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I love freebies. Just had a mail from Poker770 saying they were giving me a £20 Halloween bonus. I assumed that I would have to play raked hands to earn it but no it is a genuine freebie. On top of that I now have a $70 bonus as well. That has to be earned with raked hands and to be honest I am bonus whoring in other places so cant be arsed. Poker770 has given me stacks of bonuses in the last 2 months. About $150 worth in total for no apparent reason. I have taken all my money out of there now but am considering going back. Anyone else get these kind of bonuses from them?

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Re: More free chips

I love freebies. Just had a mail from Poker770 saying they were giving me a £20 Halloween bonus. I assumed that I would have to play raked hands to earn it but no it is a genuine freebie. On top of that I now have a $70 bonus as well. That has to be earned with raked hands and to be honest I am bonus whoring in other places so cant be arsed. Poker770 has given me stacks of bonuses in the last 2 months. About $150 worth in total for no apparent reason. I have taken all my money out of there now but am considering going back. Anyone else get these kind of bonuses from them?
I love Poker 770 ! Got £5 from them just for logging in a couple of weeks ago and then £10 tonight 'for Halloween'. No email so just try logging on. Played my usual 5 player $5 STT (just one) and won getting the following hand along the way :- heads up and dealt 67os, opponent calls my BB - flop comes 676 ! I check, so does he. turn is a 7 ! I check, so does he. river is the final 6 ! Do I go all-in ? No, like a moron I bet 100 thinking he might raise big, but of course (I realise now) he just calls :wall :wall and he didn't even say nh, but he didn't win another hand. :ok
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