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Daft Pegasus game video and analysis


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Re: Lounge Mentors? is it interesting? The phone call that is, not the poker.....:tongue2 Damo

And for my 500th post here is the link to about 8 minutes of 'quality' poker. http://rapidshare.com/files/1601581/poker2.wmv.html Ignore the phone conversation my wife has with a decorator in the same room - obviously the microphone I have is better than I imagined.:lol
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Re: Lounge Mentors?

http://rapidshare.com/files/1601581/poker2.wmv.html Ignore the phone conversation my wife has with a decorator in the same room - obviously the microphone I have is better than I imagined.:lol
Don't know about anyone else, but this is really interesting :ok And the $ challenge aint bad either :lol :lol :lol Will put my "random" thoughts down here - hopefully get some discussion going (and I'm hoping people disagree with me :ok). 1) First hand you raise 3x BB from early position and say that you are happy to just take the blinds down - really? 30 chips? how much do you think that increases your chances of winning the tournament? :loon So I don't think your objective should be to win the blinds!!! Having said that, I'm ok with the raise to start building a pot, but probably prefer a limp - to disguise the hand a little and using it as a drawing hand. I'm happy to dump this hand in this position at this stage if real strength is shown after me. (and I'll take my chance with giving rags a free flop) 2) Continuation bet - I'd do the same - but see already, your desire to win 30 in blinds has required you to put 160!! I think your continuation bet is a little on the large side too (100 into a 150 pot - I prefer 50% of the pot - but we're only arguing over 25 - difference is - my bet only has to work 1 time in 3 to be successful, yours has to work 50% of the time :unsure haven't done the maths - will do later - but something like that....). YOu have to fold when he comes over the top. 3) Hand 2 - don't like your bet at all - you are drawing to a flush - that's your main interest in it - you NEED lots of opponents, so someone will pay you off if you hit ...... you dont want to reduce the number of players and you want to get in cheaply ...... I flat call here (only playing at all for the large implied odds offered by the small blinds at the moment). Again you say you're happy yo take the blinds?? $30 and you're raising under the gun with a weak hand? You're not in this for the blinds - you're in it to hit the nuts and get paid off..... 4) You have position over BB and that's a nice flop for you - you've fallen on your feet :-) 2nd pair and inside straight draw - probable he hasn't hit at all (or maybe inside straight draw with A too) 5) You hit the inside straight draw, but have the "idiots end" so rightly scared of a 6. Your bet is a "scared" bet though 40 into a 130 pot - he wont fold much to that!!! I think you should be betting bigger - I would go absolute minimum of 50% of pot, but maybe as large as pot sized.....You need to really ask him if he has the 6 - from your bet, you dont know!!! 6) I HATE your bet after the river here - think of what can happen..... what would he call with (and pay you off with) that you are beating? Not much. What do you do if he comes over the top? You assume he has a 6 and you fold. You are giving him the opportunity to bluff you off of the pot. If you are last to act, THINK you are ahead (but scared of certain holdings) I much prefer a check and take the showdown..... I'll be far more likely to bet the river if I have nothing and it is the only way I can win the pot..... Am still watching - more comments soon (Is this sounding "harsh"? not my intention - I assume we want to get discussion going - I'll post up my own vids too, so you'll have plenty of opportunity to point out my errors :ok)
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Re: Daft Pegasus game video and analysis As it happens - he DID pay you off on your straight - wonder what he had :unsure Not a PL'r, so could have been anything :tongue2 87o - you are (rightly) not impressed with this, but it is a nice drawing hand for a str8 - with the blinds so low so if I wasn't the BB, I would be quite happy to stick a few chips in with it for a cheap flop :ok You rightly fold to the bet on the turn when you have nothing :ok A2s - again - only interest in this is as a drawing hand to the nut flush - so you want to see it cheaply and with as many opponents as possible. You put in a min raise UTG - I cant argue too much with this as I have been experimenting recently with allways putting in a raise (even min raise) when I am first into the pot. If you're playing it though, again I prefer a limp - cheap flop, many opponents is the goal......When Sam raises and has a caller, you have no choice but to ditch it - your implied odds have plummeted and they were the only reason you had any interest at all.....I think you're looking at Sam's raise the wrong way - yes it is 10xBB, but more significantly it's 5x your raise..... 99 on the button - tricky one - is it a made hand (big bet to reduce field and remove drawing hands) or is it a drawing hand to trips (cheap flop many opponents wanted)? The way I treat it very much depends on what happens before me. Your comments suggest you only really consider it a drawing hand, so it surprises me that you are dissapointed with so many callers and trying to thin the field - with the action before you I would probably just check and draw to a 9 (happily laying it down if I dont get it and there are overcards)...... You had 2 callers and the inevitable overcard!!! Before anything happens on this hand, you have to assume that there is a big chance you are behind already.......Both opponents instacheck - I would definitely be putting in a 50% pot continuation bet.....The instacheck worries you, but that usually signifies weakness, not strength. You check "hoping to hit something" - well only a 9 (2 cards) will be a hit for you!!! 4% chance!! As expected you miss the turn.....They both check again (one timing out) and you put your 50% continuation bet in - good IMO, but a street too late - you gave them an extra chance to hit, when you were unlikely to hit yourself......

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Re: Daft Pegasus game video and analysis ATs - difficult and one I always struggle with..... you're in late position - just one limper before you. Blinds are still pretty low - I probably limp to draw to the flush, however don't think I argue too much with the raise .... maybe just the same comment as before - what's the objective? TO take it down? (Just 125, not much) or to build a pot (You're not THAT strong....) Thinking of it as a drawing hand still I prefer the limp (wanting many opponents to give me the implied odds if I hit)...... In the event, you take it down - that's ok :ok A2s - Another A-rag suited - still low blinds and high implied odds, so still playable as a drawing hand (if it wasn't, I think you should probably be folding it most of the time). You've min raised which as I said before - I'm experimenting with in this situation at the moment - but generally I prefer the limp...... A flop you miss completely and you are out of position - your min raise didn't show particular strength and with 2 opponents to come I'm not so keen on the continuation bet - but you get the right result :ok A pair of 5's - again blind are still low (and implied odds high) - in mid position - is def a drawing hand for me - want cheap flop and many opponents - I just limp.....only in the hope of hitting a 5 on the flop.....again you min raise ..... SB calls and flop isn't nice to you - he raises 150 - I missed - have to respect it and don't put any more chips in the pot - fold to his bet :ok A5o in the bin :ok

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Re: Daft Pegasus game video and analysis

I cant watch it' date=' asks me to sign up or pay via paypal or something (because its only viewable 3 times)[/quote'] Fader I can still download it this morning. If you follow the link, scroll down to the bottom ont he page and click on the Free button. Another page appears with a timer counting down. Wait for that to reach zero and then another page appears. Enter the code on screen and click download:ok
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Re: Daft Pegasus game video and analysis Just a quick comment. Have to disagree with GaF bout limping in, I feel it's always better to raise when first in the pot. The only time I like a limp is when there are limpers already in, I'm in late position and I have a gambling hand like small pairs or suited connectors. I hate Ace rag suited, especially from early position, though it has worked a couple of times here but mainly cause it's played aggresively. IMO it's a long term loser.

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Re: Daft Pegasus game video and analysis just watched it :ok didnt see any bad plays at all(pretty much as i would play it),the one thing i would do slightly different is the minimum raise . I tend to use 3x bb early on if i am going to raise with a moderately weak hand that could turn into a monster (ie ace suited).my reasoning behind it is that you either want the rubbish to fold and you pick up the blinds, or if you get callers and you hit a decent flop there is a good pot that people want to fight for so if i hit a flop a good pot is more likely. later on i might start using a min raise once the blinds go up but not early on. when the blinds go up a min raise is usually enough to get the rags out and as i tend to min raise later if i have a monster (aces,kings)i use the odd min raise to throw people off , i dont mind having to throw a few away to reraises if they reraise when i have a big hand.

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Re: Daft Pegasus game video and analysis That's quite some reply so I'll attempt to give my response on it. Firstly I think what I say in commentary in the heat of the moment is not necessarily what I'd say if I had time to think about it afterwards. As you suggest on the first play picking up the blinds is neither here nor there at this stage in the tournament. What I meant by that comment was, if everyone folds to this small bet (only 60 chips) I wouldn't be unhappy just to take the blinds and move onto the next hand. If I got no action so be it. As it was I got action and lost so I would have been better off picking up the blinds. My 3x BB bet was designed to pick up callers - not scare them off. 2) I think we agree that the continuation bet in that situation served its purpose, it told me where I stood and the only argument is the size of the bet. In this situation it would have made no difference to Phil, I believe he'd have played his hand the same. I suspect he was concerned about the possible flush draw and wanted to find out if I had 2 hearts. 3) I hate that sort of hand in early position. I believe that limping in early position is a poor play and shows weakness. Personally I don't want too many callers in any hand I play because there's more chance of me losing it. Equally I don't want people calling with crap just because it's cheap to do so - I'm out of position and want to have an idea of what the other people in the hand are holding. A limp tells me nothing about the SB & BB at all. The BB's call tells me he has something worth 40 chips and I have position on him because the rest folded. His check post flop tells me more - I strongly suspect he's not hit anything and therefore is holding 2 high cards (but not an Ace). I have hit middle pair and a straight and flush are still on. That's then a situation where I believe I'm ahead and start to extract chips from him - by checking to show weakness. His check post turn when I've hit the low end of the straight tells me he's not got the 6 so I put in a small bet to increase the pot size. The 10 on the river helps me - I hope he's holding a 10, but another check from him tells me he's probably not. My bet after the river was designed to increase the pot - I wanted a call as I was confident I was ahead. If he had come over the top I might have folded believing he had the 6 but in the entire hand he had not bet once - therefore I wanted a few more chips out of him and I didn’t want him to fold. You're right though, I didn't want him to raise either. At that stage in the game I had no real read on him except that he'd called nearly every single pre flop bet implying he was new to the game and not an experienced player. His constant checking through the hand supported this therefore I felt it was correct to extract as much as I felt he would pay. Against a PL'er I would expect the hand to have been played very differently. 7) 87o - No disagreements here. Having watched it back again it gives me confidence in my previous appraisal of the guy to my right. Again he called pre flop and only bet when he had hit something, foolishly (IMO) showing his cards. 8) A2s - my usual rule is to throw any hand with a 2 in it (except 72o:tongue2). I am going through a phase where I don't like to limp if I'm first into a pot which I think accounts for my minimum raise here. Following the re raises it's an easy one to fold and leave me to wonder why I didn't follow my rule. 9) 99 - a tough hand I think to play well as it looks like a very big hand (and late on in a tourney it's an all in hand for many) but at this stage in the game.... With 5 people in the pot I think my odds of winning it are slim (have to assume that I won't hit a 9 - as you say 4%) so my only option is to portray a better hand and remove limpers and chasers from the pot, hence the raise. The flop and checks don't help me with information and as I said at the time the instant check caused me concern. Therefore it was fence sitting time. Both opponents must have had something to call 7xBB - again I assume there's a good chance I'm behind at this point. The turn helps no one (I'd guess) and the check/sit out convince me to put in a bet a nick the pot. I am worried when I realise the sit out is back at the moment I bet. As it happens both fold so I'm happy with that. 10) A10s - the idea behind the raise is to reduce the field, show strength and eliminate the limpers and chasers. First into the pot should always raise IMO. In this hand I was second into the pot but he'd only limped and you often find people playing a hand like that have Ace rag and want a cheap pot - if he calls I'll give him credit for a better hand. 11) A2s - again a minimum raise for the same reasons above (it worked as both blinds folded). The post flop bet was obviously a bluff. First into a pot often wins and since I was first in pre flop (and only called) and first in post flop they have to put me on a better hand than I had. I could afford to lose the 200 chips to a re raise. 12) 55 - the third hand in a row I've played out (most unlike me). I once heard some pro say the art of poker is to play different hands exactly the same way. I'd put in small raises pre flop on the last 2 hands and taken them down without a showdown. A large raise would have let people to question what I was playing and, I believe, would probably indicate a bluff. Hence minimum raise again. Horrible flop and in the face of a 60% pot bet and an Ace on the board there's no choice here. As it turns out a re raise would probably have won me the pot as he shows 88. 13) A5o in early position - if I had have bet it would have been to steal the blinds. They're not large enough to risk with this hand and it would have been the fourth hand in a row I played at. Having watched it all through several times (a great learning experience) and having you critique it and have to give my reasons for playing the hands that way (another great learning experience) I think I'll be brave and say I'm happy with how I played those hands. Overall my chip stack increased by about 35% and I won more than 50% of the pots I got involved in with only one showdown. This creates a positive strong table image which should help me later in the tournament (it didn't but that's another story). When in the pots I was generally the aggressor (or the first aggressor) and this helped me take down a couple of pots where I probably was behind. Thanks for your help Gaf:notworthy. I didn't take any of the criticism personally, watching and thinking about it all has helped me. I just wish I'd recorded the final few hands so I could analyse my demise and work out where I got that wrong. Essay over.

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Re: Daft Pegasus game video and analysis Interesting :ok Haven't looked through your comments in detail yet DP, but will do later. Seems I'm alone in my views though, so will try and develop them a little more - hopefully I can either persuade some of you, or alternatively you can spot the flaw in my logic and persuade me :ok In general, aggression is essential in poker - someone who raises will usually beat someone who calls - no argument from me there...... As always though there are exceptions in poker and IMO this video is at a time of one of those exceptions. We are early in an MTT, blinds are ridiculously low compared to stack sizes (from memory each player has approx 100x BB in their stacks). This means that the IMPLIED ODDS are potentially huge and that is the critical difference from this situation. I'm not looking to pick off blinds - that makes barely any difference to my overall expectation in the tournament - I'm looking to bust people - to get their entire stacks. I want the nuts or near nuts and to be up against someone with a marginally worse hand - holding a hand that they just cannot fold..... How do I get that situation? I want to see lots of flops with connectors (don't even need to be suited), Suited aces and pocket pairs. I HAVE to see them cheaply, because I wont be "taking a stab" at many pots - 95% of the time when I miss, I'll just let it go, and lose the chips I limp with. If I am raising 3x BB or min raise, then I am significantly reducing my implied odds. I also want many opponents, because I want someone to hit something (just not as good as what I hit!!!!) - if a raise is reducing my number of opponents, then it is reducing the chances that someone hits something when I get my monster...... When I hit too, I dont often slow play - I want to get my opponents entire stack in the middle - that's a long way off when the blinds are so small, so I need to start building the pot early..... If I partially hit (e.g. 4 straight or 4 flush) then I still bet aggressively - again I need to be building the pot for when I do hit.......... For me, the key is the huge stacks to small blinds that makes limping justifiable. Without the implied odds, raggy suited aces and low/middle pairs should be folded more often than not (which is how I play the middle game). This contrasts with the option of raising say 3xBB with hands like raggy suited aces where I will chase out everyone with a worse hand and have few opponents who are generally better than me .... when I do hit my monster, I'm less likely to have opponents, and when I dont I'll often find myself "taking a stab" at the pot when having the worse of it .... not a situation I want to be in early on in an MTT......

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