many MTT's, especially these days, the big wins do just about make up for the number of tourneys I crash and burn early on in. STT's and cash games are another story... :puke Although have tightened up a LOT in early stages of STT's now, and am doing okay so far :hope

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