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Lounge Mentors?


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Re: Lounge Mentors? I don't mind being guinea pig - either cash or STT (not MTT tho - I can't dedicate the time given little one) and I am not fussed about losing either so there is no pressure on anyone about this - I have a healthy BR and can stand to lose $50/$100 - so there is no need for someone to feel 'bad' about a descision that costs me the buy-in might be best to discuss by PM? Ta Damo

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Re: Lounge Mentors?

I don't mind being guinea pig - either cash or STT (not MTT tho - I can't dedicate the time given little one) and I am not fussed about losing either so there is no pressure on anyone about this - I have a healthy BR and can stand to lose $50/$100 - so there is no need for someone to feel 'bad' about a descision that costs me the buy-in might be best to discuss by PM? Ta Damo
The way I think it works best is that you play your normal game whilst the mentor watches. You give a running commentary of your own play e.g. raised there with crap because I was first into the pot hoping that all fold after me, and your mentor gives their thoughts at the time e.g well if I was doing that I'd raise 6xBB not 3xBB so that only a monster would bet. That way you get an immediate second perspective on your and your opponents play. Obviously the mentor can be wrong (that's poker). However the final decision on the play has to be yours as it's your money, your game and it's worse not making a descision rather than making the wrong one. I'll pm you my Skype address as I'm happy to trial this tomorrow night - can't play tonight as my laptop is back at work. If anyone else wants my Skype address to do this with let me know - with Skype we could have a group mentoring session but I think that might get a bit confusing to begin with.
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Re: Lounge Mentors? surely a mentor is someone who advises pre you action if you are not sure? not just afterwards? skype - I know it some sort of free internet talkie thing - anyone want to explain VERY SIMPLY how it works, what it does, how you get it and what extra software/equipment I might need (I am a luddite) Damo

The way I think it works best is that you play your normal game whilst the mentor watches. You give a running commentary of your own play e.g. raised there with crap because I was first into the pot hoping that all fold after me, and your mentor gives their thoughts at the time e.g well if I was doing that I'd raise 6xBB not 3xBB so that only a monster would bet. That way you get an immediate second perspective on your and your opponents play. Obviously the mentor can be wrong (that's poker). However the final decision on the play has to be yours as it's your money, your game and it's worse not making a descision rather than making the wrong one. I'll pm you my Skype address as I'm happy to trial this tomorrow night - can't play tonight as my laptop is back at work. If anyone else wants my Skype address to do this with let me know - with Skype we could have a group mentoring session but I think that might get a bit confusing to begin with.
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Re: Lounge Mentors?

The way I think it works best is that you play your normal game whilst the mentor watches. You give a running commentary of your own play e.g. raised there with crap because I was first into the pot hoping that all fold after me, and your mentor gives their thoughts at the time e.g well if I was doing that I'd raise 6xBB not 3xBB so that only a monster would bet. That way you get an immediate second perspective on your and your opponents play. Obviously the mentor can be wrong (that's poker).
Spot on how I see it working, or rather how I'd be happy to help. Skype? :unsure
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Re: Lounge Mentors?

surely a mentor is someone who advises pre you action if you are not sure? not just afterwards? Damo
In many circumstances I'd agree but with online poker you only have a short time to make a decision, and, i feel it's a critique of your/my/others play not a collusion which could possibly be seen by some as cheating. I'll expand on Skype in more detail tomorrow - it's dead simple, free phone calls using broadband (I phone a mate in Nairobi and we can talk for free). however you do need to purchase a head set (start at about £10-£15) or microphone.
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Re: Lounge Mentors? What is Skype? Skype is a small piece of free software that enables you to make voice calls via your broadband connection. Since you pay a monthly fixed fee for broadband and Skype calls use this bandwidth you pay nothing for the calls. When you log on it looks quite like MSN, you can see which of your friends are online and with a single click you can call them and talk. You do need either a headset with microphone or seperate microphone and speakers on your PC but these are very cheap. If you can work out how MSN works the software is that simple. It also enables you to make conference calls where you can patch in multiple parties so we could mulitple mentors giving their opinions on hands played. The quality of service is generally fine but is based on bandwidth - it's certainly no worse that mobile phones. As I said in my previous post I call a mate in Nairobi and the quality is fine - the only problem we have is a slight delay, you have to pause after each bit of the conversation to wait for their reply. If you watch the news when the reporter is abroad using a satelitte phone they'll often be the same delay when they speak. Once you get used to it the delay is not a problem at all. However whenever I've used it within the UK there has been no delay. To find out more go to www.skype.com (hope that's OK mods?) and click to download. It takes a few minutes to set up and they have a test call, if you can hear yourself on that then you are ready to use Skype. If you need to test setting up a contact you can search and find me (search for either Daft Pegasus or daftpegasus). If you have any questions feel free to leave them here or pm me and I'll help.

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Re: Lounge Mentors? nice write up DP, Skype is a great piece of kit really. There are reasonably priced headsets on the market now priced at about £14/15, some of them include a couple of hours of "Skype Out" minutes, which basically means you can use the credits to call landline numbers from your pc.

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Re: Lounge Mentors? OK Been working on this (don't tell the boss). But I've managed to record a brief session i.e. what's happening on my screen. There is speech recorded but it's very quiet at the moment (except when I cough) but it gives you an idea of what we can do. Bugger - I'm not allowed to post attachments in this thread. I'll be back. The clip can be downloaded from http://rapidshare.com/files/1415184/test1.wmv

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Re: Lounge Mentors?

I haven't downloaded the file yet DP' date=' but regarding Skype is it possible to record/save the conversation like you can on MSN?[/quote'] I didn't know the answer but have checked their site and this is the reply: "Currently you cannot record your Skypecast from within Skype, however, there are third party products that let you record conversations. You should warn other participants that you are recording the Skypecast at the start of the call." Now I'm off to find the software that does it.
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Re: Lounge Mentors?

That's smart mate :ok What software did you use and what codec/compression? I tried quite a bit before, but couldn't get results anywhere near that good for the size.....
I'll send you the details tomorrow as they're at work. The software was very simple to use but had a whole lot more options which I ignored. That only took about 5 mins to work out. The software saved the movie in it's own file type but then offered me the chance to save it as either wmv, avi, mov and a few others. As for codec and compression - not sure.
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Re: Lounge Mentors?

That's smart mate :ok What software did you use and what codec/compression? I tried quite a bit before, but couldn't get results anywhere near that good for the size.....
The software is called Camtasia Studio 4 and a 30 day trial version can be downloaded from here http://www.techsmith.com/download/camtasiatrial.asp
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Re: Lounge Mentors?

I haven't downloaded the file yet DP' date=' but regarding Skype is it possible to record/save the conversation like you can on MSN?[/quote'] I have some software that can record upto 30 minutes of Skype conversations (for free). If you buy the software the time is not limited. Alternatively you hang up and call straight back.
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