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Probably the strangest hand I've ever played


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Okay, just interested to see what everyone else would have done in this situation. NLHE Live cash game SB = $5 BB = $5 (Weird I know) Hero ($185) in BB with !){???&???? Early on no read on anyone. UTG ($350ish) raises to $25 fold to the button ($350ish) who calls. SB folds. Whats the corect play?

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Re: Probably the strangest hand I've ever played Fold I think, there is a big risc that your ace is not good if you hit on flop, and you are out of position. And throwing 10 % of your stack in preflop to hope to catch af flush/ flushdraw is wrong too (10% in preflop is to much, you don´t hit your draws often enough)

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Re: Probably the strangest hand I've ever played your ace is probably shite however you are getting 3-1 for your cash - depends whether you are prepared to call and play a flush draw (you best option) of course if you do have a draw, it might well cost you the rest of your cash as you will face big bets as you call and make the pot £80 and this is now half your stack I would call, see the flop and hope to flop something really good - an ace alone probably wont help you Damo ps I suck at cash games

Okay, just interested to see what everyone else would have done in this situation. NLHE Live cash game SB = $5 BB = $5 (Weird I know) Hero ($185) in BB with !){???&???? Early on no read on anyone. UTG ($350ish) raises to $25 fold to the button ($350ish) who calls. SB folds. Whats the corect play?
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Re: Probably the strangest hand I've ever played Agree with most of you, I shoulda folded, but as you can guess I called (otherwise I wouldn't be posting it here!!) GaF: Yes it was a full 10 seater table, but only 3 of us in the hand after pre-flop action. One thing I forgot to mention was the table had been very active pre-flop with lots of raising & re-raising. In the circumstances this was a relativly cheap flop (although a below average hand), and I figured I'd have an easy lay down if I didn't like the situation after the flop.

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Re: Probably the strangest hand I've ever played I doN´t checkraise much, but I must admit in this situation I think I would, Hero has a very strong hand, a flushdraw, an inside straight, and an overcard, I think it is so strong that hero should give the villains a chance to bluff a the pot, secondly with this kind of hand hero would prefer to get all the money in on the flop. Furthermore I think a checkraise here is a very likely to get some deadmoney in the pot, very often the preflop raiser will bet again on the flop, but it is hard for the button to see hard this flop could have hit a preflop raiser, unless he had a big pair to start with so he will often raise or atleast call, if hero then checkraise all in, he will eihter get all-in 3 way, which is fine with so many strong draws, because if he hit his flush/straight he will beat both oppents anyway, and if doN´t it doNt matter if there is 1 or 2 opponents there can beat his hand. If one of the villains will fold to the checkraise, then the first money he put in after the flop will be free bonus.

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Re: Probably the strangest hand I've ever played I check knowing if someone bets, I go over the top. If it goes check-check-check, you get a free card and the chance that it hits someone as well as you. Worst card would be an Ace. I still think you're looking at A-K and a big pair in the hole, so a 4 would be good enough for a split pot (IMO) if no club falls. Plus, since it's a cash game, you want to maximise the pay-offs for your draws. So I check and if anyone shows aggression, they get it right back at them.

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Re: Probably the strangest hand I've ever played if you can guarentee that if you check it goes bet & call then I would check and raise all in if you can't guarentee that one of them will lead out I would bet, so you don't give them a free card that might screw you - for instance villian 2 has KQo and hits the Q on the turn to beat you, but a hand he might chuck if you lead out (make sense?) if villians are aggressive and play flops then check, if not, bet pot and call the raise Damo

Pot is now $85 Flop comes: ****&*****&&&&&&&&&&+++++&++++ I'm first to act, bet or check?
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Re: Probably the strangest hand I've ever played Just as I predicted, that was the perfect outcome for you, now you have an easy reraise all-in. Of course there is a small risc that you are up against a set, but most of the time, you will be up against top pair /overpair or weaker draws.

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Re: Probably the strangest hand I've ever played Yup and I do it quickly and loudly so they know I'm strong. Not that it would make a difference since they're going to call the extra $60, but it's just cool. Drawing to 9 outs or runner-runner, IMO, since I think you're up against A-A and possibly A-K.

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Re: Probably the strangest hand I've ever played

Yup and I do it quickly and loudly so they know I'm strong. Not that it would make a difference since they're going to call the extra $60, but it's just cool. Drawing to 9 outs or runner-runner, IMO, since I think you're up against A-A and possibly A-K.
??? If hero are up against AA then hero has 11,5 outs, 9 clubs and the three 4s that will make him a straight (4c already counted as an out to the flush) for a spilt pot. If he is up against AK then he has 13,5 outs since since the 3 nines in the deck will be outs too. If villains has an overpair lower than an Aces then the 9 wont be good but then the aces will, so that will also gives him 13,5 outs.
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Re: Probably the strangest hand I've ever played The way I see it I had 2 choices, call and then put my final $60 in on the turn regardless of the card. This move has the potential (although v. low) to knock out a complete bluff which I reckon UTG is quite likely to be. Only reason I don't do this play is cos of the other guy in the hand, he must have something I figure. Folding is not an option with the pot odds being offered so that leaves me with the all-in now thinking I'm behind, but improving to the nuts or possible split pot. So thats my play

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Re: Probably the strangest hand I've ever played

??? If hero are up against AA then hero has 11,5 outs, 9 clubs and the three 4s that will make him a straight (4c already counted as an out to the flush) for a spilt pot. If he is up against AK then he has 13,5 outs since since the 3 nines in the deck will be outs too. If villains has an overpair lower than an Aces then the 9 wont be good but then the aces will, so that will also gives him 13,5 outs.
I was only counting outs to take down the pot so didn't count the straight and if he's up against AA AND A-K, as I thought, he'd need runner-runner, so I'm taking away the runner-runner and just going with the flush to keep it nice and simple. But a very, very strange hand in the end. One of them must have been J-Q or J-10 clubs. I'd be happier to say Jc-10c since people seem to fall in love with this hand for some reason. I have no idea what the other hand could be. End of the day, I think you've played it the way nearly all of us would post-flop, pre-flop is a different matter :tongue2 . A pleasing result none-the-less.
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