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Steal gone wrong?


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Thoughts on this one? Tonight's game, I had 7,760.54, Staffy had 2110. I'm playing ultra-loose, raising about 2 out of 3 hands. Blinds 150/300. I see 7h8h in front of me, raise to 987.54 in 2nd position after Pene folds. Staffy shoves, everyone else folds, back to me. 3547.54 in the pot, 1124.46 for me to call - call or fold?

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Re: Steal gone wrong? Id call that for 3/1ish. If youve got a live 2 then its easy call and if he has an overpair then its about correct odds. Best hand to crack AA with anyway! :lol But yeah call. Hes got 7bb hell be pushing with many things id assume (espesh if youve been raising so much), you could even be as good as 45%ish or something if you get lucky and catch him pushing with something like Ace rag. I think youd specifically have to be against pocket 8s to fold this, correct me if im wrong though of course. And on the concerns of stacks, its not gona cripple you or anything so thats not a worry.

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Re: Steal gone wrong? The initial raise is very poor play in his position. The call after my raise didnt bother me to much. He hit and fair play. The GL before the call then the GG after i found patronising. If he said GL believing he was in front then fine but there is no way he believed he was in front. Any way thats poker and forgotten as far as I am concerned.

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Re: Steal gone wrong?

You NEVER steal?
Again I say the overall play I accept it's poker. I just felt it was patronising. I think sometimes we are too nice when playing other PLers. Why say GG when you not had a GG. Why say GL when you know you are behind and you dont mean it?
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Re: Steal gone wrong? I always say GL, although it's very rare for my opponents to need it! As for 'GG', I always took that to be complimenting the person who'd gone out on a good game played, and from what I saw you were playing well - just unlucky at the end there.

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Re: Steal gone wrong?

The GL before the call then the GG after i found patronising. If he said GL believing he was in front then fine but there is no way he believed he was in front.
It had never even occurred to me when people say GL in these situations that it had anything to do with whether they thought they were ahead or not.
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Re: Steal gone wrong?

I think sometimes we are too nice when playing other PLers.
Staffy - its a friendly community, thats why it's so popular.... when it stops being one then it stops being fun..... :cheers .....Good manners, cost nothing - as my old ma used to say (I hope you called him a 'effin tosser' when you logged out !!);)
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Re: Steal gone wrong? easy call for me - 3-1+ on your call against any 2 - with the blinds so big you have to take chances Damo

Thoughts on this one? Tonight's game, I had 7,760.54, Staffy had 2110. I'm playing ultra-loose, raising about 2 out of 3 hands. Blinds 150/300. I see 7h8h in front of me, raise to 987.54 in 2nd position after Pene folds. Staffy shoves, everyone else folds, back to me. 3547.54 in the pot, 1124.46 for me to call - call or fold?
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