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The most random question you'll get today.


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Wondering if anybody can help me out. A while ago I was looking at a program called sit and go shark (Roy Rounder, LOLLERSKATES) and I searched for it on Google. Anyway, the site I originally ended up on was not the one I was looking for but it had a logo of a shark that was somewhat cartoony in style; reminding me of perhaps basketball logos. The shark was kind of wrapped around a bit of text, which was what it was advertising, but I can't remember what it was or what it said. Does anybody know what the shark logo thing was? In fact if I remember correctly I searched for SNG shark or something, but it doesn't give me the same results. Any help appreciated :D

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Re: The most random question you'll get today. Lol, no, I'm not looking for Sitandgoshark, I can find that and it's a glorified calculatempro, not worth the money, or any money really. The logo with the shark on it was advertising something else, which I can't remember, it's not the product I'm interested in but the style of logo.

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