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APAT South African Open


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Re: APAT South African Open Don't leave us hanging Mike, tell us what happened!!! My huge loss was defending my big blind with J9s, flop came JT8 with 2 of my suit, I stuck in there with a couple of big raises post-flop and post-turn, and checked it on the river after missing the flush and straight, to find out he had pocket Q's :wall

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Re: APAT South African Open well went out in about 3 hands ,,my pocket kings got busted by pocket jacks and he hit jack on the flop,,dont seem to be able to get on with this tournament at all on pokerstars always seem to go out by hands that are worse than mine:dude :dude

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Re: APAT South African Open I was in 9th spot , 50th left and this happened PokerStars Game #6805233128: Tournament #33025148, $20+$2 Hold'em No Limit - Level X (400/800) - 2006/10/28 - 17:34:41 (ET) Table '33025148 11' 9-max Seat #8 is the button Seat 1: Hammerite (73665 in chips) Seat 2: taentoy (18984 in chips) Seat 3: b2b2b (18045 in chips) Seat 4: huhmoron (37550 in chips) Seat 6: Kayhole (21614 in chips) Seat 7: The Boss4656 (18370 in chips) Seat 8: mikesaban (21370 in chips) Seat 9: 1980pablo (9082 in chips) Hammerite: posts the ante 50 taentoy: posts the ante 50 b2b2b: posts the ante 50 huhmoron: posts the ante 50 Kayhole: posts the ante 50 The Boss4656: posts the ante 50 mikesaban: posts the ante 50 1980pablo: posts the ante 50 1980pablo: posts small blind 400 Hammerite: posts big blind 800 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to mikesaban [Jh Js] taentoy: folds b2b2b: folds huhmoron: folds Kayhole: folds The Boss4656: folds mikesaban: raises 2400 to 3200 1980pablo: folds Hammerite: calls 2400 *** FLOP *** [5h 6h 4d] Hammerite: checks mikesaban: bets 18120 and is all-in Hammerite: calls 18120 *** TURN *** [5h 6h 4d] [6d] *** RIVER *** [5h 6h 4d 6d] [As] *** SHOW DOWN *** Hammerite: shows [3d 7c] (a straight, Three to Seven) :puke mikesaban: shows [Jh Js] (two pair, Jacks and Sixes) Kayhole said, "rofl" Hammerite collected 43440 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 43440 | Rake 0 Board [5h 6h 4d 6d As] Seat 1: Hammerite (big blind) showed [3d 7c] and won (43440) with a straight, Three to Seven Seat 2: taentoy folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: b2b2b folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 4: huhmoron folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: Kayhole folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 7: The Boss4656 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 8: mikesaban (button) showed [Jh Js] and lost with two pair, Jacks and Sixes Seat 9: 1980pablo (small blind) folded before Flop

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Re: APAT South African Open V v ul Mike... I have to say, I think there is some logic in his pre flop call though GaF. In his position, my thoughts would be something like "Okay, he's raising on button so he could have something, or could be on a steal. If I had something half decent, I might reraise to find out, but no way do I want to risk reraising when I'll have to ditch them if he goes all-in. If I call, though, pot will be 6400, he'll have 18000 left... If I bet a fair amount on the flop, then he's going to have to be REALLY sure he has something to call or reraise. If he does, I can fold and still have not much short of 70k chips. If he doesn't, I've picked up a nice pot." Then, of course, he gets the dream flop and you're losing money however you play it :(

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