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Legal Supplement/Stimulants


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Re: Legal Supplement/Stimulants Unfortunately I'm too jacked up on 'roids to try anything natural!!! ROID RAGE!!!! All the old school thoughts on stimulants though were not to use them, a lot of players wouldn't drink coffee whilst playing, or drink or eat. I think it was because games used to be played for days at a time and the come down from anything would upset their game. These days it's mostly just 3-4 hours or up to about 12 for the big fields and stimulants may be a way to keep you focused and thinking without worrying about crashing at the end of it. Never tried anything myself though.

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Re: Legal Supplement/Stimulants

When playing live' date=' i only ever drink water TBH. Never tried anything else and find water does the trick.[/quote'] I can vouch for that. At the PL poker meets I've been to, I've never seen Staffy drink anything but water. Still water, at that. He wouldn't touch the sparkling stuff.
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Re: Legal Supplement/Stimulants Interesting issue about stimulants and poker.....as MCFC will testify that stimulants do give an edge....as jones12345 was on red bull during his Birmingham PL win and as we can all agree the sport does not need it's image tarnishing by using stimulants to win ... This leaves jones12345 win in question and he should be stripped of the title and give it rightfully to MCFC as he entered the tournament in true PL spirit "beer" the only substanceto be abused during a PL meeting....lol

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Re: Legal Supplement/Stimulants

You were dead right. I came last and didn't give a f*c! Conclusion: Experiment Failed. :\
I disagree. Surely th e experiment was a complete sucess. You lost but didn't care and had a good time anyway. Blinding result:ok EDIT: Never ever blame the beer:@
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Re: Legal Supplement/Stimulants so how far down the line will there be urine drug testing for poker championships? in all seriousness, theres big money in some tournements and if its found/believed that certain drugs can have a positive effect, surely they (and those using them) should be banned as in physical sports. herbal mixtures and caffeine may be classed as fine but what about harder drugs? i'd imagine that most substances will have an individual optimal range - too much whizz could result in a poker face that even i could read!

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Re: Legal Supplement/Stimulants LOL ALIANDO but what about ACIIIIIIIIIID imagine playing poker after a tab or two.........."check what's that.....Raise.....WHO SAID THAT WTF why are those curtains moving and who let The Madhatter shuffle the deck....ahhhhhhhh feel this table it's sooooooooo soft...what is that????? :clap :clap:clap:clap:clap

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Re: Legal Supplement/Stimulants I wonder about this, I occasionally have betablockers and i think they would give you a poker advantage as your heart rate is affected so less tells I'd say, but not sure. Reading the articles about certain poker players I'd say speed was the one that would be best for tourney play. You would notice so much detail, not get tired and not give a shit when people were trying to wind you up.

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Re: Legal Supplement/Stimulants I have just ordered a shipment of the SPIKE tablets mentioned in the poker player magazine for my friend and I. We both multitable for 4-6 hour strecthes most nights of the week. any help to mental focus/concentration would be an advantage to a serious player. As we are both playing in the BAPT in Singapore, thses could be a really good help to keep you focused for the 12 hour days in that event. They should be here within the next few days so I will update with some thoughts/feelings about them.

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Re: Legal Supplement/Stimulants I find a few beers, maybe 15 normally helps, although if you get to the final table it does look a bit weirder than the first table! Oh well There is stimulant that you can get from chinese herbalists called LIPO, its where red bull got the idea. Its equivelent of having about 10 coffees and only recommends that you have one or two. Although in Asia, most people have ot wth Vodka, so you can actually have about 15, thing is you cannot sleep for days! Give it a try

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  • 2 months later...

Re: Legal Supplement/Stimulants I've been experimenting with some "legal Herbal highs" I bought from my local toking shop. They are unbelievable and this is coming from someone who has a smiley acid face tattooed on their person :$ They are cheap and effective and work very well. Maybe not everyones thing I know but my poker site doesn't get loose until around 11pm UK time. I obviously don't recommend boshing loads of capsules even if they are legal and "herbal" but they certainly aided me in winning $500.00 bucks last weekend.

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Re: Legal Supplement/Stimulants Coffee, pepsimax and fishermans friends. Though if I get too "high" I find I make too many rash calls - those ones where you check after river, they bet big and you just know they've got trips beating your AA but you still call...... Believed there was some evidence that spearmint makes your brain work better (probably by clearing your sinuses and letting more oxygen get to your brain).

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