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How to play aces?


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This is the 11th and I have played at the table. Did I win. What did he have. ** Game ID 1014799061 starting - 2006-11-01 17:43:21 ** Dover [Hold em] (0.25|0.50 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - kunglimpan sitting in seat 1 with $47.05 - BIGZ1P sitting in seat 3 with $53.15 - only1herbie sitting in seat 4 with $37.75 [Dealer] - joel747 sitting in seat 5 with $45.60 - staffydogman sitting in seat 6 with $48.00 joel747 posted the small blind - $0.25 staffydogman posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to staffydogman: Ace of Clubs, Ace of Spades kunglimpan raised - $3.00 BIGZ1P folded only1herbie called - $3.00 joel747 folded staffydogman raised - $10.50 kunglimpan called - $10.50 only1herbie called - $10.50 ** Dealing the flop: 6 of Hearts, Ace of Diamonds, 8 of Spades staffydogman checked kunglimpan bet - $15.10 only1herbie called - $15.10 staffydogman went all-in - $38.00 kunglimpan folded only1herbie went all-in - $12.15 ** Dealing the turn: 7 of Diamonds ** Dealing the river: 9 of Hearts staffydogman shows: Ace of Clubs, Ace of Spades

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Re: How to play aces? You played that perfectly. Always reraise, always bet hard with AA preflop theres no other way to play it imo. And what a fantastic flop to boot. Kunglimpan must have had QQ, JJ or 1010 there. Herbie should have either AK, 88 or 66 anything else and fcuk knows what hes doing. Id go for 88 as most likely. So yes you should have won, if hes got any other hand other than those 3 then I have no idea what hes up to and youve got very unlucky.

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Re: How to play aces? I must admit when the cards were coming out I assumed he was going to Have a 10 in his hand, as it happend he didnt and I won the Hand. The guy who folded had 10 10 and would have won if he called. The point is dont slow play otherwise you will get caught out. I am just glad I reraised both times to get my payout.

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