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another what would u have done?


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quite early on in yesterdays champions league, needed 16th or better (out of 42) to improve on overall score! Hand #447334930 at table: Champs League-Rnd 12 Started: Thu Oct 26 20:07:08 2006 gazza271 is at seat 1 with 1500.00 68allin is at seat 2 with 1470.00 SSpiersey is at seat 3 with 1670.00 Telepe is at seat 4 with 1500.00 loopylou5 is at seat 5 with 1550.00 Penelopeys is at seat 6 with 810.00 MrTricky is at seat 7 with 1800.00 viggosen is at seat 8 with 1710.00 guyden is at seat 9 with 1460.00 guyden posts the large blind 20.00 viggosen posts the small blind 10.00 viggosen: --, -- guyden: --, -- gazza271: --, -- 68allin: Qs, Qh SSpiersey: --, -- Telepe: --, -- loopylou5: --, -- Penelopeys: --, -- MrTricky: --, -- Pre-flop: gazza271: Fold 68allin: Raise 80.00 SSpiersey: Call 80.00 Telepe: Call 80.00 loopylou5: Fold Penelopeys: Fold MrTricky: Fold viggosen: Fold guyden: Fold Flop (Board: 6s, Jh, 5d): 68allin: Bet 160.00 SSpiersey: Call 160.00 Telepe: Fold Turn (Board: 6s, Jh, 5d, 5c): 68allin: Bet 300.00 SSpiersey: Call 300.00 River (Board: 6s, Jh, 5d, 5c, 10d): 68allin: Bet 300.00 SSpiersey: All in 68allin: ????????? My mentallity was try playing abit loose early on but not get too silly and crash out very early! And about 6 hands in, i get my personal worst hand QQ in early position! What would u of done as your last move call or fold? and would u of bet any differently at any other stage? ill post the outcome later, Gaf and TQM will remmember it but i dont think anyonelse at the table will!

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Re: another what would u have done? Hmm...any trips and you're dead, which seems the likeliest hand to put him on, especially as he flat called your initial raise. If he's loose he could have been playing 78 and could have hit a river straight. I suppose JT suited might have been a possibility but it's odd play if he has. I'd have to fold here, you don't want to go out early and you won't be completely crippled if you do fold.

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Re: another what would u have done?

ill post the outcome later' date=' Gaf and TQM will remmember it but i dont think anyonelse at the table will![/quote'] I actually don't recall the result of the hand (multitabling and this wasn't my first focus). IIRC though I had 22........ TQM's play looks to me like a str8 draw - in which case he's missed and bluffed it on the end...... Could also be a slow played PP that hit trips (and FH) - so 66 or JJ....
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Re: another what would u have done? Well i figured, TQM woulda reraised pre-flop with KK, so i was thinking A, J or AA when he called the flop, not much of a change on the turn, but was in thinking again if he was on AJ or AA he woulda reraised so now im thinking he might be on A5 when i bet on the river the quick all in made me realy think i was beat, so it was either A5 or JJ to be calling too the river and all in bet on the end, so after some thought ran the clock till the last and asked TQM did he have poc J's and folded, TQM the good man he is showed his hand, J J! was quite happy with the way i played it but although he did have the jack's, i was wondering was the fold on the allin the best move in any other situation. Or were the odds calling out to be called, any other time or any other pair from about 9s i woulda probally been a bit more aggresive pre flop. And any other time i probally would of called, so in the long run on expected value, was i right to fold(not knowing TQM's hand)?

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Re: another what would u have done? Okay... I was going to say... AAAAAALLLL IIIINNNN ... Until I saw who the opponent was... TQM... which would have made me think again and again... Dunno whether I would have folded or not in that situation... :unsure would have depended on my mood... Great advise, I know :ok (sorry)

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Re: another what would u have done? I know now... Early on I would have gone all in, because you need to get 16th or better to improve... so might as well take a few chances early on... as 17-54 th place will give you NOTHING... If you're close to get the place that you originally aimed for I would have folded... and start to play tighter... even QQ can be folded if it's needed... even preflop!

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Re: another what would u have done? Nice one pen :ok thats what i was thinking :ok it was just the fact that it was the queens( i hate em) i figured as sat in 2nd to act either everyone would fold to a all-in or large bet or id get called by A,k or a poc pair, and with my experiance with the queens is it was either pick up the blinds or get busted? but like i say thats just my personal opinion on the Qs! if say all the community cards were of 1 less in value eg, 5,T,4,4,9 and i had had the JJ and TQM had had TT i know the outcome would have certainly ended up with me going all-in not sure wether it would of been pre flop or on the flop but i know all my chips would of gone in! So in a way the QQ probally worked in my favour by being a hand i dont like!

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Re: another what would u have done? I think he may have read you as missing the flop and making continuation bets. He could have had a mid pair, maybe 88 or 99 and thought they were good. If he had hit trips I think he may have put a smaller bet in to tempt you at the end. I think I may have called him.

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