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Drunk Play


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Bit p1ssed last night so thought it would be an idea to have a shot at the cash tables, bearing in mind I have tried cash tables in the past and it's clearly not my thing. Anyway, had around $500 bankroll and started playing the 1/2 tables, a 5 handed plus a 10 handed to stop me getting bored. Played about half an hour and got my stack to $800. This is easy I thought, time for a move to the 2/4:loon So, played for about 10 mins on 2 tables and lost the lot:cry . A cautionary tale, don't play when under the influence.:$ Please all feel free to batter me to death with criticism then I know I won't do it again. :spank Cincinnati Club £10 freezeout tonight, DanDan and I are going if anyone else fancies it, will post how we fair later.:ok

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Re: Drunk Play This is what happens when you leave Ed alone and go to bed when he's drinking :eyes The only reason it didn't happen last week or the week before is because I tell him ENOUGH, go to bed. :spank Will power, what's that? Embarrassing enough post to stop you now Ed? :$

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Re: Drunk Play I would laugh at the ridiculous circumstances and the humungous losses, but its all my fault so I won't..... :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin Oops thats two of us doing what we said we wouldn't. ;)

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Re: Drunk Play unlucky ed , hope you manage to win it all back. on a similar note, not so much to do with the playing of cards while completely tanked up but the activities afterwards. last night at our local pub where we hold a poker night , mike bought some mates from work , all of whom like their ale , the game play wasnt to bad considering mike and his 3 mates were trying to drink the pub dry, however sull (sulldabull on pl) fell asleep stood up next to the stage and mike (msaban) got his hairy arse out next to sulls face, luckily for pl , the camera didnt come out in time. poor sull woke up to an arse in his face and is probably traumatized and put off poker for like. talk about one minute looking at pocket aces and the next , a pocket pair but not one your used to. and as for you mike , have you heard of a back, crack and sack wax. :lol :lol :lol

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Re: Drunk Play Unlucky Ed. I have found that when drunk, my poker has been both awful $35 down on $10 limit tables(5/10c blinds) and inspired, $60 up in 2 hours and also 15th of 800-odd in a $10 tourney. In the latter, I woke up the next day, aware i did well, but having to mail Paradise to get a history to ascertain exactly what happened. Aclohol (too much) + poker = unpredictable events.

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Re: Drunk Play Can't say "Unlucky, Ed".... :eyes Must go with: "Fcukin Stupid, Ed" Cash tables are bad enough to get you hooked, and you can win quick or lose quick... But playing cash tables under the influence of alchohol is a huge No No!!! ...And I would say playing POKER under the influence is a very bad idea... if you're playing for serious money. I don't drink very often and never during the week, and the only time I drink during poker is when I go to Live PL Events... 1 or 2 drinks can be okay to calm your nerves when you play "real" poker... but never get pissed... Okay... enough moral lecture... hope you win it back tonight :hope :ok

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Re: Drunk Play

Can't say "Unlucky, Ed".... :eyes Must go with: "Fcukin Stupid, Ed" Okay... enough moral lecture... hope you win it back tonight :hope :ok
Thanks pene, good post :ok If I ever get the urge to do it again I'll just read through your post again, then I'll quickly change my mind for sure.;) :cheers
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Re: Drunk Play

last night at our local pub where we hold a poker night , mike bought some mates from work , all of whom like their ale , the game play wasnt to bad considering mike and his 3 mates were trying to drink the pub dry, however sull (sulldabull on pl) fell asleep stood up next to the stage and mike (msaban) got his hairy arse out next to sulls face, luckily for pl , the camera didnt come out in time. poor sull woke up to an arse in his face and is probably traumatized and put off poker for like. talk about one minute looking at pocket aces and the next , a pocket pair but not one your used to. and as for you mike , have you heard of a back, crack and sack wax. :lol :lol :lol
:lol :rollin :lol :rollin :lol :rollin :lol :rollin :lol :rollin :lol :ok :cheers
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Re: Drunk Play

Aclohol (too much) + poker = unpredictable events.
Absolutely!! Played drunk not too long ago on 1/2 table, went in with $40 and left an hour later with $650 so suppose the other night was just balancing the books so to speak. Not a good idea for me to play p1ssed at all though and I do not intend to ever do it again, a few beers and a game is fine but when yi cross that drunk line it's time to log out the poker.:ok Thanks guys for the replies and the severe criticism (pene;) ) as the purpose of my thread was basically to get a ticking off from some of you.:ok :cheers
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Re: Drunk Play I think Diane has got to take a lot of the blame for this as she upped and left you there in no fit state to tie your shoelaces never mind play NL cash. Don't be too hard on yourself Ed blame someone else, thats what I would do. You were of no fit mind and needed taking under someones wing but NO the selfish mare just goes to bed and leaves you to it... its a disgrace I tell yer :tongue2

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Re: Drunk Play

I think Diane has got to take a lot of the blame for this as she upped and left you there in no fit state to tie your shoelaces never mind play NL cash. Don't be too hard on yourself Ed blame someone else, thats what I would do. You were of no fit mind and needed taking under someones wing but NO the selfish mare just goes to bed and leaves you to it... its a disgrace I tell yer :tongue2
:sad :sad :sad :sad :sad :sad :$ :$ :$ You are so right, all men are brainless and need to be looked after at ALL times.
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Re: Drunk Play ed m8 i've done the same thing far too often myself, 3 times i've taken a >$300 bankroll to nothing in a wonderful drunken night of play. although its all been profit bankroll, i cant say i've regretted doing it. because its taught me the damn lesson (the hard way) DONT PLAY ANY POKER AFTER ANY DRINKS EVER!

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Re: Drunk Play Just like to know anybodys thoughts is it just me or are there a lot of moonmen playing poker these days was playing in a tourney last nite had myself up to 11000 chips within the first half hour pick up aq guy to act first goes allin for 2000 next another guy reraise allin for 5000 its me to act and after a bit of thought i made the call first guy turns over a7 and the next guy turns over wait for it......q4 so im feeling pretty confident at this point but the usual happens on the flop the guy hits the 4 and get no joy with the turn or river what a crazy call q4 it gets annoying just wanted to now if anyone else has came across these moonunits.

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Re: Drunk Play

Just like to know anybodys thoughts is it just me or are there a lot of moonmen playing poker these days was playing in a tourney last nite had myself up to 11000 chips within the first half hour pick up aq guy to act first goes allin for 2000 next another guy reraise allin for 5000 its me to act and after a bit of thought i made the call first guy turns over a7 and the next guy turns over wait for it......q4 so im feeling pretty confident at this point but the usual happens on the flop the guy hits the 4 and get no joy with the turn or river what a crazy call q4 it gets annoying just wanted to now if anyone else has came across these moonunits.
Well being the master of bad calls myself at the moment I think calling half your entire stack with AQ (off I presume) was a mistake. After the two huge bets before you, you couldn't have imagined you were ahead surely? If the muppets were betting huge previous to this with not a lot then maybe I could see your reasoning, failing that I think it should've been thrown. :ok :cheers
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