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Lounge Mentors?


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Anyone ever seen pokermentors.com? http://www.pokermentors.com/ - Hope no one minds the link, will delete it if anyone objects but Mr V reckoned it was worth putting up as a point of reference - so blame him :rollin) It's a place online where poker players will watch you during a game, and discuss it for you, for the small consideration of something like $100 an hour. Strangely, not something I really want to splash out that much money on... but it did get me thinking, and I persuaded Mr V to watch a game I played on Betfair just now. Got knocked out when my AA got cracked by J9, but I was DEFINITELY playing far better than I have for a good few weeks, and it made me think that this might not be a bad idea for Loungers... obviously there's a lot of games which most people are already playing in so it couldn't be done, but I'd value the opportunity to have someone watch me in a few MTTs, and I'd be more than happy to pass on the thoughts of a somewhat aggressive player for anyone who wanted the Lounge's answer to Phil Hellmuth watching them. (Disclaimer, any monies lost because of crappy advice from me are completely your own fault for listening to it!!) Seriously though, think this could be valuable, both in normal Hold'em games and also in the stud/omaha games that we're getting a bit more involved in now... anyone agree?

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Re: Lounge Mentors? I'm always happy to watch a PLer play as I think it sometimes can help the watcher or 'mentor' too. Having to explain your reations to actions on a live basis is really helpful, but in order for it to work on PL I think that we would need some kind of framework in place that would allow the requester(?) to provide a small synopsis of their problem, and the mentor to provide a response. This could end up providing a casebook of problems/solutions if people are interested.

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Re: Lounge Mentors?

i think i`d need one :sad great idea JJ :ok maybe we could start with some SnGs because they are shorter than MTT
That is okay if you are having problems with STT's but they are as different to MTT's as cash games. The dynamic is completely different and truthfully require a different approach.
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Re: Lounge Mentors?

I'm always happy to watch a PLer play as I think it sometimes can help the watcher or 'mentor' too.
i agree mr v, you can learn from me anytime you want :dude visa versa obviously, i was playing in the PNL game last night on prima and finished 12th - JJ was watching and i was telling him my cards - he got me to steal a couple of pots i wouldn't have normally - any advice is good advice even if its bad advice :ok
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Re: Lounge Mentors?

That is okay if you are having problems with STT's but they are as different to MTT's as cash games. The dynamic is completely different and truthfully require a different approach.
yes, i agree but MTTs could last 3 hours or more and are difficult to follow if you only watch and don`t play. STTs are much shorter, but you still get the picture how somebody is playing. in my opinion $100 per hour (maybe even $20) is far too much for someone who is just starting to play poker... new, jung players need mentors, but they (we) can`t afford them. to win $100 or more is not that easy. At this stage you usualy play freerolls but not MTTs with $5+ buy-in. I would say x% of winnigs is OK... more you win, better it is for your mentor... any opinion? BW, H. PS: tonight at 23:00 i play $250 FR on Titan... anyone wants to be my mentor? :)
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Re: Lounge Mentors?

... Val did me for free!! :rollin
did what? :rollin
Having said that' date=' the way I'm going I could offer 120% of my winnings without anyone getting rich![/quote'] the same with me :\ plus, i would pay nada :lol
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Re: Lounge Mentors? Brilliant idea Jaded. Takes me back to my working days as a computer programmer in the late 60s/early 70s. Cue yawns all round. Whenever we had a problem debugging a program we'd take some time out to talk the problem through with a colleague. Sometimes the colleague would spot the problem but most times the person who had the problem would resolve it purely by having to explain it clearly and logically to someone else. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Oy, wake up you lot, this is really interesting. :rollin:rollin:rollin

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Re: Lounge Mentors? $100 an hour :loon :loon Definitely get some PL'rs instead :ok I would say though - if we can work out how to do it efficiently - I do think a recording is better - cos then the observer can see all your cards (and we can ALL be observers if it's an avi.......). I've tried a few times - but the problem is getting the AVI to a managable (yet still readable) size whilst not being hundreds of MB's.....

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Re: Lounge Mentors? I think this is a great idea - why can't we do a recipricol agreement thingy - so someone watches you, and then you watch someone else and I think STT's are a more viable option - as its about an hour Would be willing to discuss Damo

but I'd value the opportunity to have someone watch me in a few MTTs, and I'd be more than happy to pass on the thoughts of a somewhat aggressive player for anyone who wanted the Lounge's answer to Phil Hellmuth watching them. (Disclaimer, any monies lost because of crappy advice from me are completely your own fault for listening to it!!) Seriously though, think this could be valuable, both in normal Hold'em games and also in the stud/omaha games that we're getting a bit more involved in now... anyone agree?
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Re: Lounge Mentors? of course what would be great is if we had a thread purely for strategy and hand history discussion - I think they are good in the general poker thread, but can get lost in with all the other posts and so lose discussion/focus just wondering is the posters/ mods think this might be of value to punters lounge?? that way someone could post a series of HH for everyone to discuss rather than being available live in game? also anyone know a way to convert boss media HH into something easier to read? (like you can with pokerstars etc) Damo

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Re: Lounge Mentors? I think this is a good idea for both tournaments and cash games but I would think of it as much as a 'buddy' system as a 'mentor' system so that both parties get more out of it. I like robilaruk's idea of using HH rather than watching live as these could be sent as a text file and reviewed in PT or PokerOffice on a hand by hand basis. Personally would be interested in a 'buddy' to swap 1,000 $1/$2 Limit hands with and both give feedback to each other after having had an opportunity to review. I'm sure I have leaks in my game that I miss when reviewing my hand history so if you can add that extra 0.5BB/100 to my win rate it would be much appreciated :rollin Not quite there to mentor the NL tourny games yet. FBF

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Re: Lounge Mentors? I agree - I would not want to be paid for working with some one in this (at the minute - if I got really good well then things might change........:lol ) for me its STT's - I am shite at MTT's and cash and wouldn't feel comfortable giving advice over a series of hands, individual situations yes, but not over a session as I don't feel 'qualified' (given my results). Damo

I think this is a good idea for both tournaments and cash games but I would think of it as much as a 'buddy' system as a 'mentor' system so that both parties get more out of it.
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Re: Lounge Mentors? How about a PL exclusive game one night (STT or cash table) and afterwards we consolidate the hand histories so that we know everyones cards for every hand? If we were all involved in the game and then "replaying it" with all of the hands turned upwards, could be interesting.....

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Re: Lounge Mentors? I really like this idea and would be happy to help out in any way. I actually started doing this recently with a mate. I want to become a better cash player and he shows a tidy profit in these so, we occasionally meet up at one of our houses and critique each others play. I think it'd be better mentoring 'as it happens' using MSN or Skype as opposed to hand history. HH's give you the facts but eliminate the feel, gut instinct element of the game - reads on the opposition are vital in your decision making at the table, they rarely exist in HH's.

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Re: Lounge Mentors?

I really like this idea and would be happy to help out in any way. I actually started doing this recently with a mate. I want to become a better cash player and he shows a tidy profit in these so, we occasionally meet up at one of our houses and critique each others play. I think it'd be better mentoring 'as it happens' using MSN or Skype as opposed to hand history. HH's give you the facts but eliminate the feel, gut instinct element of the game - reads on the opposition are vital in your decision making at the table, they rarely exist in HH's.
I think this "mentoring" is a great idea and I think what DP says here is what it needs ie, using Skype, so it`s all done in "realtime". msn might be a bit long winded if mentoring at the time of the game, but skype is ideal, and free:ok
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Re: Lounge Mentors?

How about a PL exclusive game one night (STT or cash table) and afterwards we consolidate the hand histories so that we know everyones cards for every hand? If we were all involved in the game and then "replaying it" with all of the hands turned upwards' date=' could be interesting.....[/quote'] an STT would be better then we could work in 5 pairs to possibly see who is/are the better mentors that others could feed off - then and only then could you greedy lot start talking about percentage takings etc. :ok
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Re: Lounge Mentors?

How about a PL exclusive game one night (STT or cash table) and afterwards we consolidate the hand histories so that we know everyones cards for every hand? If we were all involved in the game and then "replaying it" with all of the hands turned upwards' date=' could be interesting.....[/quote'] Sounds interesting. Is there a way of making a "movie" type thing of each hand, to demonstrate the time taken for bets as well as showing all the cards so we can discuss each one? Then we allow the players to say what their thoughts were on playing the hand in that manner and we can comment. Don't know if there's any software out there that lets you replay hand histories realtime. I think betfred hand histories shows this, but not any freeware. Will have a look - here's hoping.
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Re: Lounge Mentors? I agree STT's are better as they have a start and end point and with the blinds increasing more discussion as to why/when you make your move etc Damo

GaF - sounds like a good idea to me! I think STT might be better than cash personally' date=' but that might just be because I don't want you to take TOO much money off me! :rollin[/quote']
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Re: Lounge Mentors?

Is there a way of making a "movie" type thing of each hand' date=' to demonstrate the time taken for bets as well as showing all the cards so we can discuss each one? [/quote'] I've dropped Prima an email to see if there is any way they can use their PokerNightLive technology to easily provide us with such a video - no response yet :ok
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Re: Lounge Mentors? I think the advantage of Cash over STT would be that everyone would be involved for the 30 mins or hour we were playing ...... an STT we risk someone going out first hand and not getting involved.... (Not saying Cash is better - just offering an alternative argument).

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Re: Lounge Mentors?

I think the advantage of Cash over STT would be that everyone would be involved for the 30 mins or hour we were playing ...... an STT we risk someone going out first hand and not getting involved.... (Not saying Cash is better - just offering an alternative argument).
we have to choose one option... STT or cash game but i think STT would be better, because most members here play STT/MTT
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Re: Lounge Mentors? well if someone could improve my cash play that would be great, because I am really really really poor at cash games - I mean REALLY poor I can just see folks sitting around for an hour with nothing happening but folding in a cash game (I am assuming that most folks play ABC poker in cash games?) in a STT after half an hour the blinds are starting to bite and you need to play a few hands I am easy either way, and am prepared to get involved and help out Damo

I think the advantage of Cash over STT would be that everyone would be involved for the 30 mins or hour we were playing ...... an STT we risk someone going out first hand and not getting involved.... (Not saying Cash is better - just offering an alternative argument).
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